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Anti-Jamming Approaches for g proposals: OFDM vs. PBCC

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1 Anti-Jamming Approaches for 802.11g proposals: OFDM vs. PBCC
MAY 2001 Ephi Zehavi, CTO Mobilian Corporation E. Zehavi, Mobilian

2 Outline Summary of previous presentation Jamming Scenarios
May 2001 Outline Summary of previous presentation Jamming Scenarios Analysis of AJ Techniques (no proposal changes) Analysis of AJ Techniques (proposal changes) BT throughput vs Jammer Conclusions E. Zehavi, Mobilian

3 Summary of the Previous Meeting
May 2001 Summary of the Previous Meeting Discussed work and timeframe of and applicability to g Stressed importance of considering coexistence issues (especially relative immunity against BT-type interference) during selection process If we can make the standard inheritantly more immune… Good for the industry Better performance when it is done on the PHY layer The interference model and its parameters The presentation preliminary quantified data and unified model to compare the two proposal and the feasibility AJ techniques and their initial performance E. Zehavi, Mobilian

4 May 2001 Main Conclusions OFDM has built in immunity capability against BT jammer Localizing the jammer power Capable to erase symbols/subcarriers Using interleaver randomize the jammer impact Very immune AJ scheme against strong interference (J/S>10 dB) PBCC Spreading the interfernce power over all the band Uninterleaved system is susceptible to burst of symbol errors Lack of capability to use erasure for overcome the jammer Coding with no interleaver reduces dramatically the immunity against transit effects of jammers Bluetooth jammers causes major degradation of PBCC performance E. Zehavi, Mobilian

5 May 2001 Objectives Previous presentations introduce preliminary quantified data and a model to compare the two proposals with AJ techniques and their initial performance. In the current presentation we shall address The throughput of system with AJ techniques The throughput BT system Applicability of anti jamming technology E. Zehavi, Mobilian

6 The Bluetooth interference
May 2001 The Bluetooth interference GFSK modulation, 1 Msps FH system 1600 hops/sec For 8 PSK system it behaves like random tone jammer with random phase. The phase changes every 1 micro sec. For OFDM system it behaves like Partial band jammer The Power margin is about dB The change in BT phase is very small during the observation time of 1/11 microsec No collaborate BT interference E. Zehavi, Mobilian

7 Operating Scenario for Bluetooth-Non Collocated BT
May 2001 Operating Scenario for Bluetooth-Non Collocated BT E. Zehavi, Mobilian

8 Throughput vs. location of WLAN AP
May 2001 Throughput vs. location of WLAN AP E. Zehavi, Mobilian

9 The Effect of 802.11 G TX Power on BT Throughput
May 2001 The Effect of G TX Power on BT Throughput Assumptions: BT Independent Pico net at distance 3 m. BT power is fixed 0 dBm No add on techniques to increase BT throughput Distance between BT is 1 m. 802.11G is working with different average power level E. Zehavi, Mobilian

10 Mac Level Simulation Results
May 2001 Mac Level Simulation Results E. Zehavi, Mobilian

11 Conclusion of the Impact
May 2001 Conclusion of the Impact Small fluctuation of 3 dB of power have minor impact on the transition region The peak to average of OFDM reduces due to the narrow band filtering of the BT receiver (1 micro sec.) E. Zehavi, Mobilian

12 Analysis of AJ Techniques (no proposal changes)
May 2001 Analysis of AJ Techniques (no proposal changes) AJ Technique COFDM PBCC/CCK Erasure Up to 10 sub carriers Can not use erasure Adaptive Filtering Slow converge time Small impact of error propagation Impact of error propagation-no interleaver Non Linear Jammer Suppression Built-in mechanism Not applicable for medium values of J/S Combine w/ erasures for high values of J/S Add-on complexity Residual energy spread uniformly over the band Outer Code (optional e) Allow to overcome transit impact and burst of errors E. Zehavi, Mobilian

13 Analysis of AJ Techniques (proposal changes)
May 2001 Analysis of AJ Techniques (proposal changes) AJ Technique COFDM PBCC/CCK Coding scheme No Change Use pragmatic trellis code with bit interleaver Interleaver Increasing the interleaver size, randomize the effect of the jammer Add an interleaver Break the error propagation Receiver sent NACK based on MAC header Avoid Backoff when the transmitter knows that packet was failed due to jamming E. Zehavi, Mobilian

14 COFDM vs. PBCC Crteria COFDM PBCC Peak to Average 4-6 dB more power
May 2001 COFDM vs. PBCC Crteria COFDM PBCC Peak to Average 4-6 dB more power Coding technique Very close to the optimal VD Can be 2 dB better than COFDM but get almost the same result due to the use of M algorithm AJ capability Built-in mechanism Work with strong jammer Better throughput Can not work with strong jammer Multipath Built-in Equalization mechanism Too complex Complexity Shall be larger when using a VD instead of M_algorithm type decoder E. Zehavi, Mobilian

15 OFDM Peak to average fluctuation has minor impact on BT throughput
May 2001 Summary OFDM provide a more immune system against non collaborated strong jammer OFDM Peak to average fluctuation has minor impact on BT throughput Some changes in the G proposal shall improve the immunity of G standard E. Zehavi, Mobilian

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