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Performance Management Program Overview & Process Options

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Management Program Overview & Process Options"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Management Program Overview & Process Options
October, 2017

2 Agenda Introductions Part 1: Performance Management: Program Overview
Program Evolution Three Phases Goal Setting Part 2: Performance Management: Process Options Option 1: Performance Evaluation Framework Option 2: Workday Execution Example Timeline Resources

3 Introductions Name Unit or division Tenure at University
How you or team currently use Performance Management

4 Part 1: Performance Management: Program Overview

5 Program Evolution: We Listened
HR Partner Feedback Need for additional resources, especially surrounding people manager and employee roles Need for universal University competencies Need for greater levels of transparency Need for online vs. paper forms Talent & Rewards Created checklists for HR Partner, People Manager and Employee Aligned staff competencies with officer competencies Continue outreach efforts via lunch & learns and unit specific training sessions Pilot program in Workday last year; this year expanded invitation throughout campus 3

6 Goal Setting & Development Planning
Overview Goal Setting & Development Planning Mid-Year Calibration Year-End Review Performance Management is an ongoing process involving feedback, coaching and recognition. Effectively manage performance by acting with purpose to enhance competence, confidence and capability. Three key phases throughout the year help maintain a focus on building talent and driving results through employee contributions.

7 Goal Setting & Development Planning
Phase 1: Goal Setting & Development Planning Purpose: Clarify and align goals for the year Set clear and measurable goals; define expectations Discuss University wide competencies; identify development opportunities and interests in both the short (current role) and longer term (career goals) Goal Setting & Development Planning Mid-Year Calibration Year-End Review

8 Goal Setting & Development Planning
Phase 2: Mid-Year Calibration Purpose: Informal discussion to solicit and provide feedback, coaching, guidance and recognition for contributions Discuss progress on performance, goals, and competencies; recognize accomplishments and identify challenges Calibrate on goals for the remainder of the year and adjust plans as needed to accurately reflect changes to expectations and priorities Goal Setting & Development Planning Mid-Year Calibration Year-End Review

9 Goal Setting & Development Planning
Phase 3: Year-End Review Purpose: Discuss annual performance in relation to goals, competencies, and development plans Identify and celebrate achievements (inclusive of goal delivery and competency demonstration) Assess performance of goals and competencies and determine performance ratings Goal Setting & Development Planning Mid-Year Calibration Year-End Review

10 Competency Demonstration
Goal Setting: A Balance Results Achieved Competency Demonstration

11 Goal Setting: University Competency Model
The University of Chicago competencies are focused upon: Value Creation (Strategic Leadership) Execution Excellence (Operations) Talent Investment (People)

12 Goal Setting: Types of Goals
Quantifiable Job Responsibility Stretch Opportunity New Initiative Team Based Review job responsibilities and create measureable components Showcase growth in current role while gaining imperative skillsets Introduce a new program, project or process Contribution to a team project or process Leverage SMART Model Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant Time Bound Answers the questions who and want Answers the question how Answers the question of reasonable Answers the question of expected results Answers the question when

13 Goal Setting: Best Practices
Establish clear expectations. Discuss expectations with people manager or gather input from team members to ensure desired state is defined. Set goals in a way that success can be measured. This will provide ability to check assumptions and celebrate accomplishments. Review goals on a quarterly basis and make adjustments, as needed. Solicit ongoing feedback and make course corrections, when appropriate. Track achievements throughout the year. Provide specific examples of goal achievement or competency demonstration.

14 Goal Setting: Employee Checklist
Action Questions / Needs / Concerns Planning Review job description with your people manager, and update as appropriate Review overall function and team goals Reflect on both achievements and opportunities from prior performance year Assessment Identify individual goals which align with team and functional goals Review University competencies, select 3-5, and define how competency specifically relates to your role. (i.e., how will you demonstrate a competency?) Reflect on short-term interests and longer-term career aspirations; think through potential challenges and resources needed to mitigate Calibration Be prepared to discuss your (draft) goals, competencies and development opportunities with your people manager Share your future career goals; define the support needed to be successful; create a development plan Summarize discussion and define next steps and timeline Next Steps Send completed performance evaluation to people manager, inclusive of the following - Section 1, Job Profile Summary. This is your job description; highlight your key responsibilities Section 2, Goal Setting- Identify 3-5 Annual Goals along with a brief Description & Expected results Section 3, Competencies- Identify 3-5 Competencies from University Competency Model along with Relation to Role (i.e., a brief description of how you will demonstrate this) Share development plan with people manager Checklists were created for employees, people managers and HR Partners to help prepare for meaningful discussions.

15 Part 2: Performance Management: Process Options

16 Option 1: Performance Evaluation Framework (Manual Forms)
Job Profile Summary Goal Setting & Results Achievement Performance Ratings Competencies Performance Evaluation

17 Job Profile Summary Action
Describe the primary goals, functional oversight and contribution of role to unit and University mission. Is the employee’s job profile accurate? Confirm employee is in the correct job profile assignment based upon current duties and responsibilities

18 Goal Setting & Results Achievement
Action Identify three to five annual goals and provide a brief description of both the initiative and expected results or outcome. Assess achievement and indicate a performance rating (i.e., BE, NI, AE) at both the mid-year and year-end calibration.

19 Competencies Action Identify three to five competencies (i.e., behavioral expectations) from the University of Chicago Competency Model and describe how the this competency will be demonstrated in current role. Assess achievement and indicate a performance rating (i.e., BE, NI, AE) at both the mid-year and year-end calibration.

20 Performance Evaluation
Action Assess overall performance, reflecting upon results and competencies. Sign and date to reflect conversation occurred.

21 Performance Ratings Provide a consistent basis for evaluating staff performance, regardless of level. It also acts as a guideline to help people managers and employees identify opportunities for growth and continuously improve performance. Performance Rating Performance Rating Definitions Exceeds Expectations (EE) Consistently exceeds goals and expectations. Demonstrates superior performance and routinely performs at a level above current responsibilities. Results have a substantial impact beyond individual role and team, impacting the department, unit and/or University. Performance at this level occurs throughout the year. Consistently demonstrates behaviors beyond competency expectations. Above Expectations (AE) Consistently meets and frequently exceeds goals and expectations. Delivers results that are beyond the scope of the current role and responsibilities. Produces results that involve extra, unique or innovative contributions and solutions. Frequently demonstrates behaviors within and above competency expectations. Meets Expectations (ME) Consistently meets goals and expectations and may exceed one or more expectations. Meets the expectations for the role and for the team. Delivers important and valuable results throughout the year. Models behaviors within competency expectations. Needs Improvement (NI) Meets expectations for some objective but has not met all performance objectives and behavioral expectations. Acceptable performance in some areas but needs improvement in other areas. Performs basic position duties and responsibilities, needs continued development in order to fully perform to expectations. A performance plan is recommended. Below Expectations (BE) Does not meet most goals or expectations. Did not achieve expected overall results during the past year. Performance frequently fails to meet minimum requirements and expectations. Significant improvement required. Immediate action is required to improve performance and/or behavior. 14

22 Option 2: Workday Business Process (Automated)
Navigational Overview Goals & Competencies Feedback Review Process

23 Navigational Overview: Employee Role
Performance Worklet on Home Page View, add, edit, and delete goals Request feedback on self View feedback received View completed performance reviews

24 Navigational Overview: People Manager Role
Team Performance Worklet on Home Page View, add, edit, and delete goals Request feedback on self View feedback received View completed performance reviews

25 Goals & Competencies Functional leader to provide team goals to Workday Solutions Team To ensure employee goals are aligned with team goals; employee: Authors 3-5 Goals and includes a brief Description Selects appropriate team goal from Supports drop down menu Has option to add Milestones to goals, which may strengthen project management and provide greater transparency as to progress Fictitious example provided in the below table Goal Architect and implement Workday Recruitment Description Manage project and engage stakeholders to ensure design meets talent acquisition needs of UChicago Supports Introduce new Workday modules at UChicago Milestones Define requirements, Q1 Complete design, Q2 Test and update, Q3 Launch to campus, Q4

26 Goals & Competencies Employee selects 3-5 Competencies from University Competency Model Due to system limitations, competencies are captured as goals Fictitious example provided in the below table; important for employees to translate University Competencies to his or her specific role People Managers can view, add, edit, and delete goals for their direct reports Additionally, People Managers can view goals for all employees in his or her supervisory hierarchy (i.e., direct reports of direct reports) Goal Effectively Manage Performance Description Act with purpose to enhance competence, confidence and capability Takes consistent action to develop new skills Learn new Workday Recruitment business processes Finds ways to apply strengths to new issues Leverage Workday reporting business process expertise to identify metrics and reporting options for recruitment Seeks assignments that stretch beyond comfort zone Volunteer to participate in Annual Recruitment Practices Audit

27 Goals & Competencies: Navigational Details
Enter goal or competency, along with a description and expected outcome Tie individual goal to organizational goal Record milestones to track progress towards goal or competency

28 Feedback Employees have the ability to request feedback for self and provide feedback to other employees People Managers have the ability to request feedback for one of their direct reports There is an option to make the feedback confidential from the employee’s view Feedback can be requested from or sent to any active employee within Workday

29 Feedback: Navigational Details
Kris Roach Kiara Harahap Hi, Kiara- Can you please provide feedback on the business process redesign project?

30 Review Process The review process will consist of the following steps:
Employee Review Manager Review Manager To Do: Meet with Employee (to Discuss Performance) Employee Acknowledgment The review process will consist of the following steps: Employee reviews include the following: Goal Review Reflection Questions Feedback Supporting Documents In addition, People Manager reviews include: Job Profile Summary Overall Rating

31 Example Timeline: Used by Finance & Administration
Employee complete goal setting in Workday (October 13) Manager approves (October 27) Phase 1: Goal Setting October* Employee complete mid-year self assessment (December 15) Manager evaluates performance to date (January 12) Mid-Year Calibration December-January Employee completes year end self assessment (May 12) Manager evaluates year end performance; determine performance rating (May 26) Year-End Review May-June Performance rating captured in prior phase Annual Compensation Process (staff merit) June *Note: Recognize FY17-18 functional and team goals were established earlier, and employees are working towards goal achievement (outside Workday). Began Workday automation during October.

32 Resources: Overview HR Connect, Performance Management tab, security access limited to HR Partners HR Website, Performance Management tab Workday Quick Reference Guides Important Note: HR Connect resources support manual Performance Management Process; Workday QRGs support automated Performance Management Process

33 Resources: HR Connect (exclusive to HR Partners)

34 Resources: HR Website (available to Employees & People Managers)

35 Resources: Workday Quick Reference Guides
Quick Reference Guides are available on Workday website, specific to employee and people manager roles. Employee Role Feedback Performance Review View and Edit Goals People Manager Role Get Feedback on Employee Performance Review View and Edit Goals for Direct Reports

36 Thank you

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