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Spacewalk and Koji at Fermilab

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1 Spacewalk and Koji at Fermilab
Troy Dawson HEPIX Spring 2010 April 22, 2010

2 What is Spacewalk? Spacewalk is a systems management solution
It is the upstream project from which Red Hat Satellite is derived

3 What is Spacewalk? It allows you to
Install and update software on your systems Collect and distribute custom software packages into manageable channels Mark packages as security, bugs or enhancements.

4 What is Spacewalk? It allows you to Inventory your systems
Both hardware and software Monitor your systems Kickstart your systems Can generate an automatic kickstart file Is integrating with Cobbler

5 Spacewalk at Fermilab? Still in the testing phase
Can it do errata web pages like How well does it monitor machines? Can different groups use the same spacewalk server for their machines? Can there be a master spacewalk server with slave servers? Can someone else's spacewalk server just sync the channels but nothing else?

6 Fermilab Results We are able to add packages to channels easily.
spacewalk-repo-sync --channel <channel> --url repo location> --type yum We are able to use scripts to create errata and to mark packages as being associated with the errata.

7 Fermilab Results

8 Fermilab Results

9 Fermilab Results

10 Fermilab Results

11 Fermilab Results

12 Fermilab Results We are able to use groups to
Organize larger groups of machines Separate users from each other We are able to use keys to Automatically mark a computer to a group Automatically assign channels to machines Automatically register a machine to a user

13 Fermilab Results We are able to Quickly see if a machine needs updates
Quickly see if any of the machines we monitor needs updates. See if updates needed are for security, or just bug fix updates Update packages on a single machine Update packages on a group of machines

14 Fermilab Results

15 Fermilab Results

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21 Fermilab Results

22 Fermilab Results

23 Fermilab Results

24 Fermilab Results

25 Still Need to Test Can there be a master spacewalk server with slave servers? Waiting for spacewalk 0.9 to test this feature Can someone else's spacewalk server just sync the channels but nothing else? Waiting for spacewalk 0.9 or 1.0 to test this.

26 Still Need to Test How many machines can it monitor before it get's bogged down? How many machines can a user easily take care of? How well does cobbler work with Spacewalk There are several areas at Fermilab using or investigating cobbler Spacewalk is supposed to work well with cobbler. We plan on testing this.

27 What is Koji? Koji is the software the builds RPMs for the Fedora Project and EPEL. Uses Yum and Mock New buildroot for each build Active code base Web interface with SSL and Kerberos authentication Buildroot contents are tracked in the database

28 What is Koji?

29 What is Koji?

30 What is Koji?

31 Why are we using it? We are planning on using Koji to build Scientific Linux 6 Since Koji is what Fedora and EPEL are using to build, we expect RedHat is using Koji to build RHEL6 We don't know this, but we are guessing We are already using mock to build SL5 packages. Since Koji used mock we are familiar with how that part works.

32 Why are we using it? It has the idea of batch queues
It has the ability to build from either srpm or from source code management (cvs, svn, git) We can have collaborators build rpm's easier Easier to track our build history

33 Results Thus Far We have successfully setup a Koji environment
Only one bullet point for all that work? We have successfully created extra worker nodes This is very important to help spread the work load among different machines. Try to build SL5 packages on SL5 build nodes and SL6 packages on SL6 build nodes In theory you shouldn't need to do this We are just testing this out.

34 Results Thus Far We are still tweaking the settings
Currently, all authentication is done via certificates. We are trying to have it work with kerberos as well. We are still working out some bugs Luckily all open source projects are documented “Read the Source Luke ... Read the Source” We are testing various ways of submitting jobs and getting results. Each time we do this more tweaks are needed.

35 Results Thus Far When I say “we” when talking about Koji, I mainly mean Connie Sieh. She had done 95% of the work.

36 Results Thus Far

37 Results Thus Far

38 Results Thus Far

39 Results Thus Far

40 Results Thus Far

41 Results Thus Far

42 Results Thus Far

43 Koji Futures MASH Publishes built and signed packages to a yum repository BHODI Web system that facilitates the process of publishing updates We have not implemented either of these, but we are looking at them.

44 Koji - BHODI

45 Koji - BHODI

46 Koji - BHODI

47 References

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