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Review Subject Pronouns

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1 Review Subject Pronouns
Grade Homework, post scores Review Subject Pronoun Flash cards Take Subject Pronoun quiz

2 Subject Pronoun Homework 2 pts each correct word, correct spelling & punctuation-accents= 38 points 1 Bob él 2 El gato él or lo (it is not uncommon to personalize pets 3 Bob & Steven ellos 4. They ellos (neutral- we don’t know who they are) 5. You & I nosotros or nosotras (dependent on your gender)

3 Subject Pronoun Homework 2 pts each correct word, correct spelling & punctuation-accents= 38 points 6 You & Peter ustedes or vosotros (neutral, we don’t know if it’s a familiar or formal) 7 Mr. Johnson él 8 Ms. Measom & Mrs. Forman ellas 9. I yo 10. Mary & Maggie ellas 11 Las ventanas las (windows) 12 La mesa la (table)

4 Subject Pronoun Homework 2 pts each correct word, correct spelling & punctuation-accents= 38 point 13 Los escritorios los (desks) 14 Santa Claus él 15 You (informal) Tú 16 el reloj lo (watch/clock) 17 la television la (television) 18 Bob & I nosotros (regardless of your gender it is masculine/neutral because Bob is male) 19 Mary & I nosotros or nosotras

5 Subject pronoun quiz Write the correct subject pronoun used to replace the nouns below: 1. Tom 2. el teléfono 3. I We (girls) 5. Jim & Todd 6. Maria & Carla 7. Jim & Maria 8. You (Familiar) 9. You (formal) 10. Ya’all (Familiar) 11. Ya’all (formal) 12. We (girls & boys)

6 Subject pronoun quiz Write the correct subject pronoun used to replace the nouns below: 1. Tom él el teléfono lo 3. I yo We (girls) nosotros 5. Jim & Todd ellos 6. Maria & Carla ellas 7. Jim & Maria ellos 8. You (Familiar) tú 9. You (formal) usted 10. Ya’all (Familiar) vosotros 11. Ya’all (formal) 12. We (girls & boys) ustedes nosotros 2 pts each word, correct spelling & punctuation

7 What are adjectives? How do we use them is Spanish?

8 Describes a person place or thing.
What is an Adjective? Describes a person place or thing.

9 Quick Overview: Articles & Word Gender
All words have gender in Spanish Masculine & Neutral words end in consonants and vowels excepting ‘a’, gender specific Feminine words end in “a” and “ion” and are gender specific. Article: The/ Those Masculine: el (singular) los (plural) Feminine: La (singular) las (plural)

10 Where are adjectives placed in an English sentence?
Adjectives are placed before the noun. Example: The happy girl plays.

11 New vocabulary: adjectives practice
grosero [growser-oh] chevere [cheh-vehr-eh] feliz [fay-lees] simpático/a [seem-pat-ee-ko] desagradable [des-ah-grad-ah-blay] Alto/a [al-toe] Bajo/a [bah-ho] flaco/a [fla-ko] rude Cool happy Nice Mean Tall Short Skinny

12 How adjectives are used in Spanish!
The happy girl plays. La chica feliz juega. The tall boy talks El chico alto habla The tall girl talks La chica alta habla

13 Adjective Rules Rule 1: In Spanish the adjective comes after the noun.
Ex: casa blanca chico corto Rule 2: The ending of the adjective changes to match the gender of the noun. Ex: tall girl la chica alta tall boy el chico alto Rule 3: If the gender of the adjective is neutral the adjective stays neutral, the article indicates the gender Ex: happy girl la chica feliz happy boy el chico feliz

14 Adjective Rules Rule 4: The ending of the adjectives changes if the noun is plural. Ex: the tall girls las chicas altas Rules 5: Articles will match adjective and nouns in gender and plurality Ex: la chica alta (fs) las chicas altas (fp) el chico alto (ms) los chicos altos (mp)* * *fs (feminine singular), *fp (feminine plural), * ms (masculine singular), *mp (masculine plural)

15 Adjective Practice Ex: the tall boy el chico alto
Rude: The rude boy (chico) Cool: The cool mothers (madres) Happy: The happy cat- male (gato_ Nice: The nice girls (chicas) Mean: The mean student- neutral (estudiante) Tall: The tall dogs (perros) Short: The short dad (padre) Skinny: The skinny witches (brujas)

16 Adjective Practice Ex: the tall boy el chico alto
Rude: The rude boy (chico) El chico grosero Cool: The cool mothers (madres) Las madres cheveres Happy: The happy cat- male (gato) El gato feliz Nice: The happy girls (chicas) Las chicas simpáticas

17 Adjective Practice Ex: the tall boy el chico alto
Mean: The mean student- neutral (estudiante) El estudiante desagradable Tall: The tall dogs (perros) Los perros altos Short: The short dad (padre) El padre bajo Skinny: The skinny witches (brujas) Las brujas flacas

18 In your words…. 1. What is an adjective?
2. What are the five rules for using adjectives in Spanish. Give an example of each.

19 Rule 5: Practice Rules 5: Articles will match adjective and nouns in gender and plurality Ex: la chica alta (fs) las chicas altas (fp) el chico alto (ms) los chicos altos (mp)* *fs (feminine singular), *fp (feminine plural), * ms (masculine singular), *mp (masculine plural) Assignment: Back of pg 2 Forms of the Adjectives (fs, fp, ms, mp)

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