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Practical Training with Starpabs Mooc

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1 Practical Training with Starpabs Mooc
Sanja Kunttu, GD14s Practical Training with Starpabs Mooc

2 Starpabs is a MOOC (massive online open course) for StartUp Passion
Starpabs is a MOOC (massive online open course) for StartUp Passion. It is an international and interactive course focusing on ideas, innovation and entrepreneurship. I worked as a graphic designer and animator in this project, along with brainstorming, creating and planning this project overall. In this slideshow I will show you some examples of my animations, avatars and icons I made for this project. Let’s get started!

3 Animation One of my first tasks after all this planning and brainstorming was to produce intro animations for the video material. There was a lot of video content planned so I had many animations to do. I got this idea of a yellow string in a blue background that forms shapes and words. The theme of a string would continue through all the videos. This idea would bring nice continuity to our project and the videos, and other team members liked the idea too so I started working on that. Here are some examples of my work I animated using Photoshop.



6 Avatars After animating a long time I finally got to next task. Creating avatars. With avatars, people using Starpabs can bring more color and personality to their profiles. I found this really fun. Especially when I got to work with vector graphics and Illustrator. Here are some examples of my work.

7 Icons As my last task I made new versions of the old icons. I made re-designing, editing and I also created new ones. Here are just a few of them as an example. I wanted to make as many icons as possible so that we had more options to pick from. Search Tool -icons Log Out -icons

8 Thank you!

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