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Author: Nurul Azyyati Sabri Co-Author / Editor: Rama Yusvana

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1 Author: Nurul Azyyati Sabri Co-Author / Editor: Rama Yusvana
Review Questions Author: Nurul Azyyati Sabri Co-Author / Editor: Rama Yusvana

2 Question 1 There are two main control systems in instrumentation of biomanufacturing processes – ‘Feedforward’ and ‘Feedback’ control systems. COMPARE between these two control systems. Include example of instrumentation utilizing EACH of these control systems. CONTRAST between these two control systems. Include example of instrumentation utilizing EACH of these control systems.

3 Question 2 Draw clearly labelled diagrams, the schematic of BOTH ‘feedforward’ and ‘feedback’ control systems for a heating / cooling system of a building. In addition to the above control systems, transducers and actuators are TWO (2) type of devices that are often involved in instrumentation. Explain the working principle of BOTH transducers and actuators. Give example of instrument utililizing EACH of these devices.

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