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SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Development overview ITSM and ChaRM

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1 SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Development overview ITSM and ChaRM
Purple-IT | Bas Zondag Purple-IT BV

2 CRM UI overview enhancements Assignment block enhancements
CMDB/CI Enhancements BRF+ enhancements Post Processing Framework enhancements Mail and Mailform enhancements Search criteria and result enhancements Additional BAdI implementations Purple-IT BV

3 CRM UI overview enhancements
1 2 Status depended creation of follow-up documents. Hide buttons for transaction types In this example its only allowed to create Service Request from Incidents in the status ‘New’. The Operational Tasks are allowed to be created in every status. Purple-IT BV

4 CRM UI overview enhancements Assignment block enhancements
CMDB/CI Enhancements BRF+ enhancements PPF enhancements Mail and Mailform enhancements Search criteria and result enhancements Additional BAdI implementations Purple-IT BV

5 Assignment block enhancements
Details 1 1 2 6 4 3 4 7 1 5 5 8 1 9 Custom fields with our without content driven values Autocomplete from Template Show additional information for business partners Determine Business Partners (after MLC change) Status depended visibility of fields Content driven MLC initialization Autofill Solution Category/ Make status depended checks available for problems Determine IBase/CI based on assignment to Requester Open search help with fixed values Purple-IT BV

6 Assignment block enhancements
Details Custom fields with our without content driven values Autocomplete from Template The following customer field are created: Request type Delivery type Causes Reason Each field has its own table with allowed values and with the exception of Causes there is also a mapping table available to map the allowed value to its transaction type or request type. Additional date fields are added to the details AB. Enhanced the autocomplete functionality to update all fields of the transaction except for the select few from the standard. The search help for template selection preselects available templates based on MLC-value and status. Purple-IT BV

7 Assignment block enhancements
Details Show additional information for business partners Determine Business Partners (after MLC change) Status depended visibility of fields HR Personal number must be visible for persons in ITSM. The Business partner details including personnel number are synchronized to the Solution Manager from the ECC system. For organizations we swap the first and second name, where the first name is the department code and the second name the department name. Most of the business partners are determined by the selected MLC-Value. The requirement is that the support team determination is executed straight after the MLC-update so no additional save is needed to see the determined Support team. The enhancement is also used for the Sold-to-party determination. The visibility of the fields Impact and Urgency are made status depended in Request for Changes. These visibility and authorizations of these fields are maintained in the ChaRM IMG-activity ‘Configure status-independent UI element control’, like the rest of the control fields of the Request for Change. Purple-IT BV

8 Assignment block enhancements
Details Content driven MLC initialization during creation Auto fill Solution Category/ Make status depended checks available for problems MLC level 1 is fixed for all HR-Service Requests. With this enhancements the MLC level 1 is set during the creation. This also works if the HR-Service Request is created from inbound mail. The Solution Category is set to mandatory for Incidents and Problem in the status ‘Proposed Solution’. To make this functionality available for problems we needed to (implicitly) enhance the functionality to adopt the problem document type. When forwarding Incidents to Problems (or Request for Changes) we automatically set the Solution Category in the Incident. The enables the automatic status update when follow-up document is successfully completed, to ‘Proposed Solution’. The Solution Category can be set by a fixed value (from action container) are use a BRF+rule. Purple-IT BV

9 Assignment block enhancements
Details Determine IBase/CI based on assignment to Requester Open search help with fixed values The search help for configuration items is enhanced to automatically show the configuration items (CMDB-item) assigned to the requester. In the configuration item a business partner is assigned (with the partner function employee) to represent the user of this configuration item. The search help for the business partner function Vendor needed to be enhanced so it opens with the role ‘BBP000 - Vendor’ preselected. Purple-IT BV

10 Assignment block enhancements
Text Fields Purple-IT BV

11 Assignment block enhancements
Text Fields New Textfield for logging Actions to call the Textfield logging functionality ChaRM Action PPF Action Maintain customizing table, which fields to be logged. Purple-IT BV

12 Assignment block enhancements
Service Level Agreement Service Profile and Response Profiles determined by: BAdI implementation with BRF+ rules Service products The exceptions are maintained in the BRF+ rules, based on the assigned Sold-to-Party and MLC-category. The default profiles are assign from the service products. Purple-IT BV

13 Assignment block enhancements
Partners involved/ Business Partners Display additional information for business partners, see enhancement 3 of the details assignment block. Determination and redetermination of Requester Organization bases on the Requester. It was not possible to redetermine the requester organization when the requester is changed. Addition ChaRM Action is implemented to determine and redetermine Requester Organization. The action executed form the PPF to make it possible to run on every save during the ‘New’ and ‘In Process’ statuses. Since Solution Manager 7.2 the business partner customizing suggests that redetermination might be possible, but is not tested/proven yet. Purple-IT BV

14 Assignment block enhancements
Task Workflow Custom assignment block basis on Request For Change Scope assignment block and Guide Procedure Tasks assignment block. Request type Status Sequence/ processing Calculate dates Release for processing Templates Purple-IT BV

15 Assignment block enhancements
Task Workflow Request type Status Custom field with special values assigned to tasks. The available request types are determined based on the header document type and if the task is part of the workflow. This field is used to determine if it is a single task or a task part of a workflow. In the DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT method coding is added to Process the requested types for tasks and non-task document types Additional statuses are created to facilitate the Task workflow. The status ‘Waiting in WF’ is the initial status for all non-active tasks in in the workflow. When the tasks becomes active in the workflow the status is updated to ‘New’. The status ‘Stopped in Flow’ represents the status for the tasks that is not executed and therefore the complete workflow needs to be stopped. The status withdrawn can only be set for non-workflow tasks or optional tasks in the workflow. Purple-IT BV

16 Assignment block enhancements
Task Workflow Sequence/ processing With the sequence field its is possible to execute a tasks in sequence or parallel. When tasks have the same sequence number they represent a parallel activity. Tasks in the workflow are only released according to the sequence. Only tasks with the same sequence are active (without taking the mandatory setting in consideration). When a tasks is marked as mandatory it needs to be successfully executed before the tasks in the next sequence number are released. It is not possible to withdrawn a mandatory task. In this example: After task sequence 2 is successfully processed both the tasks with sequence 3 are released When both tasks in sequence 3 are successfully processed tasks sequences 4 and 5 are released for processing. Because task in sequence 4 is optional the workflow will release every next available tasks until it is marked as mandatory. In this case task sequence 5. Purple-IT BV

17 Assignment block enhancements
Task Workflow Calculate dates Release for processing Dates can only calculated when the header document is in the processing status, so its due date is determined. The calculate date functionality can recalculate the dates and will ask to overwrite. The dates are calculated from the current date (start) until the due date of the header document. It is possible to assign a duration (in days) for a task, this duration is used to calculate the due date. Check are performed to ensure that the start dates are not in the past and the due dates don’t exceed the header document due date. The same as for the date calculation the header document needs to be in the processing status to be executed. This will generate all tasks in the workflow and releases the first task in the sequence for processing. Purple-IT BV

18 Assignment block enhancements
Task Workflow Templates It is possible to generate tasks from templates and it possible to create template workflows in the header template document types. In the task workflow assignment block you can specify the template. If a template is specified the task will be created and enriched from the templated with the enhanced autocomplete functionality and last the values from the assignment block and text fields are inserted/updated into the task. The template functionality is designed to be used in the template document types. Purple-IT BV

19 CRM UI overview enhancements Assignment block enhancements
CMDB/CI Enhancements BRF+ enhancements Post Processing Framework enhancements Mail and Mailform enhancements Search criteria and result enhancements Additional BAdI implementations Purple-IT BV

20 CMDB enhancements Purple-IT BV

21 CMDB enhancements Customizing changes Custom fields 10.10.2016
Status schema Business partners Text Procedures Object relations Prices Custom fields are added by creating new Set Types Set Type Dates Set Type Purchage Set Type Additional information Purple-IT BV

22 Mass Upload development
CMDB enhancements Mass Upload development Mass update program consists out 2 parts Single CI upload Mass CI upload from excel sheet Mass upload program is based on the report ‘AI_CRM_OBJECT_CMDB_TEST’. The class ’CL_AI_CRM_OBJECT_CMDB’ is used to create the CI objects, is copied and updated to update all the required fields for a CI-object. Mass upload from Excel sheet, with the download button a initial upload file is created with the right structure. Example of validation checks Purple-IT BV

23 CRM UI overview enhancements Assignment block enhancements
CMDB/CI Enhancements BRF+ enhancements Post Processing Framework enhancements Mail and Mailform enhancements Search criteria and result enhancements Additional BAdI implementations Purple-IT BV

24 BRF plus enhancement Determine serveral business Partners
Determine SLA service and response profiles Determine Solution category All BRF+ functions use decision tables to return the right result. The default Support team determination BAdI re-implemented twice: Business Partner determination, updated to only execute when the MLC is updated Solution Category determination, updated to maintain the Solution Category instead of a business partner. Purple-IT BV

25 Post Processing Framework
PPF enhancements Post Processing Framework Custom parameter Custom attributes in Business Object Type Additional parameter is made available with an implementation of BAdI CONTAINER_PPF. The custom field ‘Request Type’ is read from the transaction. This parameter is used the control the status flows of the different request types. This solution is used in Request for Changes and Operational Tasks The Business Object Types for Incidents/Service Requests and Problems are enhanced with new attributes. These attributes are used in the start and schedule conditions for sending s. Purple-IT BV

26 Mail enhancements Default sender address
Send mail with new lines for text fields Custom mail from attributes Enhance send mail component Enhance create document from inbound mail The sender address needs to be specified in the action parameters for the default mail form action (SEND_MAIL_WITH_MAIL_FORMS). This implies that every mail action needs to be updated in each follow-up Solution Manager system (DEV,QAS,PRD). What results in loads of unwanted local changes on the QAS and PRD systems (think around 10+ mails for each transaction type). The BAdI implementation AI_IM_MAIL_FORMS is copied and updated to avoid this issue. If the action parameter ‘DEFAULT_SENDER_ ’ is not supplied the default mail is read from table ‘CRMC_IC_AUI_GEN’ Define Reply Addresses for Automatic Acknowledgement, The default method for sending text-field in mails is far from pretty and not changeable (text fields can only be added to bottom of mails as plain text). The requirement is that the text fields must be customizable and displated at specified places in the mail body (above the signature) with the same style. In order to this the mail enhancement 3 :Custom mail from attributes is executed. The send_mail method is updated to fix the conversion of newline characters from ‘<BR>’ to ‘<BR>’ . Purple-IT BV

27 3. Custom mail from attributes
Mail enhancements 3. Custom mail from attributes Custom mail attribute container is created, bases on the structure below (left). Default SAP structures are included to enable various field in the mails. Each document type has different requirements for the text fields , date types and business partners to be displayed in the mail. With the customizing table below(right) its possible to assign text fields, data types and partner functions to position-holders in the mail attribute structure. This functionality is inspired by the way the business partners functions can be assigned in the details assignment block ( IMG activity Specify Partner Function Display in Transactions). Purple-IT BV

28 4. Enhance send mail component
Mail enhancements 4. Enhance send mail component The Send component is enhanced to specify the sender address and create a new default subject text. Sender address is also determined from CRMC_IC_AUI_GEN and the subject text contains the document id and description. Purple-IT BV

29 5. Enhance create document from inbound mail
Mail enhancements 5. Enhance create document from inbound mail The ERMS inbound mail functionality is updated to create the right document type and fill the proper fields from the mail content. The following additional fields are maintained with this implementation: Business Partners Requested by and reported by, with the sender of the Business Partner Employee concerned, address is scraped from the mailbody. (looking for string betreft: Custom field delivery type is set to ‘ ’ Save mail text in text field MLC- level 1 is set Purple-IT BV

30 Enhanced copy control Copy control needed to be enriched to copy the custom fields and because Solution category is copied without any controls, what is not wanted in our scenario. All additional fields added to the copy control are maintained in a custom table. This table has the same behaviour as the IMG activity ‘Specify Mapping Rules for Copy Control’ Purple-IT BV

31 1. Add custom fields in search criteria and results
Search enhancements 1. Add custom fields in search criteria and results The structure CRMST_QUERY_R_SRV_REQ_BTIL is appended with the following structure. This structure contains the description fields for our custom fields . BAdI ai_crm_badi_rf_q1o_read is implemented to read the descriptions for the custom fields. The fields are made available in the following components: AIC_INCIDENT_S AIC_SRVREQ_S AIC_OPTASK_S AIC_CMCR_S AIC_PROBLEM_S Purple-IT BV

32 2. Service Request search enhancements
We have 3 types of Service Request document implemented: Service Request, regular ITSM service request Alliander Change; service request made available as change document under a Request for change, to facilitate the process of the non-sap changes. SHS Service Request, HR service request used in a different business role and need to be separated from ITSM. The implementations of the service request document types need to be separated from each other. This could not always be done with authorizations. The following enhancements ensure that only the right document types can be used in the searches. Create new logical links with a parameter filled. The inbound plug is updated to read the parameter value. And also for the IP_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT inbound plug. In the DO_PREPARE_OUT method the transaction type is preselected and marked as read-only. Purple-IT BV

33 Questions, Discussions & Answers
Purple-IT BV

34 Purple-IT BV Zandstraat 75 4614CB Bergen op Zoom the Netherlands
R.G.A. (Rik) Vriens Purple-IT BV Zandstraat CB Bergen op Zoom the Netherlands S.D. (Bas) Zondag Purple-IT BV

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