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Chapter 7: Academic Assessment

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1 Chapter 7: Academic Assessment

2 Assessment of Academic Achievement
Achievement Tests—Tests used to measure what the student retained in the curriculum. Screening Tests—Brief tests that sample a few items across skills or domains.

3 Aptitude Tests—Tests designed to measure strength, talent, or ability in a particular area or domain. Diagnostic Tests—Individually administered tests that determine specific academic problems.

4 Adaptive Behavior Scales—Instruments that assess a student’s ability to adapt to the world in different situations. Norm-referenced Tests—Tests designed to compare individual students with national averages, or norms. Curriculum-based Assessment—using content from the currently used curriculum to assess student progress.

5 Appropriate Uses of Individual Achievement Tests
To obtain an estimate of current academic levels in specific academic areas. To compare an individual student’s academic achievement level with the national norm or expectation of average performance.

6 Description of Individual Academic Achievement Tests
Individual academic achievement tests usually include a variety of basic academic skill areas such as: Reading decoding Reading comprehension Math calculation Math reasoning Spelling Written language Oral language

7 Individual achievement tests are likely to contain many items across each domain or skill area.
Most individual achievement tests assess across all school ages or grades. Many individual achievement tests have computer scoring programs that may decrease the time needed to score.

8 Commonly Used Achievement Tests
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-III (WJ-III) Peabody Individual Achievement Test-R (PIAT-R) Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement–II (KTEA-II)

9 Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II (WIAT-II)
Wide Range Achievement Test—III (WRAT-III) Woodcock-McGrew-Werder Mini-battery of Achievement

10 Appropriate Uses of Diagnostic Tests
Initial assessment process Reevaluation Assessment of progress Additional data for classroom interventions

11 Commonly Used Diagnostic Tests
Keymath-3 Diagnostic Assessment (Keymath-3 DA) Test of Mathematical Abilities-2 (TOMA-2) Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R) Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery for Reading and Writing (PAL-RW)

12 Gray Oral Reading Tests-Fourth Edition (GORT-4)
Test of Reading Comprehension-Third Edition (TORC-3) Test of Written Language-3 (TOWL-3) Test of Written Spelling-4 (TWS-4)

13 Assessing Other Language Areas
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (PPVT-4) Expressive Vocabulary Test-2 Test of Language Development-Primary: Third Edition (TOLD-P:3) Test of Language Development-Intermediate: Third Edition (TOLD-I:3)

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