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CT1303 LAN Asma AlOsaimi.

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1 CT1303 LAN Asma AlOsaimi

2 Network standards Standards determine:
Techniques used in the networks. Its protocols. Network specifications and features

3 LAN standards Ethernet LAN standards:
1982 by Xerox, Digital, Intel Use CSMA/CD protocol Transmission rate: 1-10 Mbps Standards include: Coaxial cable. Bus topology. Number of projects and standards have been conducted by many associations of IEEE called project IEEE-802 for LAN standards.

4 IEEE 802 LAN standardization is done OSI Data Link Layer (Layer 2)
by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers) The IEEE LAN/MAN standards committee 802 was founded in February 1980 OSI Data Link Layer (Layer 2) was originally designed for point-to-point line communication but LAN is multipoint line, shared media Therefore OSI Layer 2 had to be split into two sublayers Logical Link Control (LLC) Media Access Control (MAC)

5 Ethernet OSI Modell 802.2 802.3 Ethernet

6 IEEE 802 Working Groups IEEE Standard Boards IEEE 802 LAN/MAN
Standard Committee 802.1 Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group 802.3 Ethernet Working Group 802.11 Wireless LAN Working Group 802.24 Smart Grid Technical Advisory Group IEEE 802 Working Groups Details: 802.1 Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group 802.2 Logical Link Control Working Group (Inactive) 802.3 Ethernet Working Group 802.4 Token Bus Working Group (Inactive) 802.5 Token Ring Working Group 802.6 Metropolitan Area Network Working Group (Inactive) 802.7 Broadband TAG (Inactive) 802.8 Fibre Optic TAG 802.9 Isochronous LAN Working Group Security Working Group Wireless LAN Working Group Demand Priority Working Group Not Used Cable Modem Working Group (Archive information is currently being moved, not available) Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Working Group Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Resilient Packet Ring Working Group P802.3bj 100 Gb/s Backplane & Copper Cable P802.3bk Extended Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON) P802.3bm 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Operation over Fiber Optic Cables P802.3bq 40GBASE-T

7 IEEE 802 Active Working Groups
Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group Ethernet Working Group Wireless LAN Working Group Wireless Personal Area Network Working Group Broadband Wireless Access Working Group (WiMAX) Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Wireless Coexistence Working Group Media Independent Handoff Working Group Wireless Regional Area Networks Working Group Smart Grid Technical Advisory Group

8 IEEE 802 Inactive and Disbanded Working Groups
Logical Link Control Working Group Inactive Token Bus Working Group Disbanded Token Ring Working Group Inactive Metropolitan Area Network Working Group Disbanded Broadband Technical Advisory Group Disbanded Fiber Optic Technical Advisory Group Disbanded Integrated Services LAN Working Group Disbanded Security Working Group Disbanded Demand Priority Working Group Inactive Cable Modem Working Group Disbanded Resilient Packet Ring Working Group Inactive Mobile Broadband Wireless Access WG Inactive Emergency Services Working Group Disbanded

9 LAN standards: IEEE LAN 802

10 LAN IEEE-802 LAN IEEE-802.1: Concerned with:
Network Layer: internetworking among 802 LANs, MANs and WANs. LAN IEEE-802.2: Concerned with: Logical Link Control LLC sub-layer DLL in IEEE standards : MAC+LLC

11 LAN IEEE 802.2

12 LAN IEEE 802 Based on Ethernet standards IEEE 802.3: concerned with:
CSMA/CD protocol. ~ similar to Ethernet Differ to Ethernet: not only Coaxial Cables used + not only Bus topology used: Ring …etc Transmission rate: more than 10Mbps, 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet and Mbps Giga Ethernet. It has numbers of sub-standards related to Ethernet, Fast Ethernet LANs: type of transmission media, network length, transmission media, type of signal … etc

13 LAN IEEE 802.3

14 Ethernet IEEE 802.3 Overview
Fiber Twisted Pair Coax Rarely used 40/100Gbps 802.3ba-2010 10GBase-T 802.3an-2006

15 LAN IEEE 802.3 802.3 standards name contain 3 parts:
1st part: Transmission rate: 10 Mbps , 100 Mbps … etc 2nd part: transmission type and signal: Base: base band: digital signal Broad: Broadband: analog 3rd part: maximum network length or type of transmission media. 5 (10 Base 5): 500m T (10 Base T): Twisted pair F (100 Base FX): Fiber Optics.


17 LAN IEEE 802.3

18 LAN IEEE 802 Giga Ethernet: Transmission rate: 1 Gbps: 1000Mbps
name: 802.3Z Has several types based on the transmission media used:

19 Ethernet LAN 802.3 technologies
Technologies used in he previous standards includes: Data Frames. MAC protocol type. type of transmission media. coding techniques. network topology.

20 Data Frame for Ethernet and 802.3 networks
All networks and Ethernet networks use MAC protocol of type CSMA/CD and similar type of data frame. 802.3 standards use frame length: 1518 byte ( preamble and CRC is not included) Minimum frame length: 64 byte ( length enough to detect collisions if occurred)

21 802.3 data frame

22 802.3 data frame

23 802.3 data frame Pre-amble حقل التزامن :
7 byte. Used for synchronization. Start Frame Delimiter (SFD)حقل البدء : 1 byte. Destination address عنوان المرسل إليه : 6 byte ~ can be minimized to 2 byte. Physical address. Source address عنوان المرسل : Frame length fieldحقل طول الاطار : 2 byte ~ networks Type of protocol of the upper layer ~ Ethernet.

24 802.3 data frame LLC data حقل بيانات الطبقة الاعلى:
1500 byte – 64 byte length, includes: Error Detection field (Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC): حقل اكتشاف الاخطاء 4 byte.

25 IEEE LAN standards Ethernet LAN (by Xerox): Topology: Bus
Transmission Media: Thick Coaxial Cable. Signal: Digital. Encoding Technique: Manchester. Devices used: Transceiver: To manage the access to the channel Has MAC protocols (CSMA/CD) External device ( out of the PC) Connect the coaxial cable.

26 Ethernet LAN Transceiver Cable: DB-15 connector ( similar to AUI).
Maximum length 50 m Consists of 5 pairs of UTP; 2 pairs for sending and receiving data, 2 pairs for controlling the data, 1 for voltage and electricity. Controller: To send controlling commands Has Logical Link Control LLC protocol mechanism. It is inside PC.

27 Ethernet LAN

28 10Base5 Introduced in 1980 as part of the original IEEE standard. Transmits 10 Mbps over a single thick coaxial cable bus. The primary benefit of 10Base5 was its length: up to 500m without a repeater. 10Base5 uses Manchester encoding. The thick and sturdy cable was difficult to install and was therefore called Thick Net or due to its color Yellow Cable.

29 10 Base 5 standards The primary benefit of 10Base5 was its length :
Maximum network length: 500 m Transmission media: Thick Coaxial RG-8 ,RG-11 Topology: bus Signal: digital, Manchester encoding Devices used: Medium Attached Unit MAU ~ Transceiver Attached Unit Interface AUI ~ Transceiver Cable Network Interface Card NIC:LLC protocols mechanisms , inside PCs

30 10 Base 2 standards Transceiver or MAU is embedded into NIC to control and connecting to channel. Transmission media: thin Coaxial RG-58 Network length: 185m , repeaters can be used to extend network length. Topology: bus Signal: digital, Manchester encoding. Devices used: cables, BNC-T , BNC connectors, NICs

31 10 Broad 36 standards Signal: analog NRZ encoding. Topology: bus, tree
Network length: 1800 m, 3600m with repeaters. 100 devices can be connected in 1 cable Pair of cables: sending, receiving cable, or 1 cable and dividing frequency bandwidth to sending and receiving parts. TV. Cables can be used. Network can be used for T.V broadcast + LAN devices: used: Head End: in top of network to transmit signals from sending cable to receiving cable Modems: module signals . NIC: CSMA/CD

32 10 Broad 36 standards

33 10Base-T Introduced in 1990. 10base-T uses cheap and easy to install Cat 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) copper cable rather than coaxial cable. The UTP cable is plugged into a central connection device that contains the shared bus => Hub. Preferred Topologies: Star and Extended Star. Originally 10Base-T was a half-duplex protocol, but full-duplex features were added later. 10Base-T also uses Manchester encoding. Due to their high attenuation 10Base-T links can have unrepeated lengths of up to 100 m. UTP cable uses RJ-45 connectors with eight pins. Cat 3 cable is adequate for use in 10Base-T networks, although Cat 5e or better is strongly recommended for any new cable installations.

34 Figure 5-14 A 10Base-T network
Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

35 Figure 5-15 A 10Base-T network
Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

36 Fast Ethernet standards
100 Base T4 100 Base TX 100 Base FX

37 Fast Ethernet: 100 Base T4 4 pairs of twisted pairs: 3 pairs for sending and receiving data, 1 pair for detecting collisions. Transmission rate on each pair: 100/3=33.3 Mbps Digital signal, NRZ ~ 8B6T 8 bit\6T (Ternary): Each 8 bits transformed to a symbol of 6 symbols (0,+,-) Maximum cable length: 100m Star topology Maximum network length: 200m Devices: same as 10 Base T : hubs, NICs

38 Fast Ethernet: 100 base TX Devices used: hubs, NIC
2 pairs of twisted pairs: 1 pair for sending, 1 for receiving data. Maximum cable length: 100m Maximum network length: 200m Transmission media: UTP- Cat5 or STP Digital signal, NTZ-I ~ 4B/5B ( to better detection errors, synchronization)

39 Fast Ethernet : 100 Base FX Ethernet + Fiber Optics
Light signal for digital data of type NRZ-I ~ 4B/5B Pairs of Fiber Optics; 1 sending, 1 receiving Maximum cable length: 100m. Maximum network length: 400m

40 Giga Ethernet standards
Transmission rate: 1Gbps~1000Mbps. CSMA/CD as a MAC protocol. Star, tree topology. Hub, switch to connect devices and servers. Data frame is similar to Ethernet data frame but: Minimum frame length: 4096 bit NOT 512 bit(64byte) Digital signals; 8B/10B

41 Giga Ethernet standards

42 Giga Ethernet standards
1000 BASE SX: Pair of Multimode Fiber Optics. Maximum cable length: 275m ~ 62.5mm diameter, 500m ~ 50mm diameter. Light signal. 1000 BASE CX: STP. Maximum cable length : 25m. 1000 BASE T: 4 pairs of UTP-Cat5, 100m

43 Token passing standards
IEEE standards has been developed to specify some standards for Ring Topology networks that used Token Passing Protocol as its main MAC protocol. It can be used also in Star topology network that has MAU Medium Access Unit to connect devices, but logically works as Ring design by passing Token. It differs that Ethernet with the data frame fields and its contents

44 Token passing standards

45 Token passing standards

46 Token passing standards
Starting Delimiter SD: Jk0jk000( j,k) is used to define starting of frame. Access Control AC: Manage accessing channel among devices and nodes. Frame Control FC: To exchange commands to control channel access. Destination, Sender Address. 48 bit Physical address, by manifacturer.

47 Token passing standards
Data field: Data, control commands. Frame Check Sequence FCS: Using CRC as an error detection method. End Delimiter ED: Bits to till receiver that no data are coming next. Frame Status: If received or not.

48 Token passing standards

49 Summary of Common Ethernet Standards
Table 5-1 Common Ethernet standards Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

50 Figure 5-16 Multiple types of Ethernet on a WAN
Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

51 Ethernet_II (DIX) Developed by DEC, Intel, Xerox (abbreviated DIX)
Before IEEE Contains 2-byte type field Identifies the Network layer protocol Most commonly used on contemporary Ethernet networks Figure 5-17 Ethernet II (DIX) frame Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

52 PoE (Power over Ethernet)
IEEE 802.3af standard Supplying electrical power over Ethernet connections Two device types PSE (power sourcing equipment) PDs (powered devices) Requires Cat 5 or better copper cable Connectivity devices must support PoE Compatible with current installations Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

53 PoE (cont’d.) Figure 5-18 PoE capable switch Figure 5-19 PoE adapters
Courtesy D-Link North America Courtesy D-Link North America Network+ Guide to Networks, 6th Edition

54 Additional Recourses Rehab Alfallaj (2015) Ethernet  [PowerPoint slides].  Andreas Steffen( 2013) Ethenet  [PowerPoint slides].

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