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PEARLING for success: Approaching War poetry in Yr 9

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1 PEARLING for success: Approaching War poetry in Yr 9
Saturday, 08 September 2018 Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

2 E Support it with EVIDENCE (a quotation) A ANALYSE the evidence
Essay: How does Owen gain sympathy for the soldiers in Dulce… PEARLS are made from GRIT – it takes time and does not always work. GRIT is a synonym for hard work! P Make a POINT E Support it with EVIDENCE (a quotation) A ANALYSE the evidence R RELATE it to the rest of the text, or RESPOND to it personally/ as an audience L Link forward to next paragraph or back to the question Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

3 Point Write a thesis statement that you go on to evidence with a quotation. (This statement can be lifted directly from your introduction, or re-phrased.) e.g. “In the opening line Owen establishes an image of the soldiers far removed from the glory of war” Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

4 Evidence Your evidence must support the point you are making! E.g.
“Bent double, like old beggars under sacks”. Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

5 Analysis You have a quotation. Analyse it by doing one or more of the following: Comment on the vocabulary used Comment on imagery Use of punctuation? Is there a literary technique being used? Instead of soldiers echoing the ideas stated in Dulce et Decorum est, Owen portrays the soldiers as weakened semi-cripples. The alliterative b,and g/k helps to emphasise the difficulty which they have with walking. Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

6 Let’s check that: Instead of soldiers echoing the ideas stated in Dulce et Decorum est, Owen portrays the soldiers as weakened semi-cripples. The alliterative b,and g/k helps to emphasise the difficulty which they have with walking. Links to the title of the poem and establishes the ironic tone, to be developed later Discussion of the techniques, shows understanding Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

7 RELATE/RESPOND? How does this point emerge elsewhere? What patters develop? He uses this alliterative pattern and a range of caesurae* to create a hesitant rhythm to the opening couplet. Only in lines 3 and 4 when the thoughts turn to “rest” does the rhythm reflect a simple iambic tread. The sense of relaxation is undercut by the last word in line 4 – “trudge” reminding the reader of the sheer effort involved in movement. * A caesura is a break in a line of poetry caused by punctuation. Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

8 P+E+A+R+__ In the opening line Owen establishes an image of the soldiers far removed form the glory of war”: “Bent double, like old beggars under sacks”. Instead of soldiers echoing the ideas stated in Dulce et Decorum est, Owen portrays the soldiers as weakened semi-cripples. The alliterative b,and g/k helps to emphasise the difficulty which they have with walking. He uses this alliterative pattern and a range of caesurae to create a hesitant rhythm to the opening couplet. Only in lines 3 and 4 when the thoughts turn to “rest” does the rhythm reflect a simple iambic tread. The sense of relaxation is undercut by the last word in line 4 – “trudge” reminding the reader of the sheer effort involved in movement. How would you link this to another paragraph? Show me where you are going… Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

9 LINK Apart from simple links: “Another way”… “In addition…”
Look for a chance to show some sophistication. TRY a JANUS SENTENCE Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

10 JANUS SENTENCES They look both ways and used effectively can link paragraphs very well… “Whereas in Stanza 1 Owen describes the setting of the poem objectively, in Stanza 2 he becomes personally involved in a moment of action and the language takes on a new subjectivity.” Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

11 Another idea: Look at this couplet and the comment made
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning Think about the Punctuation and structure of these lines… think about the use of powerful emotive language and the effect created… Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

12 Have a go! Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

13 Don’t forget your PEARLs, girls
Don’t forget your PEARLs, girls! But, boys: other forms of analysis are available, such as Peeing or Peeling. Jonathan Peel JLS 2016

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