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Uncertain KR&R Chapter 9.

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1 Uncertain KR&R Chapter 9

2 Outline Probability Bayesian networks Fuzzy logic

3 Probability FOL fails for a domain due to:
Laziness: too much to list the complete set of rules, too hard to use the enormous rules that result Theoretical ignorance: there is no complete theory for the domain Practical ignorance: have not or cannot run all necessary tests

4 Probability Probability = a degree of belief Probability comes from:
Frequentist: experiments and statistical assessment Objectivist: real aspects of the universe Subjectivist: a way of characterizing an agent’s beliefs Decision theory = probability theory + utility theory

5 Probability Prior probability: probability in the absence of any other information P(Dice = 2) = 1/6 random variable: Dice domain = <1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6> probability distribution: P(Dice) = <1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6>

6 Probability Conditional probability: probability in the presence of some evidence P(Dice = 2 | Dice is even) = 1/3 P(Dice = 2 | Dice is odd) = 0 P(A | B) = P(A  B)/P(B) P(A  B) = P(A | B).P(B)

7 Probability Example: S = stiff neck M = meningitis P(S | M) = 0.5
P(M) = 1/50000 P(S) = 1/20 P(M | S) = P(S | M).P(M)/P(S) = 1/5000

8 Probability Joint probability distributions:
X: <x1, …, xm> Y: <y1, …, yn> P(X = xi, Y = yj)

9 Probability Axioms: 0  P(A)  1 P(true) = 1 and P(false) = 0
P(A  B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A  B)

10 Probability Derived properties: P(A) = 1 - P(A)
P(U) = P(A1) + P(A2) P(An) U = A1  A2  ...  An collectively exhaustive Ai  Aj = false mutually exclusive

11 P(Hi | E) = P(E | Hi).P(Hi)/iP(E | Hi).P(Hi)
Probability Bayes’ theorem: P(Hi | E) = P(E | Hi).P(Hi)/iP(E | Hi).P(Hi) Hi’s are collectively exhaustive & mutually exclusive

12 Probability Problem: a full joint probability distribution P(X1, X2, ..., Xn) is sufficient for computing any (conditional) probability on Xi's, but the number of joint probabilities is exponential.

13 Probability Independence: P(A  B) = P(A).P(B)
P(A) = P(A | B) Conditional independence: P(A  B | E) = P(A | E).P(B | E) P(A | E) = P(A | E  B) Example: P(Toothache | Cavity  Catch) = P(Toothache | Cavity) P(Catch | Cavity  Toothache) = P(Catch | Cavity)

14 Probability "In John's and Mary's house, an alarm is installed to sound in case of burglary or earthquake. When the alarm sounds, John and Mary may make a call for help or rescue."

15 Probability "In John's and Mary's house, an alarm is installed to sound in case of burglary or earthquake. When the alarm sounds, John and Mary may make a call for help or rescue." Q1: If earthquake happens, how likely will John make a call?

16 Probability "In John's and Mary's house, an alarm is installed to sound in case of burglary or earthquake. When the alarm sounds, John and Mary may make a call for help or rescue." Q1: If earthquake happens, how likely will John make a call? Q2: If the alarm sounds, how likely is the house burglarized?

17 Bayesian Networks Pearl, J. (1982). Reverend Bayes on Inference Engines: A Distributed Hierarchical Approach, presented at the Second National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-82), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2000 AAAI Classic Paper Award

18 Bayesian Networks Burglary Earthquake Alarm MaryCalls JohnCalls P(B)
.001 P(E) .002 Burglary Earthquake B E P(A) T T T F F T F F .95 .94 .29 .001 Alarm A P(M) T F .70 .01 A P(J) T F .90 .05 MaryCalls JohnCalls

19 Bayesian Networks Syntax: A set of random variables makes up the nodes
A set of directed links connects pairs of nodes Each node has a conditional probability table that quantifies the effects of its parent nodes The graph has no directed cycles A A yes no B B C C D D

20 Bayesian Networks Semantics:
An ordering on the nodes: Xi is a predecessor of Xj  i < j P(X1, X2, …, Xn) = P(Xn | Xn-1, …, X1).P(Xn-1 | Xn-2, …, X1). … .P(X2 | X1).P(X1) = iP(Xi | Xi-1, …, X1) = iP(Xi | Parents(Xi)) P (Xi | Xi-1, …, X1) = P(Xi | Parents(Xi)) Parents(Xi)  {Xi-1, …, X1} Each node is conditionally independent of its predecessors given its parents

21 Bayesian Networks Example: P(J  M  A  B  E)
= P(J | A).P(M | A).P(A | B  E).P(B).P(E) = E B A M J

22 Bayesian Networks Why Bayesian Networks?

23 Uncertain Question Answering
P(Query | Evidence) = ? Diagnostic (from effects to causes): P(B | J) Causal (from causes to effects): P(J | B) Intercausal (between causes of a common effect): P(B | A, E) Mixed: P(A | J, E), P(B | J, E) E B A M J

24 Uncertain Question Answering
The independence assumptions in a Bayesian Network simplify computation of conditional probabilities on its variables

25 Uncertain Question Answering
Q1: If earthquake happens, how likely will John make a call? Q2: If the alarm sounds, how likely is the house burglarized? Q3: If the alarm sounds, how likely both John and Mary make calls?

26 Uncertain Question Answering
P(B | A) = P(B  A)/P(A) = aP(B  A) P(B | A) = aP(B  A)  a = 1/(P(B  A) + P(B  A))

27 General Conditional Independence
A Bayesian Network implies all conditional independence among its variables

28 General Conditional Independence
U1 Um X Z1j Znj Y1 Yn A node (X) is conditionally independent of its non-descendents (Zij's), given its parents (Ui's)

29 General Conditional Independence
U1 Um X Z1j Znj Y1 Yn A node (X) is conditionally independent of all other nodes, given its parents (Ui's), children (Yi's), and children's parents (Zij's)

30 General Conditional Independence
X and Y are conditionally independent given E X E Y Z Z Z

31 General Conditional Independence
Example: Battery Gas Ignition Radio Starts Moves

32 General Conditional Independence
Example: Battery Gas Ignition Radio Starts Moves Gas - (Ignition) - Radio Gas - (Battery) - Radio Gas - (no evidence at all) - Radio Gas  Radio | Starts Gas  Radio | Moves

33 Vagueness The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (1995):
“Words like smart, tall, and fat are vague since in most contexts of use there is no bright line separating them from not smart, not tall, and not fat respectively …”

34 Vagueness Imprecision vs. Uncertainty: The bottle is about half-full.
It is likely to a degree of 0.5 that the bottle is full.

35 Fuzzy Sets Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy Sets
Journal of Information and Control

36 Fuzzy Sets

37 Fuzzy Sets

38 Fuzzy Set Definition A fuzzy set is defined by a membership function that maps elements of a given domain (a crisp set) into values in [0, 1]. mA: U  [0, 1] mA  A 1 young 0.5 25 30 40 Age

39 Fuzzy Set Representation
Discrete domain: high-dice score: {1:0, 2:0, 3:0.2, 4:0.5, 5:0.9, 6:1} Continuous domain: A(u) = 1 for u[0, 25] A(u) = (40 - u)/15 for u[25, 40] A(u) = 0 for u[40, 150] 1 0.5 25 30 40 Age

40 Fuzzy Set Representation
a-cuts: Aa = {u | A(u)  a} Aa+ = {u | A(u) > a} strong a-cut A0.5 = [0, 30] 1 0.5 25 30 40 Age

41 Fuzzy Set Representation
a-cuts: Aa = {u | A(u)  a} Aa+ = {u | A(u) > a} strong a-cut A(u) = sup {a | u  Aa} A0.5 = [0, 30] 1 0.5 25 30 40 Age

42 Fuzzy Set Representation
Support: supp(A) = {u | A(u) > 0} = A0+ Core: core(A) = {u | A(u) = 1} = A1 Height: h(A) = supUA(u)

43 Fuzzy Set Representation
Normal fuzzy set: h(A) = 1 Sub-normal fuzzy set: h(A)  1

44 Membership Degrees Subjective definition

45 Membership Degrees Subjective definition Voting model:
Each voter has a subset of U as his/her own crisp definition of the concept that A represents. A(u) is the proportion of voters whose crisp definitions include u.

46 Membership Degrees Voting model: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 x 1 2

47 Fuzzy Subset Relations
A  B iff A(u)  B(u) for every uU A is more “specific” than B “X is A” entails “X is B”

48 Fuzzy Set Operations Standard definitions: Complement: A(u) = 1 - A(u)
Intersection: (AB)(u) = min[A(u), B(u)] Union: (AB)(u) = max[A(u), B(u)]

49 Fuzzy Set Operations Example: not young = young not old = old
middle-age = not youngnot old old = young

50 Fuzzy Relations Crisp relation:
R(U1, ..., Un)  U1 ... Un R(u1, ..., un) = 1 iff (u1, ..., un)  R or = 0 otherwise

51 Fuzzy Relations Crisp relation:
R(U1, ..., Un)  U1 ... Un R(u1, ..., un) = 1 iff (u1, ..., un)  R or = 0 otherwise Fuzzy relation: a fuzzy set on U1 ... Un

52 Fuzzy Relations Fuzzy relation: R = “very far”
U1 = {New York, Paris}, U2 = {Beijing, New York, London} R = “very far” R = {(NY, Beijing): 1, ...} NY Paris Beijing 1 .9 .7 London .6 .3

53 Fuzzy Numbers A fuzzy number A is a fuzzy set on R:
A must be a normal fuzzy set Aa must be a closed interval for every a(0, 1] supp(A) = A0+ must be bounded

54 Basic Types of Fuzzy Numbers
1 1 1 1

55 Basic Types of Fuzzy Numbers
1 1

56 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Interval-based operations: (A  B)a = Aa  Ba

57 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Arithmetic operations on intervals: [a, b][d, e] = {fg | a  f  b, d  g  e}

58 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Arithmetic operations on intervals: [a, b][d, e] = {fg | a  f  b, d  g  e} [a, b] + [d, e] = [a + d, b + e] [a, b] - [d, e] = [a - e, b - d] [a, b]*[d, e] = [min(ad, ae, bd, be), max(ad, ae, bd, be)] [a, b]/[d, e] = [a, b]*[1/e, 1/d] 0[d, e]

59 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
about 2 about 3 1 about 2 + about 3 = ? about 2  about 3 = ? + 2 3

60 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Discrete domains: A = {xi: A(xi)} B = {yi: B(yi)} A  B = ?

61 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Extension principle: f: U1 U2  V induces g: U1 U2  V [g(A, B)](v) = sup{(u1, u2) | v = f(u1, u2)}min{A(u1), B(u2)} ~ ~ ~

62 Operations of Fuzzy Numbers
Discrete domains: A = {xi: A(xi)} B = {yi: B(yi)} (A  B)(v) = sup{(xi, yj) | v = xi°yj)}min{A(xi), B(yj)}

63 Fuzzy Logic x is A* ------------------------ y is B*
if x is A then y is B x is A* y is B*

64 Fuzzy Logic View a fuzzy rule as a fuzzy relation
Measure similarity of A and A*

65 Fuzzy Controller As special expert systems
When difficult to construct mathematical models When acquired models are expensive to use

66 Fuzzy Controller IF the temperature is very high
AND the pressure is slightly low THEN the heat change should be slightly negative

67 Fuzzy Controller FUZZY CONTROLLER Defuzzification model actions
Controlled process Fuzzy inference engine Fuzzy rule base Fuzzification model conditions

68 Fuzzification 1 x0

69 Defuzzification Center of Area: x = (A(z).z)/A(z)

70 Defuzzification M = {z | A(z) = h(A)} x = (min M + max M)/2
Center of Maxima: M = {z | A(z) = h(A)} x = (min M + max M)/2

71 Defuzzification Mean of Maxima: M = {z | A(z) = h(A)} x = z/|M|

72 Exercises In Klir-Yuan’s textbook: 1.9, 1.10, 2.11, 2.12, 4.5

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