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3-7 Precision.

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Presentation on theme: "3-7 Precision."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-7 Precision

2 Precision of measurements refers to its degree of exactness

3 Precision and Accuracy
Precise, but not accurate Neither accurate nor precise Precise AND accurate

4 The smaller the unit of measure, the more precise the measurement.
Which is more precise? (Which is the smaller unit of measure?) 3 yd or 110 in.

5 If the same unit is used in two measurements, then the measurement to the smallest decimal place is more precise. Which is more precise? (Which is the smaller unit of measure?) cm, 45.2 cm

6 A calculation is only as precise as the least precise measurement.
What is the greatest precision possible with a digital clock that shows the hour and minutes? A calculation is only as precise as the least precise measurement. Find: 7 mi /4 mi. Round your answer appropriately. What the least precise measurement? 7 What is the smallest place value? ones The answer will be rounded to the ones place. m 6 4/4 m – 2 ¾ m – 2 ¾ m 4 ¼ m = 4 m

7 A calculation is only as precise as the least precise measurement.
Find: 9.97 cm – 5.9 cm Round your answer appropriately. What the least precise measurement? 5.9 What is the smallest place value? tenth The answer will be rounded to the tenths place. 9.97 cm – 5.90 cm 4.07 cm = 4.1 cm

8 What is the greatest precision possible with each ruler below?
1 1 8 16

9 Homework Page 156 # 4-22 even 1 pt. each – do not have to show work

10 Turn in Classwork Go over Homework
Page 156 # 4-22 even 1 pt. each – do not have to show work Go over Homework Practice Sheet 3-7 evens – (show work for 13-23) Odds extra credit All one point each

11 Review for Chapter 3

12 Notes pages 82-91 for grade on test
Ch 3 Test Monday Notes pages for grade on test Monday Textbook Check Graded – yours and covered Zero or 100% (can’t makeup) Go over homework practice sheet 3-6 #2-26 even (show work, & steps for #8-22)

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