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National Spectrum Managers Association

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1 National Spectrum Managers Association
A View From OET National Spectrum Managers Association May 17, 2006 Julius P. Knapp Deputy Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology Federal Communications Commission The views in this presentation are those of the speaker and not necessarily those of the FCC

2 Current FCC Spectrum Activities
Broadband Over Power Lines 255 MHz for unlicensed in addition to existing 300 MHz Proposed TV White Spaces 50 MHz for Public Safety 800 MHz Public Safety Rebanding New Broadband Communications Service MSS/ ATC 0 GHz 1 GHz 2 GHz 3 GHz 4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 90 MHz for AWS 75 MHz for Intelligent Transportation Services 900 MHz Private Radio Flexibility New Licensed Service At 3650 – 3700 MHz Spectrum Recovered From DTV Transition Note: This chart is not all-inclusive

3 AWS I, II, and III Bands ? Broadband Radio Service (formerly MDS-ITFS)
= Mobile (uplink) AWS I, II, and III Bands = Base (downlink) AWS I: Blocks A-E: & MHz ? AWS II: Block F: / MHz Block G: / MHz Nextel AWS II - F Nextel AWS II - F AWS II - G AWS I Blocks A-E (45 MHz) Base AWS III AWS II - G AWS III: MHz Federal Government Exclusive Spectrum (95 MHz) Not Available AWS I Blocks A-E (45 MHz) Mobile Licensed PCS U.S. 2G Mobile transmit (60 MHz) UPCS (Voice) (10 MHz) UPCS (Data) Licensed PCS U.S. 2G Base station transmit (60 MHz) Expand AWS (10 MHz) Handset TX (20 MHz) 2 GHz MSS Expand AWS - 5 MHz BAS (not to scale) MDS 1 & 2 ET Spectrum - 5 MHz Expand AWS or (15 MHz) Relocation Satellite TX (20 MHz) 2 GHz MSS 1885 1710 1850 1910 1930 1755 1920 Global MSS Region 2 MSS MDS Region 2 MSS Global MSS 1990 2000 2020 2025 2110 2150 2155 2160 2165 2180 2200 International GSM 1800 European 2G Mobile transmit (75 MHz) GSM 1800 European 2G Base station transmit (75 MHz) “Worldwide” IMT-2000 “Worldwide” IMT-2000 DECT (20 MHz) Unpaired (20 MHz) Terrestrial Component Mobile transmit (60 MHz) Satellite Component Uplinks (30 MHz) (15 Hz) Unpaired Terrestrial Component Base station transmit (60 MHz) Satellite Component Downlinks (30 MHz) 2200 1710 1785 1805 1900 1920 1980 2010 2025 2110 2170 2.5 GHz Band Broadband Radio Service (formerly MDS-ITFS) MDS 1 Lower Band Mid Band MDS 2 Upper Band Unlicensed (Wi-Fi, ISM) Licensed (BAS, Fixed from 2450 up) MSS Big LEO 2400 2483.5 2495 2500 2690

4 3650 MHz Proceeding FCC Report and Order in March made 3650 – 3700 MHz available (ET Docket No ) Licensed spectrum, open to all Interference control: Registration of base stations “Contention based” protocol Reconsideration is pending

5 5.8 GHz: Dynamic Frequency Selection
FCC Implemented Rules (ET Docket ) to provide an additional 255 MHz of Spectrum for U-NII Devices based on DFS PN invited comments to update record for measurement procedures Link Indoor Devices Link Devices to Nodes Provides A Total of 555 MHz of Spectrum! Link Nodes (Campus) 50 mW Indoor Use Only 250 mW 250 mW 1 W DFS DFS 5150 5250 5350 5470 5725 5825 Frequency (MHz)

6 UWB Activities FCC adopted an Order in March 2005 granting a waiver for MBOFDM and gated UWB technology to enable testing under normal operating conditions Order noted that FCC will initiate rule making in the future Petitions for reconsideration pending Industry is poised to introduce products Wireless USB In-home DTV distribution Several other new applications UWB standards are under consideration internationally Waivers are pending: Vista/Cupid; Multi Spectral Solutions Inc.

7 Cognitive Radio SDR & Cognitive radio holds promise for revamping paradigms for spectrum management FCC has provided for SDR & cognitive radio (ET Docket No , 2005) Revised equipment authorization rules Addressed security issues Synergy with secondary spectrum markets Reconsideration pending Much ongoing activity: DYSPAN (Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks); IEEE P1900; SDR Forum; DARPA (Defense Applied Research Projects Agency) XG project

8 Broadband Over Power Line
BPL rules adopted in October 2004 in ET Dkt 04-37 Included numerous provisions to protect against harmful interference Must include notching and remote shut-down capabilities to avoid causing Ix Must avoid certain aeronautical frequencies Must avoid operating on certain frequencies in some geographic areas (i.e., near Coast-Guard stations) Several petitions for reconsideration are pending

9 Other Pending Issues WCA petition at 57 – 64 GHz “Progeny” proceeding
Requests higher power operation Some oppositions “Progeny” proceeding Requests rule changes for location monitoring 915 MHz NPRM invites broad comment TV White Spaces proceeding (ET Dkt ) FCC Adopted NPRM May 13, 2004 96 comments and 33 reply comments IEEE planning further recommendations Next steps under consideration RF Exposure proceeding DTV Final Allotment Table

10 Presidential Spectrum Initiative
Presidential Spectrum Initiative is led by the National Telecommunications & Information Admin. (NTIA) Includes numerous recommendations to improve spectrum policy FCC is participating as a liaison Two actions of note: Developing OET Frequency Assignment & Coordination System (OFACs) to automate FCC/NTIA license coordination Considering a Notice of Inquiry on spectrum test bed

11 Medical Devices FCC granted waivers of the Part 95 Medical Implant Communications Service rules to Biotronik and DexCom Medtronic has filed a petition for rule making to expand the MICS rules Rule making planned in the very near future: Consider changes to the MICS rules Invite broad comment on spectrum needs and issues for medical devices.

12 Conclusion Spectrum policy review is ongoing
Extensive spectrum actions are already completed or under way Considerable future activity is planned

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