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Presentation on theme: "Sonnets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonnets

2 Vocabulary Irony – Couplet –
A disconnect between what is (reality) and what seems to be (appearance). 3 types: Dramatic – when an audience knows something that the characters on stage do not. Verbal – using words to compare reality and appearance. Situational – when events align in a way that compare reality and appearance. Couplet – two linked lines of poetry that rhyme.

3 What is a sonnet? A sonnet is a 14 lined poem. It means “little song.”
It has a strict rhyme scheme. It uses Iambic Pentameter. 10 syllables per line. 5 beats per line.

4 Shakespearean Because William Shakespeare became a great practitioner.
3 Quatrains and a couplet Quatrain: 4 lines each Couplet: 2 lines The couplet is closed, which means it rhymes.

5 Shakespearean Rhyme Scheme: A B A B C D C D E F E F GG
Uses Iambic Pentameter

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