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Other things_Resource_

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1 Other things_Resource_7-16-12

2 What we’re going to talk about briefly is how to best plan for a disaster. We live in Louisiana, right in the middle of hurricane alley, so one way or another we know a disaster is imminent. We can use that foresight, as well as past experience, as an opportunity to prepare in the best way possible. Nearly all challenges both we and you face can be overcome with proper planning and understanding. What we’re specifically going to go over are the guidelines and tools needed to set up files and document costs during a disaster. Other things_Resource_

3 What we’re going to talk about briefly is how to best plan for a disaster. We live in Louisiana, right in the middle of hurricane alley, so one way or another we know a disaster is imminent. We can use that foresight, as well as past experience, as an opportunity to prepare in the best way possible. Nearly all challenges both we and you face can be overcome with proper planning and understanding. What we’re specifically going to go over are the guidelines and tools needed to set up files and document costs during a disaster. Other things_Resource_



6 Maximize Expedite Keep
+ + What we’re going to talk about briefly is how to best plan for a disaster. We live in Louisiana, right in the middle of hurricane alley, so one way or another we know a disaster is imminent. We can use that foresight, as well as past experience, as an opportunity to prepare in the best way possible. Nearly all challenges both we and you face can be overcome with proper planning and understanding. What we’re specifically going to go over are the guidelines and tools needed to set up files and document costs during a disaster. Other things_Resource_

7 Maximize Expedite Keep
+ + Adequate documentation that stands the test of an audit. FEMA’s agreement to provide funds is merely the first step in reimbursement. FEMA charges the state to assure that the funds are spent in accordance with federal and state law, and in keeping with the scope of work identified for a particular project. That’s where GOHSEP comes in. GOHSEP relies on the local entity to provide a paper trail justifying the money was spent with justification and prudence. Other things_Resource_

8 Whose job is it? The Applicant
Those who incur the costs are the ones tasked with tracking them. Those who incur the costs are the ones tasked with tracking them. Other things_Resource_

9 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

10 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

11 Current conditions Drawings, sketches or plans + photos.
Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

12 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
? Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Why’s it important? Other things_Resource_

13 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
Maintenance records + inspection/safety reports. If you’re not keeping records, start! Know where they are. Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

14 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
Proof of ownership or responsibility: Formalize rental/lease agreements. No “presumptions” without writing. Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

15 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
Codes & Standards – Act now. Solicit change. Why? FEMA won’t restore current standards if they haven’t been adopted. It is also useful to keep copies of any adopted and enforced code or standard regardless if local ordinance or national standard that is being used. FEMA will also want to whether your office will receive insurance proceeds. And prior to a disaster is a good time to identify potential issues regarding complying federal environmental or historical preservation laws. Other things_Resource_

16 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
List of properties over 50 years old OR on the National Register of Historic Places. Affects specific construction techniques. Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

17 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
Force account labor: Written policy prior to the disaster. Date the policy was signed. Uniformly practiced policy. Follow whether FEMA declares or not. Another key asset to document is your work force. How detailed is your overtime policy? Now is a good time to review the policy. We often find applicants miss an opportunity for reimbursement because their policies did not address certain situations like holidays or weekends. Other things_Resource_

18 Current conditions (Continued . . . )
Force account labor policy: Avoid “11th hour” policies. Check software system capabilities. Verify scenarios. Example: How will salaried employees be paid? Example: How will you handle holidays? Another key asset to document is your work force. How detailed is your overtime policy? Now is a good time to review the policy. We often find applicants miss an opportunity for reimbursement because their policies did not address certain situations like holidays or weekends. Other things_Resource_

19 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

20 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

21 Once an individual is named, the person will need a contact to provide needed information during an event. Identifying theses sources beforehand will reduce confusion later. Of course, depending on the staff size, one person may be handling it all. Other things_Resource_

22 Role assignments Recordkeeping Grants management Procurement Debris
Construction projects Finance Once an individual is named, the person will need a contact to provide needed information during an event. Identifying theses sources beforehand will reduce confusion later. Of course, depending on the staff size, one person may be handling it all. Other things_Resource_

23 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

24 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

25 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

26 Who + What + When + Where + How Much
Describing damages Records must show: Who + What + When + Where + How Much The goal is to explain who did what when and where. Tells the story of disaster responses. Remember the records will help explain the activities for years beyond the actual disaster. [Prison guard example] Other things_Resource_

27 Describing damages (Continued . . . )
Explain damage + include photographs. Buy a camera! Photos supplement written descriptions. Be ready to detail damage in a narrative but photos are definitive. The old adage – a picture is worth a thousand words – hold true. This photo here is more descriptive than high water washes two-lane bridge out, making road impassable. Additionally, your office’s record-keeping system must be ready to summarize the work performed. Other things_Resource_

28 Be ready to detail damage in a narrative but photos are definitive
Be ready to detail damage in a narrative but photos are definitive. The old adage – a picture is worth a thousand words – hold true. This photo here is more descriptive than high water washes two-lane bridge out, making road impassable. Additionally, your office’s record-keeping system must be ready to summarize the work performed. Other things_Resource_

29 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

30 Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Other things_Resource_

31 Whose job is it? Applicant
Those who incur the costs are the ones tasked with tracking them. Assume nothing! Those who incur the costs are the ones tasked with tracking them. Other things_Resource_

32 Summarize costs Isolate costs for each task.
FEMA has a tendency to break Project Worksheets (PWs) (“grants”) into the micro level rather than the macro level. When disaster occurs, work will be done before a Project Worksheet is written. It may seem burdensome, but FEMA suggests that a file be limited to each site where damage is located and even type of work done. Our lessons from previous disasters support this approach. To explain it further … you have three adjacent buildings with roof damage. One contractor may be hired to repair all three, at $ , but the invoices should identify the cost for each of the buildings -- $30,000 for one, $50,000 for the second and $20,000 for the last. Other things_Resource_

33 1 PW? To explain it further … you have three buildings at a local school that sustained roof damage. One contractor repairs all three, but the invoices should identify the cost for each of the buildings – not just the total for all of the work. Why? FEMA often writes a PW (Project Worksheet) for each building. It is to combine work than it is to separate work. Setting up a system to track costs in this manner is imperative. Other things_Resource_

34 1 PW? OR To explain it further … you have three buildings at a local school that sustained roof damage. One contractor repairs all three, but the invoices should identify the cost for each of the buildings – not just the total for all of the work. Why? FEMA often writes a PW (Project Worksheet) for each building. It is to combine work than it is to separate work. Setting up a system to track costs in this manner is imperative. PW 1 PW 2 PW 3 Other things_Resource_

35 To explain it further … you have three buildings at a local school that sustained roof damage. One contractor repairs all three, but the invoices should identify the cost for each of the buildings – not just the total for all of the work. Why? FEMA often writes a PW (Project Worksheet) for each building. It is to combine work than it is to separate work. Setting up a system to track costs in this manner is imperative. Other things_Resource_

36 Summarize costs (Continued . . . )
Contracted work: Contract work Rental Work you do yourself: Force account labor Force account equipment Materials Stock or purchased The first separation of work depends on who performs: Your agency or another entity. We will discuss each in more detail. Other things_Resource_

37 Summarize costs (Continued . . . )
Based on work type. FEMA provides templates. Own record system can be used. FEMA and the state use work summaries to document costs. Use of the templates, while not required, is strongly encouraged. As I said, FEMA will use them, so using the forms will quicken your agency’s reimbursements and increase accuracy. Other things_Resource_

38 Here is an example of a contract work summary.
Other things_Resource_

39 Summarize costs Force account labor
Capture actual hours worked: Regular + overtime. Disaster + non-disaster time. Example: corrections officer sandbagging. For time spent doing the work internally, your agency must show overtime is disaster-related and is supported by regular hours worked. So if Joey Gallo spent fivers hours of overtime on a tractor pushing debris off the road, the FAL summary report how all of the time for the week not just the overtime.

40 Summarize costs Force account labor (continued . . .)
For time spent doing the work internally, your agency must show overtime is disaster-related and is supported by regular hours worked. So if Joey Gallo spent fivers hours of overtime on a tractor pushing debris off the road, the FAL summary report how all of the time for the week not just the overtime.

41 Summarize costs Force account labor (continued . . .)
Follow your pre-established overtime policy. For time spent doing the work internally, your agency must show overtime is disaster-related and is supported by regular hours worked. So if Joey Gallo spent fivers hours of overtime on a tractor pushing debris off the road, the FAL summary report how all of the time for the week not just the overtime.

42 Summarize costs Force account equipment
Date used. Equipment description. Operator. Hours used each day. Cost per hour. [BEGIN JOEY] So what about that tractor Joey used to push debris around? Had the disaster not happened, it would not have been used for that purpose, right? This is where Force Account Equipment comes in. This also extends to the operating costs of the equipment (using FEMA rates) when used to perform eligible work. FEMA must know the details: what day did you use the equipment? Who used it? For how long? …and so on. Remember the answer to the “who” question should logically tie to the Force Account Labor sheet. A tractor used for 6 hours would not match someone claimed for 12 hours of work whose task for those full 12 hours was “driving tractor.” Other things_Resource_

43 Summarize costs Force account equipment
[BEGIN JOEY] So what about that tractor Joey used to push debris around? Had the disaster not happened, it would not have been used for that purpose, right? This is where Force Account Equipment comes in. This also extends to the operating costs of the equipment (using FEMA rates) when used to perform eligible work. FEMA must know the details: what day did you use the equipment? Who used it? For how long? …and so on. Remember the answer to the “who” question should logically tie to the Force Account Labor sheet. A tractor used for 6 hours would not match someone claimed for 12 hours of work whose task for those full 12 hours was “driving tractor.” Other things_Resource_

44 Summarize costs Materials + supplies
Record materials + supplies bought or taken from stock. One thing disasters do is ruin stuff. The good news is, the costs associated with both purchased supplies and even those taken from your stock and used during the performance of eligible work may be claimed. So that new bottle of Pine Sol on your shelf you had to take out to use to clean up storm damage? That could be claimed! The same could be said if you had to buy a bottle for cleaning purposes. This is, of course, a minuscule example, but you get the idea. Just make sure you document everything you use or buy that is put towards eligible work. Other things_Resource_

45 Summarize costs Materials + supplies (Continued . . . )
Claims for materials and/or supplies taken from stock must be supported: Original cost OR cost of replacement. Anything you use from your own stock make sure you have a record of your original purchase invoice or, if you buy something new, make sure to keep that receipt or invoice, too! …and don’t forget to provide proof of procurement. We use this to demonstrate that costs are reasonable. Why did you choose the vendor you did? And how did you choose them? Keep in mind that using commonly available goods substitutes for procurement in some cases. For example, had you purchased that aforementioned bottle of Pine Sol from a major retailer like Wal-Mart, the price is inherently reasonable based on the logic of open market competition. Remember, too, that FEMA will reimburse for the replacement product and not the product that was lost. Essentially that means FEMA will reimburse for the NEW bottle of Pine-Sol to replace the one that you used from your inventory. Other things_Resource_

46 Summarize costs Materials + supplies (Continued . . . )
Anything you use from your own stock make sure you have a record of your original purchase invoice or, if you buy something new, make sure to keep that receipt or invoice, too! …and don’t forget to provide proof of procurement. We use this to demonstrate that costs are reasonable. Why did you choose the vendor you did? And how did you choose them? Keep in mind that using commonly available goods substitutes for procurement in some cases. For example, had you purchased that aforementioned bottle of Pine Sol from a major retailer like Wal-Mart, the price is inherently reasonable based on the logic of open market competition. Remember, too, that FEMA will reimburse for the replacement product and not the product that was lost. Essentially that means FEMA will reimburse for the NEW bottle of Pine-Sol to replace the one that you used from your inventory. Other things_Resource_

47 Summarize costs Rental equipment
Rental invoices must show: Type of equipment. Period of time used. Rate (with or without operator). Vendor name. Now let’s say that you don’t already own that debris-pushing tractor I mentioned a minute ago, and you need to rent one. No problem, just remember again: document! Who did you rent it from? When did you use it? For how long? At what cost? The easiest way to do both this and the Force Account Equipment is to have template forms for that information ready to go so that all you have to do is break them out at the time you need them. [TO JOHN] Other things_Resource_

48 Summarize costs Rental equipment
Acme Rent Now let’s say that you don’t already own that debris-pushing tractor I mentioned a minute ago, and you need to rent one. No problem, just remember again: document! Who did you rent it from? When did you use it? For how long? At what cost? The easiest way to do both this and the Force Account Equipment is to have template forms for that information ready to go so that all you have to do is break them out at the time you need them. [TO JOHN] Other things_Resource_

49 Summarize costs Contract work
File must contain a copy of the: Solicitation of bids. Methodology for selecting contractor. Price? Qualifications? Contract. Itemized Invoices. Example: “roof work” Contract Work is the bulk of what we look at GOHSEP. Just like the Labor, the Equipment, and the Materials, Contract Work should be documented profusely. Sign and keep a copy of the contract. Keep copies of your proof of payment to the vendor such as cancelled checks. Keep the invoices they sent you, and make sure you retain a full description of the work that was done. If you put out an ad in the paper or somewhere else to solicit bids for the work, keep that too. Other things_Resource_

50 Summarize costs Contract work
Acme Roof Co. John Colvin Elementary Invoice #123 Roofing work $500,000.00 Acme Roof Co. John Colvin Elementary Invoice # Building 1 - $200, x100 Slate Building 2 - $150, x125 Shingles Building 3 - $150, x130 Bitumen Labor - $300k & Materials $200k TOTAL: $500,000.00 Contract Work is the bulk of what we look at GOHSEP. Just like the Labor, the Equipment, and the Materials, Contract Work should be documented profusely. Sign and keep a copy of the contract. Keep copies of your proof of payment to the vendor such as cancelled checks. Keep the invoices they sent you, and make sure you retain a full description of the work that was done. If you put out an ad in the paper or somewhere else to solicit bids for the work, keep that too. Other things_Resource_

51 Toolkit Prepare to Act Organize Now Current Conditions Role Assignment
Describe Damage Summarize Costs Prepare to Act Organizing and safely storing certain information provides a jumpstart on the recovery process. The PA program is designed to return the applicant to pre-disaster condition. Assuring records show existing condition now will save you a step later. Toolkit Other things_Resource_

52 QUESTIONS? Remember, there is a Question card in your packet. If you have questions about the ICC or the process, write them down and we’ll address them at this afternoon’s Q & A session. Other things_Resource_

53 To learn more . . . 323_app_handbk.pdf Public Assistance Applicant Handbook FEMA 323/March m Other things_Resource_

54 Disaster Recovery Specialists
OR contact GOHSEP Disaster Recovery Specialists John Colvin Joey Gallo Other things_Resource_

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