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British Reforms in India

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1 British Reforms in India

2 Activity: Instructions:
Look at the pictures and observe the behavior in each picture. Write what you see and make any two interpretation about what picture is trying to say. What questions do you have about this picture that you would need to be answered. (write questions based on Who, What, Where, Why or When) Discuss your questions in pair to try to find some answers.




6 Changing British attitudes to India
In mid 19 century British had complete political control of the region either by direct rules or through Indian rulers. British began to develop moral values.

7 British Introduce new Laws
British East India company lost its trade monopoly that’s why the introduced “Barter system” in trading. Ten thousand pounds was to be spent on education every year. Christian missionaries were allowed free entry into the sub-continent. Key word: Barter System—exchange of goods Christian missionary--movement seeks to implement churches in order to process social disciples.

8 Social Reforms and Reformers
Christian missionaries brought challenges to traditional religious beliefs. Hindu practices such as suttee, thuggee and infanticide became illegal. English became the language of the government. Western style education was introduced. Key words: Suttee-- the former Hindu practice of a widow throwing herself on to her husband's funeral pyre. Thuggee—the gang murder and robbery Infanticide—the killing of babies

9 Activity: Silent reading of source 3
Activity: Silent reading of source 3.21 to find out the answer of following question Question: What were the reasons for making reforms explained by Lord Bentinck? Do you agree with his explanation?

10 Lord Hasting encourages learning and law
Encourage education Began the “Indianisation” of the legal system by setting up court with Indian judges Supported a centre of Christian missionaries at Serampore in Bengal

11 Indian Response to the British
People who rejected everything western and looked back to the past glories of India People who kept their own culture but studied Western Ideas in order to improve their careers People who borrowed from West without feeling disloyal to their own culture

12 William Carey A poor shoemaker in England became a brilliant language expert in India. Carey wrote first dictionaries in several languages Translated the Christian Bible into Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Hindi, Assamese and Sanskrit. Introduced the Idea of the Saving Bank.

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