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MUMMIFICATION By: Jackie Brooks Becky Katz Peter Lai Phyllis Williams

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Presentation on theme: "MUMMIFICATION By: Jackie Brooks Becky Katz Peter Lai Phyllis Williams"— Presentation transcript:

1 MUMMIFICATION By: Jackie Brooks Becky Katz Peter Lai Phyllis Williams
Ancient Egypt MUMMIFICATION By: Jackie Brooks Becky Katz Peter Lai Phyllis Williams

2 Contents Who and What was mummified? Process Current applications

3 Who and What were Mummified
Anyone who could afford to pay for the expensive process could be mummified. Animals that represented gods and godesses were also mummified Dogs were pets and hunting companions and also mummified. Return to TOC

4 Process of Mummification
Embalming Wrapping Return to TOC

5 Embalming – a How to Guide
Rinse body with wine and then water Pull out brain through nose and discard Keep heart in body Remove and pack lungs, liver, stomach and intestines in natron to dry Either put in canopic jars or wrap in linen and put back in body Put body in natron for 40 days to dry. Wash with water and cover with oil Wrap video Return to Process Info

6 Wrapping Website information Return to TOC

7 Current Applications Great Conditions How are we Finding Information?
X-rays and CT scans So what? Test your Knowledge Return to TOC

8 Great Conditions The searing hot sand caused the remains to dry quickly preventing decomposition. CA

9 How do we find INFO? Analysis of ancient DNA from a piece of tissue or bone tooth or inside of bone CA

10 X-rays and CT scans CA

11 So WHAT? Study of Infectious diseases through DNA analysis
By studying mummies, we can get an idea about how diseases have changed over time. It puts human disease into perspective. CA

12 Testing Teeth and Bones
Test your Knowledge What items are tested to extract DNA from Mummies? Test the linen Wrap Testing Teeth and Bones

13 Incorrect! You may want to go back and read again. Applications

14 YAY Great Work Mummification Sleuth!

15 Citations Return to TOC Mummy picture on title page
Cat mummy /highlights/highlight_image.aspx?image=ps jpg&retpage=15463http:// =ps jpg&retpage=15463 Video on mummification Funny Mummy on Process page Natron info Canopic jar info Wrapping photo Sand X-rays and CT scans DNA and Teeth Return to TOC

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