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CS577b Spring 2016 Team 2 TRR ARB Presentation

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1 CS577b Spring 2016 Team 2 TRR ARB Presentation
-Sultan Alsarra -Aref Shafaeibejestan -Adil Cem Albayrak -Mohammad Almunea -Charles Reitz Julapat Julnual Andrea Brown -Travis Weaver - Dennis Evans

2 Outline :: Progress Report :: Operational Concept Description :: Demo
:: Quality Assurance :: Support Plan :: Transition Plan Team Spring 2016

3 Progress Report

4 Changes from CCD ::Received valuable feedback from CCD
CCD helped us to identify 15 tweaks to add to our software to improve our product. Since CCD, the team has implemented 14/15 of the changes. ::CCD exposed three bugs to be fixed Three bugs have been identified and two have already been fixed. ::Continued implementation of schedule items Finished application functions, finished admin console, began beta testing, and setup Amazon Web Services for Rigo. Team Spring 2016

5 Tweaks from CCD Implemented TODO
Search history in search event arranged by time left for event instead of abc order Load event history automatically Show event name input errors in real-time Decrease complexity of private event password Change “Share” label to “Downloaded” when user downloads a picture Change back button text to back arrow Transition to event page after creating public event Added graphic to empty event page which explains how much time is left and how to add pictures Event names case insensitive When searching for or adding pictures to an event, sort by events the user has viewed recently In list of events, appended “Left” to number of days. e.g. “3d” vs “3d Left” Added “...” button with dropdown menu options Filter page for events Touch to focus camera Page handling

6 Bug Fixes from CCD Bugs Fixed TODO
In some cases, the report/unreport feature shows the wrong label. Facebook signup did not work with Rigo’s account and returned an error. Unwanted moving of event label. Team Spring 2016

7 Operational Concept Description

8 System Purpose The primary purpose: Make sharing pictures easier!
Introduce new methods: Location Based Event Based Team Spring 2016

9 System Boundary & Environment
Team Spring 2016

10 Goals and Constraints Organizational Goals:
OG-1: Simplify sharing pictures from smart phones OG-2: Share location based pictures OG-3: Share public and private hashtags with friends and families OG-4: Increase efficiency of sharing pictures OG-5: Improve user experience by allowing users to create/post different types of events (public, private, location) Constraints: CO-1: iOS as an Operating Systems: The new system should work on iOS CO-2: Facebook Login: The user should be able to use the application using his Facebook credentials CO-3: Zero Monetary Cost: The Chosen NDI/NCS must be free CO-4: Linux as an Operating System: the available back-end server is linux CO-5: Free Database System Team Spring 2016

11 Demo

12 iOS Progress - All Win Win Features Done
Register Login Browse Nearby Pictures Sort Nearby Pictures Create Public Event Post a Picture Delete Picture Create Private Event Search Events 9. Browse Event’s Picture 10. View Specific Picture 11. Save a Picture to Device 12. Report a Picture 13. Un-report a Picture 14. like a Picture. 15. Unlike a Picture. 16. Delete Events 17. Logout 18. Lost Password 19. Moderate Event 20. Control Method of Posting 21. Filter Picture in Events Team Spring 2016

13 Demo : User Interface (iOS)
Live Demo Team Spring 2016

14 Features Rundown Sign up in the app Team Spring 2016

15 Browse Nearby Pictures.
Features Rundown Browse Nearby Pictures. (look at map) Team Spring 2016

16 Change Filter for Nearby pictures.
Features Rundown Change Filter for Nearby pictures. Team Spring 2016

17 Post a Picture to Nearby!
Features Rundown Post a Picture to Nearby! Team Spring 2016

18 Features Rundown Create a Public Event. Team Spring 2016

19 Post a Picture to your event from Camera
Features Rundown Post a Picture to your event from Camera Team Spring 2016

20 The Picture You took is terrible! Delete it...
Features Rundown The Picture You took is terrible! Delete it... Team Spring 2016

21 Features Rundown Create a Private Event. Team Spring 2016

22 Post a Picture in your Private Event from Gallery.
Features Rundown Post a Picture in your Private Event from Gallery. Team Spring 2016

23 Make users only post live pictures
Features Rundown Make users only post live pictures Team Spring 2016

24 Someone else posted a picture in your event
Features Rundown Someone else posted a picture in your event Team Spring 2016

25 You don’t like their picture
Features Rundown You don’t like their picture in your private event. Delete it. Team Spring 2016

26 Delete your Private Event!
Features Rundown Delete your Private Event! Team Spring 2016

27 Features Rundown Search for Event: #TRRFun Team Spring 2016

28 Browse #TRRFun Event Pictures.
Features Rundown Browse #TRRFun Event Pictures. Team Spring 2016

29 Filter #TRRFun Event Pictures.
Features Rundown Filter #TRRFun Event Pictures. Team Spring 2016

30 Features Rundown Like a Picture <3 Team Spring 2016

31 Unlike the picture </3
Features Rundown Unlike the picture </3 Team Spring 2016

32 Features Rundown Report the picture! Team Spring 2016

33 Features Rundown You feel bad about what you did, so you decide to un-report the picture Team Spring 2016

34 You found a picture you like, so you decide to save it to your device
Features Rundown You found a picture you like, so you decide to save it to your device Team Spring 2016

35 Features Rundown You can’t remember all the pictures you’ve posted, so you go to My Photos Team Spring 2016

36 Features Rundown You can’t remember all the events you’ve created, so you go to My Events Team Spring 2016

37 You decide to logout of the app!
Features Rundown You decide to logout of the app! Team Spring 2016

38 You decide to login into the app, but now using Facebook!
Features Rundown You decide to login into the app, but now using Facebook! Team Spring 2016

39 You decide to logout of the app again!
Features Rundown You decide to logout of the app again! Team Spring 2016

40 You decide to login into your account, but you forgot the password!
Features Rundown You decide to login into your account, but you forgot the password! Team Spring 2016

41 Login in with your new password
Features Rundown Login in with your new password Team Spring 2016

42 Admin Console Progress - Done
Login View Statistics Browse Users Filter List of Users Delete User Suspend User Browse Events Filter List of Events Hide Event 9. Un-hide Event 10. Modify Event 11. Browse Pictures 12. Filter List of Pictures 13. Hide Picture 14. Un-hide Picture 15. Restore Picture 16. Modify Picture 17. Change Configuration Team Spring 2016

43 Username: admin Password: ShareTeam2
Demo: Admin Console Username: admin Password: ShareTeam2

44 Quality Assurance

45 Test Cases and Results

46 Testing Strategy :: Approach :: Strategies
Test the most critical requirements in win-win conditions and Mitigate any risks. :: Strategies Automated test : functional test (UI Automation) Performance test: load testing (Apache JMeter) Integration test: Manual integration test between Admin Console & iOS Team Spring 2016

47 Test Cases for Event Management
Creating Events TC-01-01 Create Public Event TC-01-02 Create Private Event TC-02 Search Events TC-03 Delete Events TC-22 Browse Events Team Spring 2016

48 Test Cases for Picture Management
Posting Pictures TC-04-01 Take a Picture and Post It in an Event TC-04-02 Take a Picture and Post It in Nearby Location TC-04-03 Choose a Picture From Gallery and Post It in an Event TC-05 Sorting Pictures TC-05-01 Sort Pictures by Date TC-05-02 Sort Pictures by Popularity TC-05-03 Sort pictures by Distance TC-06 Browsing Pictures TC-06-01 Browse Pictures in Public Event TC-06-02 Browse Pictures in Private Events TC-06-03 Browse Pictures in Nearby Location TC-07 Delete Pictures TC-08 Reporting Pictures TC-09 Save Picture to Device TC-10 Like/Unlike Picture Team Spring 2016

49 Test Cases for Profile Management
Register TC-11-01 Register with TC-11-02 Register with Facebook TC-12 Login TC-12-01 Login with TC-12-02 Login with Facebook TC-13 Logout TC-23 Lost Password Team Spring 2016

50 Test Cases for Admin Management
Browse Users TC-15 Suspend a User TC-16 Update an Event TC-17 Restore Reported Picture TC-18 Change app Settings TC-19 Generate Statistics Report TC-20 Search Pictures TC-21 Delete Events Team Spring 2016

51 Xcode UI Automation Difficult to handle the code
Editor is not useful Lack of documentation Cannot capture every action Sometimes causes trouble with coordinates Automatically created scripts Built in Xcode, no need to install Works for both simulator and device Team Spring 2016

52 32 Test Cases Testing Results 32 Passed 0 Failed
:: All test cases were also tested manually, to make sure that all functions working correctly. :: Acceptance testing is being conducted by our owner, and feedbacks are being noted and implemented as soon as possible. 32 Passed 0 Failed 32 Test Cases Team Spring 2016

53 Performance Testing – Apache Jmeter
:: Load testing for :: Number of users: 1000 :: Ramp-up period: 60 sec :: Loop count: 1 Number of request: 1000 Average response time: 650ms Throughput: /minute Team Spring 2016

54 Test Flight - Beta Testing
Easy to distribute the app by inviting users with their Gives notifications if there is a new build Internal testing – up to 25 team members – up to 10 device External testing – up to 2000 users Beta testing period for 60 days The app is being tested by both team members and users Issues are being reported over bitbucket repository, google drive and whatsapp group Team Spring 2016

55 Quality Control and Metrics

56 Traceability Matrix OCD Requirement Use Case Test Cases
OC-1: Use Hashtag WC_3579 UC-7 TC-04 TC-01 TC-02 WC_3763 UC-17 OC-2: Login with Facebook WC_3583 UC-3 TC-12 WC_3584 UC-1 OC-3: Use Location WC_3580 TC-05 OC-4: Search Events WC_3627 UC-6 OC-5: Browse Event’s Pictures WC_3637 UC-14 TC-06 OC-6: Administrator WC_3764 TC-14 TC-15 TC-16 TC-17 TC-18 TC-19 TC-20 TC-21 WC_3765 UC-18 WC_3766 UC-19 WC_3767 UC-21 WC_3768 UC-8 WC_3769 WC_3770 UC-20 WC_3771 UC-5 WC_3772 UC-23 WC_3773 UC-24 WC_3774 UC-22 Team Spring 2016

57 Traceability Matrix OCD Requirement Use Case Test Case
OC-7: Delete Picture WC_3591 UC-8 TC-07 OC-8: Create/Delete Private Event WC_3585 UC-12 TC-01 TC-03 WC_3603 UC-5 WC_3621 UC-4 WC_3763 OC-9: Like/Unlike Picture WC_3751 UC-13 TC-10 OC-10: Report Picture WC_3599 UC-10 TC-08 UC-11 OC-11: Choose Add Picture Type WC_3634 UC-7 TC-04 OC-12: Take Picture or Choose From Gallery WC_3619 OC-13: Save Picture to Device WC_3623 TC-09 Team Spring 2016

58 Technical Debt Resolved: Active: Technical Debt Item Resolution
New GUI Design - Requires redo of old designs Got clear information from owner about the new features. performed incremental development, tested and got feedback. Excellent Owner/team requirements flexibility Server prototype Weakness - User defined filenames not consistent Decided on file naming convention. Found Algorithm, implemented, and tested in prototype, and worked perfectly iOS/Backend Inexperience in code led to some code mistakes Less experienced team members worked together with more experienced team members. Less experienced team members took tutorials on iOS/backend development. We Also refactored regularly Technical Debt Item Planned Mitigation Weeks Active Updates in features requested post-CCD Requires modification of previously written code. Get clear information from Owner the new updates for features. Do incremental development, test and feedback. Owner/ tech requirements flexibility 3

59 JIRA - Cumulative Issues Report
Data pulled 04/14/2016 Team Spring 2016

60 Metrics - Mean Time per Task
Data pulled 04/14/2016 Team Spring 2016

61 Metrics - Time Spent by Task Type
Time [Hours] Task Type Data pulled 04/14/2016 Team Spring 2016

62 Definition of Done Design review Internal design review with the team.
External design review with TA. Code completed. Code refactored Server code Client code Code commented Code is peer reviewed Team Spring 2016

63 Definition of Done (cont.)
Tested Successfully with no defects Unit tested Integration tested Regression tested Interoperability tested GUI tested End-user documentation completed and reviewed. Acceptance tested with owner Product is deployed Team Spring 2016

64 Support Plan

65 Support Objectives Objectives
The owner/maintainers understand how to update and maintain Share code. Provides correct and clear instructions via thorough documentation. Ensure the owner remains satisfied with the Share product. Assumptions: The team support via 577 will end after Spring 2016 semester The future maintainers are knowledgeable of database maintenance, iOS development, and web development. Team Spring 2016

66 Support Strategy Support Lifetime
Support via 577 course will be ending Spring 2016 Release Strategy Continuous testing releases with small fixes as-needed Initial deployment of the app After deployment, the team will not support Share after Spring 2016 Release Requirement Determination Used win-win negotiations priority to develop each system. Followed ICSM principle for development. Requirements and win-win conditions were added or changed based on owner feedback. Team Spring 2016

67 Support Environment Hardware Computer running Mac
iPhone or iPod Touch running iOS 9.0 and later Software PostgreSQL Apache Laravel Eloquent Slim3 Amazon web services access Xcode 7.0 and later Team Spring 2016

68 Support Responsibilities
Owner responsibilities: Business Support Knowledge of the system requirements and domain Administrative maintenance through admin page Maintainers: Technical Support Software development and maintenance Database maintenance Testing Team Spring 2016

69 Transition Plan

70 Objectives/Strategy of Transitions Plan
Preparation ✓ Test and evaluate app in environment using Beta Testing. ✓ Move app to owner run server on AWS & configure ✓ Deliver source code and documentation. Verify App for submission on Apple store. Submit app on apple store Team Spring 2016

71 Hardware, Software & Site Preparation
iPhone or iPod Touch. Computer running Mac Software Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Xcode 7.0 or later Preparation Configure owner AWS Verify app to submit to apple app store Team Spring 2016

72 Operational Testing, Training & Evaluation
After CCD, we started beta testing the software with the owner (Test Flight) , in his desired environment and circle. So far, results has been positive. Training Training is not required. App is intuitive and easy to use. The owner is very familiar with the app. Users had no misunderstanding issues that require training. Evaluation We have been receiving beta testing feedback from owner and working hard to accommodate his inputs. Evaluation is documented on drive. Team Spring 2016

73 Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities
Date Role Responsibility 05/1/16 Owner Finish gaining approval for app to be on apple store DONE Development Team Deploy the app on owner’s AWS and provide support during the transition 04/25/16 Development Team, Owner Implement, as much as possible, owner feedback from beta testing, and agree on support plan for afterwards 04/26/16 Team Have all support documents and manuals ready 04/27/16 Deliver the system (source code and documents are included) Team Spring 2016

74 Required Resources Technical Manual Guide on Setting up AWS DB Schema
Software Product Elements such as class diagram Guide on how to manage DB. User Manual Simple guide on how to use main features of app. Source Code Team Spring 2016

75 Transition Risks for Owner
Not getting approved/verified for apple app store. Researching with owner to make sure this doesn’t happen Currently owner has no maintainers. Ambiguous artifacts or code. We commented the code as much as possible and refactored. We’ll create release description and elements are listed in technical manual. AWS scalability problems in the future. Created a pre-configured image for AWS, that will ease deployment of new instances in the future, along with AWS guide in manual. Team Spring 2016

76 “Q & A” Do you have any questions? Ask us.

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