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Virginia’s Stay on Track Daycare Initiative

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1 Virginia’s Stay on Track Daycare Initiative
Susan A. Tweed, MS, RN, Sentara Healthcare Sarah Nasca, MPH, CHES Project Immunize Virginia Center for Pediatric Research

2 Stay on Track Goals To assist daycare providers with immunization record keeping to ensure children under 24 months of age are appropriately immunized. To benefit children enrolled in daycare facilities through decreased exposure to vaccine-preventable illness. To allow daycare staff more time with regular daycare activities rather than issues related to sick children or potential for illness.

3 Background Immunization Action Plan (IAP) Coordinators from 5 cities in Hampton Roads, Virginia identified priority daycare centers. Mentored by IAP’s, nursing students from Old Dominion University contacted each daycare center to interview director and educate staff on importance of timely immunizations. CDC Immunization Scheduler was used to determine immunization schedule for each enrolled child. A tickler file system was initiated to track immunization compliance for each enrolled child.

4 Program Structure Funded by a generous grant from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 2003 Innovations in Immunization Practices. Partnership of key stakeholders from Sentara Healthcare, Old Dominion University, and the Virginia Department of Health was formed to pilot this initiative. All stakeholders are members of the statewide immunization coalition, Project Immunize Virginia.

5 Methodology Stay On Track Initiative received Institutional Review Board approval from Eastern Virginia Medical School. 17 total daycare facilities from Newport News, Hampton, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach were enrolled. 299 children under 24 months of age were eligible to participate in the study. 197 children under 24 months were consented and enrolled in Stay on Track -response rate of 66%.

6 Intervention Steps Daycare Directors were interviewed and needs assessments were preformed at each center. Daycares received a “Tracker Paw of Approval” Certificate for participating in Stay on Track. Three assessments of immunization records completed to determine up-to-date (UTD) status: If UTD, congratulatory letter and age appropriate incentive items (bibs, rattles, sippie cups, growth charts, immunization schedule, etc.) were sent home. If not UTD, reminder letter and immunization schedule sent home with child.

7 Intervention Steps Immunization Storyboards were designed by nursing students and displayed at each daycare center to educate parents. Storyboards were revised on monthly basis.

8 Next Steps Final assessments will be completed June 2004.
Exit focus groups will be conducted with daycare staff to ascertain value and sustainability. Project Immunize Virginia will issue news release highlighting the Stay On Track program and participating daycare centers. Article about Stay On Track will be prepared for publication to share outcomes and lessons learned with the immunization community.

9 Anticipated Impact Outcomes
The Stay on Track Daycare Initiative is anticipated to: 1) Increase immunization coverage among children enrolled in daycare facilities; 2) Reduce vaccine-preventable illness in daycare centers; and 3) Improve parent provision of child's current, time appropriate immunization record to daycare center.

10 Future Initiatives Project Immunize Virginia is currently planning an expansion of Stay on Track to other VA localities. Create partnership with Social Services, the daycare licensing agency, to improve the awareness of need to obtain immunization records every 6 months for children under 24 months. Clarify daycare immunization licensing standards for daycare for children between 2 and 4 years.

11 Project Immunize Virginia
For More Information… Susan Tweed Sentara Healthcare Sarah Nasca Project Immunize Virginia

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