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Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
PREPARATION Before you present to your group: PRINT OUT ONE COPY OF the VISION, MISSION & OBJECTIVES from slides 7-12, bring them with you as you will be taping them up on the wall to create the Strategic Plan/Challenge Map on the wall. PRINT OFF COPIES FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS of slides 22 for the last Activity: “START – STOP – CONTINUE” DETERMINE how much time you have and allow time for discussion on the ”What’s Stopping Us” Activity (Slide #15). OBTAIN flip charts or large paper for each table along with markers, stickers or “Dots.” USING THE NOTES SECTION: Some slides contain instructions/guidelines in the notes section for Presenter to review but not to read to the group. These instructions are separated from the “script” by =======. Underneath that line is the script to read which could be an explanation or instructions the Presenter is to provide for the group they are presenting to (see slide #2). If there is only instruction you will see ===== at the bottom of the notes page with no “script” underneath (see slide #3). If there is only “script” and no instruction then you will see ==== at the top of the notes page (see slide #4). Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
You will need to provide the context for the meeting. Feel free to use the below or you can create your own introduction. ========== To achieve increased collective impact, we will have to change the way we work. What can your club do to help our organization move from a fragmented, isolated set of program actions and results across clubs to coordinated collective program actions and deep impact that will help us gain more recognition for our work and maximize our social impact? What can your club do to reconsider how they spend their time and resources to shape our organization’s future and the future of the women and girls who need our help? What can your club do to embrace our current Big Goal of increasing our collective impact? Clubs are telling us they plan to stop being tied to long-standing activities and projects that do not directly support SIA’s goal of increased collective impact. In fact that is the number one suggestion clubs tell us they will do to create greater focus on our Dream Programs. They will make our Dream programs the center of their club’s efforts. You may be wondering “where did this information come from?” It’s from our last Big Goal survey. In response to the question asking what clubs can stop doing, their top responses were: Stop being tied to long-standing activities and projects that don’t support collective impact Stop spreading resources across several projects Stop being resistant to changing our organization’s focus We all know that change is difficult. It does not have a great reputation! Change can feel stressful because we don’t know what to expect, it’s a break from our routine, takes us out of our comfort zone, and can make us feel as though we’ve lost control. So to help members and clubs work through these very real emotions that change brings, we need to help them take a critical look at what may be keeping us from achieving our big goal. That way they will start to understand and agree to winnowing our activities and putting more of our energies into our Dream Programs. Let’s start by looking at and gaining a better understanding of SIA’s Strategic Plan. Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
Reflect Thinking about your Community, if our target population of disadvantaged Women and Girls had more access to Education what would be the IMPACT on your community If you have time, this is a good exercise to get people thinking about the potential benefits of the Dream Programs without being overt about it. Depending on time and the size of the group you can either: Have a few people offer their thoughts to the whole group Have everyone discuss at their table Have them discuss at their table and then share what was discussed with the larger group Read the Slide and then give them the instructions of whether they are working on their own or discussing at their table and ask them to think about both the Short term and the long term impact. ================
Strategic Challenge Map
Vision Women and Girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams Why? Mission: Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment (to achieve the vision) Big Goal: Increase Collective Impact (to advance the mission) Strategic Outcomes IMPACT ENGAGEMENT RECOGNITION PHILANTHROPY FUTURE ======= The Strategic Challenge Map allows you to see your whole Strategic Plan on one page. This allows it to be easily understood and communicated by anyone in the Organization. Up on the screen we have our federation’s strategic plan. We have the Vision at the top and then the Mission to achieve the Vision and then the Big Goal to reach the Mission and the Strategic Outcomes to reach the Big Goal and the Objectives to reach the Strategic Outcomes and the Strategies to reach the Objectives We ask “Why” as we go up and we ask “What’s Stopping Us” as we go down. So if we are looking at one of the Objectives we would ask “why would we want to do this?” the answer is because it will help us achieve our Strategic Outcomes. Then we could ask ”Why would we want to achieve this Strategic Outcome?” and the answer is because it will help us achieve our Big Goal and Why do we want to achieve our Big Goal because it will help us achieve our Mission. We could then ask “Why would we want to achieve our Mission?” and it is to help us achieve our overall Vision. If we start at the top and look at the Vision we would ask “What is Stopping Us from achieving our Vision?” and the answer would be because we haven’t yet achieved our Mission. We could then ask “What is Stopping us from achieving our Mission?” and the answer is that we haven’t yet reached our Big Goal and we could ask “What is Stopping Us from reaching our Big Goal?” is that we haven’t yet achieved our Strategic Outcomes. We could then ask “What is Stopping Us from achieving our Strategic Outcomes?” and the answer would be that we haven’t yet achieved all of our Objectives. We then ask “What is Stopping Us from achieving our Objectives?” and THAT is the question that we are here to answer. Each Club would be responsible for implementing the Strategies, Tactics or Action Items to help us achieve our Objectives and that will allow us to accomplish our Strategic Outcomes and that will allow us to achieve our Mission and ultimately our Vision. Once we fill in the strategies & tactics on the Challenge Map, anyone should be able to look at this Strategic Plan and see where they fit, see how WHAT they are working on will support achieving the Mission. Every tactic is important and will be needed in order to ensure that we can help improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls through our Dream Programs. This one page Strategic Plan is also a great tool for decision making and resource allocation. If a Club is faced with a decision you can ask “why” would you want to do this – will it increase the Impact or Engagement of the Dream Programs? If Yes, then it might be an easy decision. If No, then you have to question why you would spend your valuable resources on something that is not going to support us in achieving the Mission. (to achieve the Big Goal) Objectives: • Increase the impact of our Live Your Dream Awards • Increase the impact of Dream It, Be It • Increase engagement in our Live Your Dream Awards • Increase engagement in Dream It, Be It • Increase new clubs • Increase members in clubs • Increase the quality of engagement within our organization • Enhance our effectiveness for collective, sustainable impact • Increase the capacity of members to be effective leaders within our organization • Increase the quality of engagement in • Improve synergy between federations and SI • Increase awareness of our Soroptimist brand • Enhance the clubs’ ability to raise awareness of Soroptimist in local communities • Increase donations through major gifts • Increase our annual fund donations • Improve our donor experience • Increase donations from external sources • Increase support to achieve our Big Goal: Invest in the dreams of disadvantaged women and girls through access to education • Improve cultural readiness to shift our program focus • Increase our capacity to achieve our Big Goal (to achieve the strategic outcomes) Strategies: What’s Stopping (to achieve the objectives)
Strategic Challenge Map
Vision Women and Girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams Why? Mission: Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment (to achieve the vision) Big Goal: Increase Collective Impact (to advance the mission) Strategic Outcomes - Impact ======= Today we are going to focus on one of the Strategic Outcomes: IMPACT as we believe this is a critical piece for the success of the Clubs and the Federation. Together, we will provide a sustainable impact on the lives of disadvantaged women and girls. (to achieve Big Goal) Objectives: Increase the impact of our Live Your Dream Awards Increase the impact of Dream It, Be It Increase engagement in our Live Your Dream Awards Increase engagement in Dream It, Be It (to achieve the strategic outcomes) Strategies: Ensure more disadvantaged women have access to our Live Your Dream Awards. Provide additional resources to Live Your Dream Award recipients. Demonstrate Live Your Dream Awards’ sustainable impact. Ensure clubs serve more disadvantaged girls through Dream It Be It. Demonstrate the impact of Dream It, Be It. Provide support and resources for club participation. Promote club participation in Live Your Dream Awards. Provide opportunities to engage supporters. Cultivate partnerships to deliver Live Your Dream Awards. Promote club engagement in Dream It, Be It. Provide opportunities to engage supporters. Cultivate partnerships to deliver Dream It Be It. (to achieve the objectives) Tactics: What’s Stopping (to achieve the strategies)
Challenge Map Steps Ask “Why” would we want to do that as you move up
Ask “What’s Stopping Us” from doing it as you move down You will tape the Vision, Mission & Objectives to the wall to look like the Map on slide 5. VISION MISSION OBJECTIVE – OBJECTIVE – OBJECTIVE - OBJECTIVE Read each one to the group. If it is a large group you will also want to use the Slides 7-12 and have each one up on the screen as you read it. Then go to slide 13 – “Strategic Objectives” to ask them about what the Objectives mean. ========
VISION Women and Girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams Read the Vision Statement. ===========
MISSION Soroptimist improves the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment Read the Mission Statement. ===========
Increase the Impact of our Live Your Dream Awards
OBJECTIVE Increase the Impact of our Live Your Dream Awards Read the Objective. ===========
Increase the Impact of Dream It, Be It
OBJECTIVE Increase the Impact of Dream It, Be It Read the Objective. ===========
Increase Engagement in our Live Your Dream Awards
OBJECTIVE Increase Engagement in our Live Your Dream Awards Read the Objective. ===========
Increase Engagement in Dream It, Be It
OBJECTIVE Increase Engagement in Dream It, Be It Read the Objective. ===========
Strategic Objectives What does it mean to increase our IMPACT?
What does it mean to increase our ENGAGEMENT? After you have pasted the Objectives on the Wall and read each one out loud, ask the group: What does it mean to increase our IMPACT? What does it mean to increase our ENGAGEMENT? And then let the group discuss and come to an understanding, step in if necessary, ask for clarification, make sure everyone understands and agrees. Allow at least 5 minutes for discussion. Then you will move to the next slide and you will demonstrate the Map you have taped on the wall. =============
Challenge Map Steps Ask “Why” would we want to do that as you move up
Ask “What’s Stopping Us” from doing it as you move down You will now demonstrate the “Why” “What’s Stopping Us” with the Vision, Mission and Objectives taped on the wall. Place your hand on the first Objective and read it out loud “Increase the Impact of our Live the Dream Awards” then ask ”Why would we want to do that?” Then place your hand on the Mission and ask “would it help us improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment?” and get them to agree. Then move your hand to the next Objective and read it out loud “Increase the Impact of Dream It, Be It” and then ask “why would we want to do that?” Then move your hand to the Mission statement and ask “would it help us improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment?”, get them to agree. Then move your hand to the next Objective and read it out loud “Increase Engagement in our Live Your Dream Awards” and then ask “why would we want to do that?”, then move your hand to the Mission Statement and ask “would it help us improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment?”, get them to agree. Then move your hand to the last Objective and read it out loud “Increase Engagement in Dream It, Be It” and ask “Why would we want to do that?”, then move your hand to the Mission Statement and ask “would it help us improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment?”, get them to agree. Now put your hand back to the line of Objectives and ask – “What is Stopping Us from achieving our Objectives? ============ Now we will do an activity to find out what is Stopping Us.
What is Stopping Us from Achieving the Objective?
Strategic Objectives What is Stopping Us from Achieving the Objective? Please list all of the possible reasons 5 minutes ASSIGN EACH GROUP A DIFFERENT OBJECTIVE If you have more than 4 groups you can have multiple groups working on each Objective. Give them 5 minutes. After 5 minutes see if the groups need more time, if they do, give them more time here and if necessary cut another activity short, this is an important Activity. You will have them work together and capture their answers on a flip chart, you will need one person in each group to volunteer to “scribe” for the group. If you have multiple groups and you have time you can have each group share their list or you could wait until after the next slide. As you have the group share what they have identified, you may want to make sure that the group has identified that generating Awareness and Recognition for the Dream Program is key. ==================== For the Objective you have been assigned, capture on the flip chart all of the possible reasons that could be Stopping Us from achieving this Objective. You are to list all of the possible reasons – we are not looking for the one right answer but all of the possible answers. We need a volunteer from each group to scribe for the group, you are to write down everything that is said. Do not worry about editing or word-smithing at this point, just capture everything that is said. You should be striving to create as long a list as you can. You have 5 minutes.
What is Stopping Us from Achieving the Objective?
Strategic Objectives What is Stopping Us from Achieving the Objective? Please list all of the possible reasons, 5 minutes Place dots next to your top choices Once all groups have finished capturing “What’s Stopping Us” you are going to have each person identify their top 3 items using yellow dots. If you have time you can give everyone a few minutes to wander around and review the other groups’ lists OR you could have each group read out loud the items that have a yellow dot next to them. Once this is done you may want to take a break before the next activity. ============ Each person in the group will now get 3 yellow dots and you are to put it next to the items that you think the Club(s) should focus on. You might choose one because you think it is the most important and represents the biggest hurdle facing the Club’s ability to achieve your Objectives. Or You might choose one that you think would be really quick and easy to fix and therefore give you some momentum – the choice is yours.
Club Activities At your tables, using the Flip Charts:
List all the Programs, Activities, Initiatives, Fundraising Events your Club is involved in – by name if you can Inform them that we are moving on to another activity but that we will be coming back to review “What’s Stopping Us.” Working in groups you are going to ask each group to list on a flip chart all of the various Programs, Activities, Initiatives and Fundraising Events that their Club is involved in. If you have groups consisting of multiple Clubs they should make sure that each Club’s activities are included on the list. Give them 5 minutes to complete the list. You should see them creating long lists. ================ You will need someone to volunteer to scribe for the group. Using the flip chart, please list all of the various Activities that your Club(s) is involved in. You should include all Programs, Activities, Initiatives and Fundraising Events that your Club(s) are involved in, using their appropriate name if you can. You have 5 minutes.
Club Activities 2. Any program that focuses on WOMEN &/or GIRLS put a RED dot next to it Once they have completed the list of all Activities you will then ask them to review the list and place a RED dot next to any program the focuses on WOMEN &/or GIRLS Only one RED dot per item is needed. Give them 5 minutes to complete. ===================== Now you are to review the list that you have created. Identify any item that focuses on WOMEN and or GIRLS and then you are to place one RED dot next to that item.
Club Activities 2. Any program that focuses on Education put a GREEN dot next to it If it already has a RED dot put the GREEN dot next to it Once they have completed that step you will then ask them to review the list again and place a GREEN dot next to any program the focuses on EDUCATION. Give them 5 minutes to complete. ===================== Now you are to review the list that you have created again. This time you are to identify any item that focuses on EDUCTION and then you are to place one GREEN dot next to that item. If the item already has a RED dot next to it that is okay, just place the GREEN dot next to the RED one.
Club Activities 3. Any program that focuses on the DREAM PROGRAMS put a BLUE dot next to it If it already has a RED dot or a GREEN dot put the BLUE dot next to them Once they have completed that step you will then ask them to review the list again and place a BLUE dot next to any program the focuses on the DREAM PROGRAMS Give them 5 minutes to complete. ===================== Now you are to review the list that you have created. This time you are to identify any item that focuses on the DREAM PROGRAMS and then you are to place one BLUE dot next to that item. If the item already has a RED dot or a GREEN dot next to that is okay, just place the BLUE dot next to the RED or GREEN one.
Club Activities Reflection What do you notice?
If more than one group, have them physically get up and walk around and look at the different lists. Give them a few minutes to wander around. Then ask them: “What did you notice?” And then be silent. Let the Group share their observations. =============== I will ask that you now get up and wander around the room and observe the lists that each group produced. (after a few minutes) Thank you. Now I would ask that you share your observations – What did you notice?
If there are representatives from multiple Clubs have them work on their own first and then share with the group/table. If all from the same Club, have them work on it together at their tables ========= In order for us to achieve our Objectives, what do we need to START doing, STOP doing or CONTINUE doing at our Clubs? Every Club is unique and may be at a different place in terms of the progress towards our Objectives. We have a limited number of resources and need to make sure that we are focusing on the right areas in order to move our Club and the Organization forward. Sometimes it can be a challenge to figure out where to begin, this next Activity can help us with that. For Inspiration: Look at the list of Activities that you created and see where the dots are placed – what items should we STOP, START or CONTINUE? In Order to ensure that we are focused on Disadvantaged Women and Girls and to ensure that we make progress to increase the IMPACT and ENGAGEMENT of our Dream Programs. Look at what we captured for “What is Stopping Us” from achieving our Objectives – Are there things that we should START doing, or things that we should STOP doing or perhaps we need to put more time and attention on some of the things we are already doing – so what should we CONTINUE to do. List as many items as possible under each column. Observe what you have recorded in each column, this is the start of an Action Plan for your Club. Think about what the various steps that would need to be taken in order to STOP, START or CONTINUE. Add in specific deadlines and who would be responsible for accomplishing them.
Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
Thank you for participating in these activities today. They will really help us with Shaping our Future for Increased Collective Impact. Remember, Shaping our Future is about building the new. Increasing our Collective Impact is the direction our organization is headed. In just four years, we will celebrate Soroptimist’s 100th anniversary. The work we did together today will help to prepare us for our next century. There is still a lot of work that has to be done but now that we have identified what we need to focus on, we can make substantial progress towards our Big Goal. As you know we must work as one….to Shape our Future for Increase Collective Impact. When we work as one – it makes our organization better. Stronger. More successful. And it means that we can have an even greater impact on the lives of disadvantaged women and girls. Thank you! Working As One Jennifer Spear @workunscripted
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