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Best Management Practices for Aquaculture

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1 Best Management Practices for Aquaculture
Joseph E. Morris Iowa State University

2 BMP Definition Best Management Practice
Any program, procedural technique, method-of-operations, skills, measurement or device that maximizes health and well-being of cultured species, minimizes environmental effects, and promotes an efficient and economic aquaculture operation.

3 BMPs for Aquaculture Water Fish health Species selection Systems
Ponds Recirculating Cages Raceways Feed management Markets

4 Water

5 To a great extent water quality determines the success or failure of a fish farming operation

6 Fish Health Environment Pathogen Host Disease Occurs

7 Species Selection

8 Selecting A Species Choose species with production information available. =

9 Species Selection Competition Farmed internationally Native wild
Foreign wild Farmed domestically

10 Selection If possible, provide variety

11 Ideal Culture Taxa Characteristics
Grow rapidly to larger size Reach market size before reaching sexual maturity Readily accept a formulated diet Feed fairly low on the food chain Not cannibalistic Show uniform growth in size Readily reproduce

12 Ideal Culture Taxa Characteristics
Produce large numbers of offspring Fairly disease resistant Handles well

13 Ideal Culture Taxa Characteristics
Produce offspring large enough to accept pelleted feeds at first feeding Easily cultured under high rearing densities Tolerant of poor water quality Market value that exceeds production costs

14 Systems

15 Levee pond construction
Levee width 20 ft for main 16 ft for others Depth 8 ft for overwinter All-weather access

16 Cross Section of Levee Pond
8 11

17 Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

18 Feed Aeration Continual Harvesting
Production Rates Variables Feed Aeration Stocking rate Increased Yields No Inputs Feed Feed Aeration Feed Aeration Continual Harvesting

19 Ammonia Management Byproduct of protein digestion 0.35 – 1.38 kg
CO2 kg Oxygen kg Waste Solids 1 kg Feed kg Alkalinity kg NH3 & NH4

20 Biofilter Timeline 15 NO3 NO2 mg l-1 TAN 40 time (days)
40 15 The speed of maturation of the nitrosomonas and nitrobacter colonies can be decreased with addition of ammonia (1-5 mg/l as ammonium chjloride, hydroxide or phosphate) to the water column or by mixing with old media.

21 Don’t Be Impressed by Fish at High Densities.
Fish can be held at high density with low feed even in a poorly designed system

22 Instead Be impressed by how much feed can be used without harming water quality. Remember it takes feed to grow fish.

23 Feed Management

24 Feeding Regime Continuum from extensive to intensive
Supplemental stimulation of food web Formulated diets, supplemental vs. complete System specific, species specific and interaction of system and species

25 Feed training

26 Feeding Pellet size – Feed the smallest fish
Frequency – Decreases as animals get older larvae – constant supply of food Consistent Avoid excess food Cost money Expensive fertilizer Ad libitum, satiation or restricted feeding?

27 Storage Cool, dry Formulations affect storage – fish meal and oil
Nutrient losses – fatty acids, vitamins Contamination – rodents, fungal, bacterial

28 Markets 7

29 Understanding the Marketing Climate
Market Demand Location Demographics Income Education Age Culture Lifestyle Increasing importance of value-added products Other animal products Red meat industry Chicken

30 Questions ?

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