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Aspects of stratification

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1 Aspects of stratification
Race and Ethnicity

2 Why Race Matters? Racial Profiling Arrests are racially lopsided
Example: Police in Ferguson —— arrest black people at a rate nearly three times higher than people of other races.

3 Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity‘ – USA Today Nov 2014
At least 70 departments scattered from Connecticut to California arrested black people at a rate 10 times higher than people who are not black, USA TODAY found.


5 Racial, Ethnic and Minority Groups
Race – socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members consider as important

6 Race is socially constructed
Biological differences are natural In regions of intense heat - natural dark pigmentation

7 Race is a fluid concept Meaning of race differs from place to place
Example: Racial categories in the US Vs. in Brazil Blanca (white) Parda (brown) Morena (brunette) Mulata (mulatto) Prets (black)

8 Race is a fluid concept Names for racial categories also change
“Negroid” Negro African American Skin color is also a subjective What is considered “white” varies

9 Ethnicity – Shared cultural heritage
Ethnicity describes shared cultural – the practices, values and beliefs of a group Shared language Religion Traditions

10 Minority groups “ Any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from others in the society in which they live for differential or unequal treatment and therefore regard themselves as object of collective discrimination” L. Wirth

11 Minority Groups Two distinct characteristics:
Distinct identity based on physical or cultural traits Experience of subordination Examples – Race, Age, Gender Not all minority members are disadvantaged

12 Dominant and subordinate groups
The idea of power is important Dominant groups hold power Just not minority in numbers Minorities as majority states in the US California Texas New Mexico Hawaii

13 Characteristics of minority groups
Unequal treatment and less power Distinguishing physical traits like skin color, language Involuntary membership in a group Awareness of subordination High rate of in-group marriage

14 Stereotypes, Prejudice and discrimination
Stereotypes – oversimplified generalizations Race Ethnicity Age Sexual orientation They can be positive (our own group), but mostly negative about others

15 Prejudice and Racism Prejudice is belief thoughts and feelings and attitude someone holds about a group It is a pre-judgement, not based on actual experience Racism is a stronger kind of prejudice used to justify that one racial category is superior than other

16 Racism


18 Institutional racism Examples Slavery Racism in medicine
Racial profiling Loans given to minorities

19 Discrimination Prejudice = biased thinking
Discrimination = actions against a group Examples Hiring Harassment Discrimination in housing - racial steering

20 Racial segregation takes new forms, study shows
Consistent with previous studies, Dr.Lichter , Sociologist from Cornell University found that the highest level of macro-segregation is between blacks and whites, the lowest is between Asians and whites, and the level between Hispanics and whites occupies an intermediate position

21 Awareness about prejudice and action
Unprejudiced non-discriminators Unprejudiced discriminators Prejudiced non-discriminators Prejudiced discriminators

22 Racial tensions in United States
CNN/ Kaiser Survey on race and reality 2015 Americans are more likely to consider racism a big problem today than they were 20 years ago Overall, 49% of Americans in the poll say racism is a big problem in the country, up from 28% four years ago. It's also more than the 41% who said so 20 years ago, shortly after the Million Man March on the nation's capital.

23 Racism in the US The percentage who see racial tensions increasing has grown as well Almost two-thirds of Americans say racial tensions have increased in America in the last 10 years, much higher than the 29% who said so in 2001 and the 47% who felt that way in On this issue, there is agreement across racial and ethnic groups, with majorities of whites (67%), blacks (65%) and Hispanics (55%) all feeling tensions have grown in the last decade.

24 White America lives a largely segregated life
At home, when socializing, and at work, white Americans report their lives are mostly spent around others of the same race. About seven in 10 whites say they live (69%) or socialize with (68%) people who are mostly of the same race as them, and six in 10 employed whites have co-workers who are mostly other white people (60%). Hispanics and blacks are more apt to report more diverse neighborhoods, social circles and workplaces.

25 Racism Large numbers of black and Hispanic Americans say they have been treated unfairly in the last 30 days Overall, about three-quarters of Americans say they think African-Americans (77%) or Hispanic-Americans (74%) face at least some discrimination in society today.

26 Fifty-three percent of blacks report experiencing one of those types of unfair treatment in the last 30 days, as did 36% of Hispanics. Among whites, 15% say they've dealt with such unfair treatment In dealing with police specifically, approximately one in five African-Americans and one in six Hispanics say they've faced unfair treatment in the last 30 days, compared with 3% -- or one in among whites

27 White Privilege

28 African-Americans bear the bulk of the burden of incarceration in America
A majority of African-Americans say they or a close friend or family member have been incarcerated (55%), significantly higher than the share among whites (36%) or Hispanics (39%).

29 Scapegoat theory, developed initially from Dollard’s (1939) Frustration-Aggression theory, suggests that the dominant group will displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group. An example from the last century is the way Adolf Hitler was able to blame the Jewish population for Germany’s social and economic problems. In the United States, recent immigrants have frequently been the scapegoat for the nation’s—or an individual’s—woes. Many states have enacted laws to disenfranchise immigrants; these laws are popular because they let the dominant group scapegoat a subordinate group.

30 Theories of Race and Ethnicity
Functions and Dysfunctions caused by racial inequality Functions of inequality for the dominant group How inequality can lead to in-group solidarity Dysfunction include loss of resources

31 Conflict theory Focus – struggles between dominant and subordinate groups Feminist theories of gender – Intersection theory – multiple layers of disadvantage intersect to create the way we experience race.

32 Inter-group relationship
Genocide Expulsion Segregation Pluralism

33 Watch Video on White Privilege (Canvas)

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