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Baltic Sea Region Programme : New Funding Opportunities

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1 Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020: New Funding Opportunities
Managing Authority/Joint Technical Secretariat 16th BDF Summit & 5th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR - Turku, 3-4 June 2014 1 1

2 Joint Programming Committee Programming Task Force
Set-up of Programming Joint Programming Committee Programming Task Force Reference Group National reference groups BY DE DK EE FI LT LV NO PL SE RU 2


4 Programme facts Funding volume: EUR 264 million ERDF + Norwegian Funds and ENI (tbc.) Partnership: public authorities, academia, NGOs, enterprises! 3 partners from 3 countries Co-financing: Russia and Belarus plan to join the Programme once Financing Agreements between the governments of each country and the European Commission have been signed. Negotiations about the Financing Agreements are planned to start in September 2014 after the EU funding for Russian and Belarusian organisations has been announced. Therefore, it is difficult to foresee whether applications with Russian/Belarusian partners will be possible in the first call for applications. 50% (NO) 75% (DE, DK, SE, FI) 85% (EE, LT, LV, PL, RU, BY)

5 Thematic Priorities

6 Implementation structure
Managing Authority (MA) Monitoring Committee (MC) Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) Main office: Rostock, Germany Branch office: Riga, Latvia Contact Points? 6

7 What kind of projects will be funded in the new period?
Transnational relevance Clear links to regional development Pre-investment activities & pilot investments Capacity building Transferable results with high visibility Transnational partnerships: public authorities, NGOs, research organisations, sectoral agencies and associations, private enterprises (NEW!) End users of project outcomes to be involved! Institutional capacity in the Programme context is understood as: 1) Enhanced institutionalised knowledge and competence; 2)Improved governance structures and organisational set-up; 3)More efficient use of human and technical resources(databases, technical solutions, small infrastructure etc.); 4) Better ability to attract new financial resources; 5) Increased capability to work in transnational environment. Transnational projects: min. 3 partners from 3 countries, budget typically million Euros

8 Who can apply for funds? Public authorities from local, regional and national levels, research and training institutions, business development institutions and, new in this period, private (for‐profit) organisations can also take part in projects and receive funds. How to apply? When applying for funds, applicants will follow a two‐step approach. During the first step, the project idea owners will submit a “concept note”. If the concept note is accepted by the Monitoring Committee (decision making body of the Programme), the applicant will be invited to develop the project idea further and submit a complete project proposal (second step). The concept note will include a project summary, challenges and results, main activities and outputs, partnership details and the preliminary budget. 8 8

9 Nearest steps: After the approval, the Cooperation Programme was submitted to every participating country’s government for final national endorsement. By July, the European Commission will receive the Programme for final approval. The start of the new Programme will be announced at the Programme Conference on November in Warsaw. From September 2014, the Joint Technical Secretariat will start provide advisory services to interested applicants. 9

10 Don‘t miss the dates End of 2014/beginning of 2015: Launch of first call


12 Number of Russian organisations involved the projects approved by the Monitoring Committee of the Baltic Sea Region Programme ( ) Call 1 24 19 Call 2 22 17 Call 3 12 Call 4 + extension stage call 1 15 9 Call 5 3 Extension stage call 2 5 1 Total Calls 1-6 88 61 12

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