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Revision TASKS 1-2-3.

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1 Revision TASKS 1-2-3

2 Task 1: Personal information
Complete with the right personal adjective:

3 Answer Key Hi Daniel, My name is John. This is my friend Jason. He's 12. His sister is nine. They have got a pet. Their pet is a budgie. His name is Charlie. Jason and I go to the same school. There are 450 boys and girls in our school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She has got a pet, too. Her pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like his lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in his garden. Now I have a question for you. What's your pet? Yours, John

4 Task 2: Email structure Hi X, / Hello X, / Dear X, How are you?...
Opening statement Body Closing statement Signature Hi X, / Hello X, / Dear X, How are you?... I hope you are okay... Looking forward to hearing from you soon. I hope to hear from you soon. Write back soon, please. Your name or signature

5 Spot the error I have a one brother I like all the things everything
I like listening TO music I go to school on FROM Monday to Friday I don’t know what to do. I’m so confusing. CONFUSED

6 What type of presents are these? Complete both columns
To talk about things that are always true, or habits and routines. I go to school everyday My sister work_ in Girona. My sister _______ eat meat. ? ______ she like hip hop? Signal words: Always, sometimes, everyday… PRESENT _____________ To talk about things are happening now. +You _____ listening. It’s raining again. -She isn’t speak____. ? _____ you working? Signal words: Right now, at the moment, look!, … PRACTICE

Then, ... To sum up, ... First of all, ... Firstly, ... In conclusion, ... Finally, ... Secondly, ... Next, ... Lastly, ... First of all, ... Firstly, ... Then, ... Secondly, ... Next, ... Finally, ... Lastly, ... To sum up, ... In conclusion, ... Put the following expressions to order your ideas in order of appearance

8 What would you do... … if your friend was very sad. → I WOULD TALK TO HER. … if you won euros→ … if you found a wallet on the street→ … if you met your favourite celebrity→

9 Modal verbs The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modal verbs and their most common meanings: Modal Meaning Example can to express ability I can speak a little Russian. to request permission Can I open the window? must to express obligation I must go now. to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old. should to give advice You should stop smoking. would to request or offer Would you like a cup of tea? in if-sentences If I were you, I would say sorry.

10 TRANSLATE Jo se (puc) Francès. No podem menjar a classe.
Pots ajudar-me, sis plau? Hem de respectar les normes. Ell acaba de treballar a les 5. No pot ser-hi a casa encara. Hauries de menjar més verdures. Si tingués més temps, aniria a classes de dansa.

11 Revise on moodle: GRAMMAR VOCABULARY present simple and continuous
frequency adverbs question structure in – on -at would + infinitive modal verbs jobs classroom language question words -ed/-ing adjectives free time activities relationships class vocabulary vocabulary in the songs presented

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