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The Story of the American Revolution

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1 The Story of the American Revolution

2 French and Indian War

3 The British won this war

4 This war cost King George III a lot of money.

5 The Townsend Act and the Stamp Tax were imposed to get back some of the money King George spent on the war

6 The Colonists did not like the taxes

7 So King George sent more troops to make sure the taxes were paid

8 Taxation and other issues continued to build tension between Britain and the colonies. This tension showed between the colonists and the British soldiers posted in Boston. The townspeople resented the soldiers and treated them poorly, often harassing them verbally and physically. On the night of March 5, 1770, the tension burst.

9 The Tea Act 1763

10 The Boston Tea Party 1773

11 The Committees of Correspondence - 1773

12 The Intolerable Acts

13 On September 5, 1774 the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia

14 Patrick Henry gave a famous speech: “I am not a Virginian; I am an American.”

15 One if by land, two if by sea April 19, 1775

16 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

17 The Minutemen were ready

18 The shot heard around the world

19 The Second Continental Congress June 4. 1775

20 The colonists formed their own militia

21 George Washington was chosen to lead the troops in a war against Great Britain

22 In order to avoid a full-fledged war, they asked Thomas Jefferson to write the Olive Branch Petition to send to King George

23 King George dismissed the petition

24 Most colonists still felt loyalty to the crown

25 Thomas Paine wrote his pamphlets called Common Sense

26 Thomas Jefferson and 4 others were chosen to write a Declaration of Independence

27 The colonists lost many of the first battles

28 George got tricky when he had his troops cross the Delaware River

29 Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778

30 Battle of Saratoga The turning point of the war

31 John Paul Jones – naval hero

32 Marquis de Lafayette

33 Battle at Yorktown

34 Surrender at Yorktown

35 Treaty of Paris, written by John Adams
Benjamin West's unfinished portrait of the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The British delegation refused to sit, so the painting was never completed. Treaty of Paris, written by John Adams



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