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Warm Up Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Quizzes.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Quizzes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Quizzes

2 Problem of the Day Calculate 6 to the fourth power minus 56. 1240

3 Learn to apply the properties of exponents.

4 The factors of a power, such as 74, can be grouped in different ways
The factors of a power, such as 74, can be grouped in different ways. Notice the relationship of the exponents in each product. 7 • 7 • 7 • 7 = 74 (7 • 7 • 7) • 7 = 73 • 71 = 74 (7 • 7) • (7 • 7) = 72 • 72 = 74 4

5 Additional Example 1: Multiplying Powers with the Same Base
Multiply. Write the product as one power. A. 66 • 63 6 6 + 3 Add exponents. 6 9 B. n5 • n7 n 5 + 7 Add exponents. n 12 5

6 Additional Example 1: Multiplying Powers with the Same Base Continued
Multiply. Write the product as one power. C. 25 • 2 2 5 + 1 Think: 2 = 2 1 2 6 Add exponents. D. 244 • 244 24 4 + 4 Add exponents. 24 8 6

7 A. 42 • 44 4 Add exponents. 4 B. x2 • x3 x Add exponents. x
Check It Out: Example 1 Multiply. Write the product as one power. A. 42 • 44 4 2 + 4 Add exponents. 4 6 B. x2 • x3 x 2 + 3 Add exponents. x 5 7

8 Cannot combine; the bases are not the same.
Check It Out: Example 1 Multiply. Write the product as one power. C. x5 • y2 Cannot combine; the bases are not the same. x5 • y2 D. 412 • 417 41 2 + 7 Add exponents. 41 9 8

9 Additional Example 2: Dividing Powers with the Same Base
Divide. Write the quotient as one power. 7 5 3 A. 7 5 – 3 Subtract exponents. 7 2 x 10 9 B. x 10 – 9 Subtract exponents. x Think: x = x 1 9

10 A. B. 9 9 9 Subtract exponents. 97 e e e Subtract exponents. e
Check It Out: Example 2 Divide. Write the product as one power. 9 9 A. 9 2 9 9 – 2 Subtract exponents. 97 e 10 B. e 5 e 10 – 5 Subtract exponents. e 5 10

11 Additional Example 3: Raising a Power to a Power
Simplify. A. (54)2 (54)2 54 • 2 Multiply exponents. 58 B. (67)9 (67)9 67 • 9 Multiply exponents. 663 11

12 Additional Example 3: Raising a Power to a Power
Simplify. 2 3 2 –3 C. D. (172)–20 (172)–20 Multiply exponents. Multiply exponents. 2 3 12 • –3 172 • –20 17–40 12

13 A. (33)4 (33)4 33 • 4 Multiply exponents. 312 B. (48)2 (48)2 48 • 2
Check It Out: Example 3 Simplify. A. (33)4 (33)4 33 • 4 Multiply exponents. 312 B. (48)2 (48)2 48 • 2 Multiply exponents. 416 13

14 C. D. (134)–10 Multiply exponents. Multiply exponents.
Check It Out: Example 3 Simplify. 1 4 11 –2 C. D. (134)–10 (134)–10 Multiply exponents. Multiply exponents. 1 4 11• –2 134 • –10 13–40 14

15 Lesson Quiz for Student Response Systems
Lesson Quizzes Standard Lesson Quiz Lesson Quiz for Student Response Systems 15

16 Warm-up: Homework: Page 172 #1-36 all

17 17

18 Notice what occurs when you divide powers with the same base.
5  5  5 5 53 = 5  5  5  5  5 = 5  5 = 52 18

19 (9 ) is read as “nine to the fourth, to the fifth.”
Reading Math (9 ) is read as “nine to the fourth, to the fifth.” 5 4 19

20 Lesson Quiz Write the product or quotient as one power. 1. n3  n4 n 7 2. 8 • 88 8 9 t9 t7 109 105 3. 4. 10 4 t 2 5. 32 • 33 • 35 3 10 6. (m2)19 m38 7. (9-8)9 8. (104)0 1 9–72 20

21 Warm Up 1. 33 27 2. 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 256 3. b2 for b = 4 16 4. n2r for n = 3 and r = 2 18 24^8 X 81/16 • 244 6. 7. x 10 9 2 3 2 –2 21

22 Lesson Quiz for Student Response Systems
1. Write the product as one power. d4  d3 A. d7 B. d12 C. 7d D. 12d 22

23 Lesson Quiz for Student Response Systems
2. Write the product as one power. 44  43  42 A. 49 B. 414 C. 424 D. 4432 23

24 Lesson Quiz for Student Response Systems
3. Write the product as one power. (10–1)0 A. 10–10 B. 0 C. 1 D. 10 24

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