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RHIC-BES program as a path towards future HIC(sPHENIX/J-parc)

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Presentation on theme: "RHIC-BES program as a path towards future HIC(sPHENIX/J-parc)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RHIC-BES program as a path towards future HIC(sPHENIX/J-parc)
ShinIchi Esumi University of Tsukuba Division of Quark Nuclear Matters Research Core for the History of the Universe Center for Integrated Research in Fundamental Science and Engineering (CiRfSE) 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

2 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea
S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

3 〜 a few km 〜 200 GeV 〜a few 10km 〜 5 TeV
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL) New York, USA Large Hadron Collider (LHC) European Organization for Nuclear Study (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland 〜 a few km 〜 200 GeV 〜a few 10km 〜 5 TeV 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

4 Experiments at RHIC and LHC
ALICE PHENIX ATLAS STAR CMS 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

5 Towards high-density FAIR / J-PARC
4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

6 S. Nagamiya 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

7 Nucleon or Quark participant scaling
QM14, J. Mitchell 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

8 Baryon density extracted from thermal model fit to
identified hadron spectra STAR preliminary R. Vértesi, Dec/2014, 14. Zimányi Winter School √sNN (GeV) mB (MeV) #Events #Weeks Year 200 20 350 M 11 2010 62.4 70 67 M 1.5 39.0 115 130 M 2 27.0 155 70 M 1 2011 19.6 205 36 M 14.5 260 20 M 3 2014 11.5 315 12 M 7.7 420 4 M 4 STAR preliminary 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

9 Ratio of W(sss) / f(ss) spectra
- extraction of strange quark distribution - based on quark coalescence picture RHIC-STAR arXiv: 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

10 p v2 goes down before turning to be positive
Directed Flow v1 p v2 goes down before turning to be positive arXiv: PRL112 (2014) 16, 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

11 mass dependence of v2 with hydro-model
RHIC vs LHC Very strong radial flow in data. Not enough radial flow in hydro, or hadronic afterburner. 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

12 Elliptic Flow v2 --- departure from quark number scaling ---
PRC88 (2013) 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

13 Elliptic Flow difference : Dv2
arXiv: PRL110 (2013) 14, 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

14 relation : e2initial – v2 – e2final
Event shape from HBT relation : e2initial – v2 – e2final Elliptic and Triangular shape : RHBTF2, RHBTF3 efinal via HBT interferometry n=2 n=3 e2final PHENIX, QM14 PRL112 (2014) 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

15 freeze-out shape eFinal duration time expansion velocity from HBT data
Energy dependence of freeze-out shape eFinal duration time expansion velocity from HBT data arXiv: , PRC92 (2015) 1, arXiv: 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

16 + BG-subtracted charge separation signal as a function of beam energy
L or B Strong B-field arXiv: Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

17 + - - + charge dependent v2 w.r.t. charge asymmetry Slope r
Signal is largest at mid-central and reduces with beam energy arXiv: Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 25, 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

18 Shape of net-proton distribution (fluctuation of conserved quantities
: net-Baryon, net-charge) arXiv: Phys.Rev.Lett. 112 (2014) 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

19 Higher order shape of net-proton distribution
X. Luo, CPOD2014 RHIC-STAR 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

20 Ridge or Flow p Pb Pb pp Min.Bias. pp High Mult. LHC-CMS
RHIC RUN16 will include dAu beam energy scan at 20, 40, 60GeV. LHC-CMS 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

21 Partonic energy loss and Jet quenching
Au Partonic energy loss and Jet quenching Reconstructed jet – hadron correlation RHIC-STAR Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003) LHC-CMS 2-particle correlation 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

22 LHC CMS/ATLAS : Modification of Jet fragmentation
・re-distribution towards lower pT particles ・re-distribution at larger angle CMS QM2014 High pT Low pT Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 02490 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

23 Jet-medium interaction : hard-soft interplay
Jet axis dependence with respect to geometry T1 T2 Df vs fJet-FR.P. Dh vs hJet 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

24 A Large-Acceptance Jet and Upsilon Detector at RHIC
Full jet and Upsilon studies at RHIC energy 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

25 Beam Energy Scan 2 with STAR detector at RHIC
R. Vértesi, Dec/2014, 14. Zimányi Winter School Beam Energy Scan 2 with STAR detector at RHIC 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

26 Fixed target mode at RHIC-STAR
R. Vértesi, Dec/2014, 14. Zimányi Winter School Target inserted into beam pipe Only a small percentage Does not interfere with collider mode data taking 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

27 J-PARC slide from H. Sako, ATHIC14, Aug/2014, Osaka
J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

28 Summary Beam Energy Scan 2 Yield, Flow, HBT Chiral Magnetic effect
Higher order fluctuation A New RHIC detector Jets Upsilon J-PARC Heavy Ion GSI-FAIR CBM NICA Z. Xu, ICPAQGP2015 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

29 Thank you very much for your attention. Back-up slides follow.
4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

30 Beam energy dependence of nquark scaled v2 (increased radial flow)
Relative momentum shift of heavier particles (protons) are larger than light hadrons (pions), which is consistent with an increased radial flow. PRC 85, (2012) Pb+Pb 2.76 TeV ALICE Preliminary proton proton Au + Au 39 GeV PHENIX Preliminary 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

31 Slope : r = Dv2 / DAch arXiv:1504.02175
Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 25, 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

32 Energy loss at high pT and re-distribution of the lost-energy at low pT at RHIC
prompt photon - hadron correlation NPTY = associate hadron yield per trigger g IAA = NPTY(AA) / NPTY(pp) PRL 111 (2013) Enhancement in Low pT Suppression in high pT Low pT High pT 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

33 The difference is mostly gone.
Jet1 (pT,1) Jet2 (pT,2) R~0.2 R~0.4 in (f,h) Aj measurement at RHIC similar effect with smaller jet cone R~0.2 at RHIC lower jet energy than LHC, smaller effect than LHC mostly recovered jet energy within larger jet cone R~0.4 PT,1 - PT,2 PT,1 + PT,2 AJ = The difference is mostly gone. STAR, QM14 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

34 Systematic test of energy loss and redistribution with photons, jets and hadrons
These two effects (energy loss and redistribution) can not be clearly separated experimentally! Closer and closer to the initial parton energy Gamma Jet (large R) Jet reconstruction is to recover the lost energy to get the original parton energy. Jet as a control tool to define path length Jet (+hadron) Jet (small R) 0 (hadron) more and more surface bias given by energy loss QGP inside surface 4th Japan-Korea PHENIX Collaboration Workshop meeting, 19/Oct/2015, Seoul, Korea S. Esumi, U. of Tsukuba

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