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A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens Introduction

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1 A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens Introduction

2 When it’s Christmastime, do you…
…go to church on Christmas Eve? …decorate a Christmas tree? …sing Christmas carols? …set up a nativity scene? …send Christmas cards? …give gifts to friends and family? …have a feast?

3 Background information
What was Christmas like in the 1800s?

4 At the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign (1876-1901)…
The celebration of Christmas was in decline Industrial revolution Workers had little time to celebrate Christmas

5 The Industrial Revolution
Began in Great Britain Changed the way the world produced goods – now used factories Machines were developed that could do many of the jobs and tasks that had previously been done by people So, what does this mean?


7 Why do we decorate a Christmas tree?
The evergreen tradition has been around a long time. Several ancient civilizations (including the Romans and Egyptians) believed that evergreens would keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illness. However, Germany is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition. In the 16th century Christians brought decorated trees into their homes.

8 Of course, you know that…
Christmas is a Christian holiday on December 25 which celebrates the birth of Jesus.

9 Bible scriptures about Christmas…
And she will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name Jesus; for he will give his people salvation from their sins. (Matthew 1:21) And when they saw the star they were full of joy. (Matthew 2:10)

10 Bible scriptures about Christmas…
And they came into the house, and saw the young child with Mary, his mother; and falling down on their faces they gave him worship; and from their store they gave him offerings of gold, perfume, and spices. (Matthew 2:11)

11 Author: Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens ( ) was born at Landport near Portsmouth, England.

12 Author: Charles Dickens
When Charles was eleven years old, his father was sent to prison for debt. Charles was sent to live by himself and work in a warehouse where he pasted labels on bottles for six shillings a week.

13 Author: Charles Dickens
After school, he went to work in a lawyer’s office, but the law was not his real calling. Instead, he taught himself shorthand and was able to report lawmaking debates. From his reputation as a reporter he was asked to write. Dickens’ early books were often comic, but as he grew older he became more concerned with the injustices of British society.

14 Setting Like many of Dickens' novels, this one is set mainly in London some time in the middle of the 19th century (1800s).

15 Themes Compassion and Forgiveness Choices Family Guilt and Blame


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