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Metric System Obj: Students will be able to explain base prefix values for metric prefixes.

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Presentation on theme: "Metric System Obj: Students will be able to explain base prefix values for metric prefixes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metric System Obj: Students will be able to explain base prefix values for metric prefixes.

2 Im tired of putting away or plugging in laptops.
No laptops at first Im tired of putting away or plugging in laptops. If you use one, put it away and plug it in. This should not be difficult. The alternative is to not use them and to just use the old books.

3 Myanmar (Burma), Liberia, and United States

4 History and Prefixes Metric system is the common name for what is called the International System of Units. Implemented by the French in the 18th century- Is the official standard for measurement in most countries but not the U.S. Scientists use the metric system to keep a common standard for measurements. All scientists accept and understand this system of measurement. How do we distinguish between different amounts when we are measuring?

5 Prefixes SI prefixes are used to indicate the amount of something by powers of 10x Kilo (1000), Hecto (100), Deca (10) Deci (0.1), Centi (0.01), Milli (0.001) All scientific measurements use the metric system.

6 Bases Length/Distance Volume (liquid) Mass
Base Unit: meter The symbol is (m) Volume (liquid) Base Unit: liter The symbol is (L) Mass Base Unit: gram The symbol is (g) Often kilogram is used because a single gram is small.


8 Looking ahead Tomorrow we are going to be measuring random things around the room. Wednesday we are going to go over dimensional analysis, see if you can figure out the problems below: Miners on Discovery’s hit show “Gold Rush” routinely run gold bearing gravel that gives them the gold equivalent of $10/yard3. If the price of gold is set at $1300/ounce, how many yards of dirt should the miners expect to process to recover a goal of 5000 ounces? If they process their gravel at 300yard3 per hour, how many hours would they operate?


10 Measuring the following.
1. Whiteboard height (m)  2. Book Shelf width (cm) 3. Stool height (cm) 4. Door height (m) 5. Board eraser length (mm) 6. Paper length (cm) 7.Table Top width (cm) 8. Window width (m) 9. Closet Drawer width (mm) 10. Science Book height (cm) 11. Marker length (mm) 12. TV height (mm) 13. Bulletin Board height (m) 14. Whiteboard Length (cm) 15. Room width (m) 16. Room Height (m) 17. Wall Brick Length (cm) 18. Chair Height (mm) 19. Overhead Projector Cart Height (cm) 20. Teacher Desk Height (m) 21. What is the volume of this room? There are not exactly 24 hours in one day. The time it takes Earth to make one rotation is hours. How many hours, minutes, and seconds does this break down to?

11 Measuring add on… What is the volume of this room?
There are not exactly 24 hours in one day. The time it takes Earth to make one rotation is hours. How many hours, minutes, and seconds does this break down to?


13 Dimensional Analysis Method for converting within measured units.
Tool used in all sciences. Algorithm/Procedure Start with unit given and set it up as a fraction. Over 1 or under 1 Use conversion factors to set up a series of fractions that you use to cross out units. I hour/60 mins…1 min/60secs…100cm/1m…etc. Multiply the fractions when you have reached the desired unit.

14 Miners on Discovery’s hit show “Gold Rush” routinely run gold bearing gravel that gives them the gold equivalent of $10/yard3. If the price of gold is set at $1300/ounce, how many yards of dirt should the miners expect to process to recover a goal of 3000 ounces? If they process their gravel at 300yard3 per hour, how many hours would they operate? How many seconds are in a day? How many hours are in a year? How many minutes are in 37 years? There are not exactly 24 hours in one day. The time it takes Earth to make one rotation is hours. How many hours, minutes, and seconds does this break down to? If you are going 50 miles per hour, how many feet per second are you traveling? Approximately how much time will you spend in school this year? In science? Approximately how many minutes have you been alive?

15 Metric System and Dimensional Analysis
*Cite the webpages that you use. What is the formal name for the metric system? What country is responsible for the development of the metric system? Who was ruling the country at that time? What countries do not use the metric system as their standard of weights and measures? (should be just a few)—initial map I showed you. Why is the metric system used by scientists? What are metric prefixes for the following: (1000), (100), (10), (0.1), (0.01), (0.001) Name three other metric prefixes. What is an example of an everyday use of a metric prefix? What are the metric base units for: length, mass, and volume? Based on what you know and what you have researched, do you think the customary system used by the United States is a better standard for weights and measures? Why or why not? (justify your answer!!!) If you are going 50 miles per hour, how many feet per second are you traveling? Approximately how much time will you spend in school this year? In science? Approximately how many minutes have you been alive?

16 Practice Prefixes Problems to try Conversion factors
How many seconds are in an 4 hours? How many seconds are in a 31 day month? How many minutes are in 13 years? If you are going 50 miles per hour, how many feet per second are you traveling? If a football is thrown at 412.8yd/min, how many feet per second is it traveling? Meters? Madison Bumgarner’s fastball is approximately 33.19m/s. How many yards would his fastball travel if could continue for one minute? (Disregard friction) Approximately how many minutes have you been alive?

17 Step Chart Create a metric Step chart Include:
Prefixes :kilo, hecto, deca, base, deci, centi, milli Prefix numbers Arrow indicating if you multiply by 10x or divide by 10x When finished please make sure that your measuring from yesterday is completed.


19 Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Distance
the general term for which all things are made down to the atomic and sub-atomic level Mass mass is a measure of how much matter an object has measured in grams (base unit). gravity is dependent on the amount of mass an object has. Weight weight is the gravitational attraction between objects. weight is dependent on the gravity.

20 Volume and Distance Volume Distance
volume is a measure of 3-D space an object occupies. object can be solid, liquid, gas or plasma. to find volume of a solid we multiply three sides of the object if it is cubic. *_____ . ______ . ______ = x3 the space is described as being cubed. volume is also used to describe a fluid or gas. a fluid is anything that does not have definite shape and takes the shape of a container Distance the length an object is displaced from where it originated. measured in meters (base unit)

21 Assignment Partner with someone
Using one of the yellow rulers, measure in cm each persons: Height Shoe length Arm length Leg Length Wingspan (across the shoulders) When finished, use one of the wooden metric rulers and repeat. (not available today) Compare your results to your partners What is accuracy and what is precision?

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