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Intentional Planting.

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Presentation on theme: "Intentional Planting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intentional Planting

2 When the motivations for starting a new church are due to LEGITIMATE unhealthy issues in the mother church, what is the down side?

3 Launch: Accidental & Quick Launch: Planned & Strategically Timed
Church Split Intentional Plant Launch: Accidental & Quick Launch: Planned & Strategically Timed

4 Motivation: Issue(s) Motivation: Harvest
Church Split Intentional Plant Motivation: Issue(s) Motivation: Harvest

5 Created in reaction to perceived cause of split
Church Split Intentional Plant Ministries: Created in reaction to perceived cause of split Internal Focused Ministries: Based on what they feel God is calling them to be External Focused

6 Mother Church Relationship:
Church Split Intentional Plant Mother Church Relationship: Mutual antagonistic feelings Mother Church Relationship: Mutually supportive

7 Slow recruitment of core
Church Split Intentional Plant Growth: Slow recruitment of core Launch burst Steady, planned growth Growth: Initial burst Quick Plateau Decline

8 Lingering negative & bitter feelings just below surface
Church Split Intentional Plant Emotional Health: Lingering negative & bitter feelings just below surface Past bound Emotional Health: Optimistic Positive Future focused

9 Witness in community: ? Witness in community: ?
Church Split Intentional Plant Witness in community: ? Witness in community: ?

10 Exponential Potential
Church Split Intentional Plant Harvest Impact: Exponential Potential Harvest Impact: Minimal

11 Consider: If we do not learn how to be intentional/strategic in planting churches, the only plants will be as a result of a split. Entire metro areas are populated with unhealthy churches due to this being the method utilized. The bad DNA continues to be perpetuated.

12 Little if any evangelism funds Giving:
Church Split Intentional Plant Giving: Based on “needs” Little if any evangelism funds Giving: Based on vision and changed lives Significant evangelism funds

13 Growth first, with strategic saving and planning toward building
Church Split Intentional Plant Church Building: Growth first, with strategic saving and planning toward building Church Building: Seen to remedy lack of growth Urgent

14 High likelihood of failure unless intervention takes place
Church Split Intentional Plant Survival Rate: High likelihood of failure unless intervention takes place Survival Rate: High likelihood of long term success and permanent presence

15 Future Church Planting:
Church Split Intentional Plant Future Church Planting: If at all… through another split Future Church Planting: Easily led toward birthing daughter churches

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