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Planting Science Experiment

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1 Planting Science Experiment
Neon Space Clouds Britta-Rachelle-Jeremy-Jordan

2 Interest, Question and Hypothesis
We chose to do this experiment because we all showed interest in doing something with colors. At the time we didn’t know exactly what we were going to go, but when our teacher proposed this as an idea we were all excited and on board! Will colored water affect the rate of photosynthesis of a plant? If we replace all of the air in a plant with colored water and test it's rate of photosynthesis, then the colored water will have slowed down the rate of photosynthesis.

3 Procedure 1. Label beakers 1, 2, 3, and 4 2. Fill beakers with 300mL of colored water; blue in 1, red in 2, green in 3, and regular water in 4 as a control; add .4mL of baking soda to each beaker 3. Put colored water into syringes; blue in a, red in b, green in c, and regular water in d as a control. 4. Punch out 20 leaf pieces, place 5 in each syringe 5. Pull all air out of leaves by using the syringe, also filling it with colored water, repeat for all pieces. 6. Place all colored leaves in their corresponding water beaker 7. Measure the time it takes for the leaves to rise to the top of the beaker, testing the rate of photosynthesis

4 Graph

5 Conclusion After concluding our experiment and organizing our data, we determined that our results supported our hypothesis, and that colored water did affect the rate of photosynthesis. Replacing the air in plants with colored water will slow the rate of photosynthesis. This can be seen by looking at our graph. Our graph show that the blue and green water had a lower rate of photosynthesis than the control, and the red had a higher rate of photosynthesis. Our control had a photosynthesis rate of cm/s.

6 Confusion… As we were reviewing our results and trying to see why things happened like they did, we realized that our results should actually be switched. Our teacher told us that we needed to look at wavelengths of colors of light that plants can absorb, and it should be that blue and green have the higher photosynthesis rates, but red does according to our results. We are going to ask our mentor about this but for now we are just going to stick with our current data.

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