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The next-gen. list archiver

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1 The next-gen. list archiver
HyperKitty The next-gen. list archiver Presented by Aurélien Bompard Fedora Engineering FUDCon Lawrence 2013 − CC-BY

2 Today's Topics Where we come from Mailman today
Máirín's and Luke's vision Where we are Mailman 3 HyperKitty Where we will be Planned features How you can help

3 The past

4 Mailman 2.1 Maintenance branch One release a year since 2006
A monolithic package : Mailing-list engine Web archiver (pipermail) Web admin interface

5 What's wrong Pipermail generates static HTML Not directly searchable
No user-based customization No summary / stats page Read-only Admin interface is CGI-based and generates configuration files Different environments, technologies, skillsets

6 The vision Early 2010 : Máirín & Luke
Complement the existing mailing-lists Thread statistics (participants, replies) List statistics (topics, people) Post rating User rating (“karma”) Thread categories

7 A new hope Early 2012 : Fedora Engineering Refined mockup
Moar mockups !!1 Spring/summer: implementation starts Toshio, Pingou, Syst3mW0rm, yours truly

8 The present

9 Mailman 3 Modern and modular design
Mailman itself: mailing-list and REST API Postorius: the web admin UI HyperKitty: the web archiver Queues, runners, TDD, ... Key improvements No more “happy Mailman day” ! No storing of plain-text passwords When? RSN. Fall 2012: season of the delays

10 HyperKitty An archiver plugin for Mailman3
KittyStore: the storage engine SQL database (Storm ORM) Analysis and statistics HyperKitty: the web UI Django-based Interfaces with KittyStore Implements “ModernArchiving” on Implement some of Mo's mockups

11 The future

12 Planned features Post from the web
A few challenges there (spam, SPF, etc.) Many ideas in Mo's mockups Rankings, categories Improving signal-to-noise ratio Ideas from the Debian community Joey Hess (thread patterns) A. Delanoë and B. Conein (socio-meter)

13 How you can help HyperKitty needs you UI and design
Django knowledge and optimization Testing, installing, fuzzing, debugging KittyStore needs you Statistical analysis Spam Troll detection Frustrated with mailing-lists ? Every idea counts.

14 Where you can help Test the development version:
Report bugs: Check out the code: Read the docs and install it:

15 Summary Mailman 2.1 is growing old, Mailman 3 is coming
HyperKitty will be its main archiver Designed by the Fedora community for everyone Bridge the gap between mailing lists and web forums

16 Cool techs, cool designs, huge audience... Come and be a part of it !
Questions? Cool techs, cool designs, huge audience... Come and be a part of it ! FUDCon Lawrence 2013 − CC-BY

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