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STRATEGIC PLAN: 2011/2012 TO 2015/2016 Presentation to Portfolio Committee : 23 March 2011
Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Programme Administration
STRATEGIC PLAN : 2011/12 – 2015/16 Introduction Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals Programme Administration Finance Corporate Services Central Services Operations and Management Support Programme Security Programme Corrections Programme Care Programme Development Programme Social Reintegration Programme Facilities
INTRODUCTION Introduction of Outcomes Based Assessment/Evaluation (OBA/E) in government introduced additional roles and responsibilities for Executive Authorities Service Delivery Agreements signed with President & Minister of Correctional Services signatory to JCPS delivery agreement Strategic Plan (SP) contains elements of delivery agreement relevant to DCS Strategic planning process informed by various developments: DCS mid-year performance review (Nov 2010) publication of policy on government performance guidelines of OBA Strategic Plan framework and revisions to Treasury Regulations in relation to Planning and Reporting SP also took into consideration issue of resourcing
OBA introduced 12 outcomes for government performance DCS incorporated 3 into SP: Outcome 1 - Improved quality of education Outcome 2 - A long and healthy life for all South Africans Outcome 3 - All people in SA are and feel safe DCS will contribute to outcomes via performance (indicators) in following budget programmes: Administration, Security, Corrections, Care, Development, Social Reintegration
Administration consists of four sub-programmes: Finance Corporate Services Operations and Management Support Central Services
Sub-programme: Finance Measurable objective: To provide effective and efficient financial and supply chain management Performance indicators & Targets % of allocated budget spent : Maintain no unauthorised expenditure and under expenditure limited to ¼% of voted funds Value of contracts awarded to HDI Service providers : Maintain 80% of contracts awarded to HDI service providers Number of audit qualifications : Reduce level of deficiencies using 2010/11 AGSA report and from 2012/13 move to zero deficiencies reported by AGSA
Sub-programme: Corporate Services Measurable objective: To improve human resource capacity & management to enable department to fulfill its mandate Performance Indicators & Targets % of person days lost to suspensions : 10% reduction of previous year’s baseline % of grievances handled within 30 days : Maintain grievances finalised within 30 days % of person days lost to leave : 2011/12 benchmark with other departments to determine rate – 2012/13 research root causes – from 2013/14 implement interventions as informed by research
% of financed posts not filled : Reduce baseline (14%) of 2010/11 by 3% to have vacancy rate of 11% in 2011/12 – thereafter reduce previous year’s baseline by 2% in order to reach vacancy rate of 3% by 2015/16 % of compliance with Employment Equity Plan : Move from 15% compliance with EE Plan in 2011/12 to 30% in 2014/15. Review targets in 2015/16 Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 8 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “An Ideal Correctional Official within an Appropriate Organizational Culture”
Sub-programme: Central Services Measurable objective: To ensure effective, legally sound policy compliant and corruption free management of Correctional Services; and effective knowledge management Performance Indicators & Targets Number of DCS personnel detected for corruption : Move from 60% of finalised investigation on detected corruption in 2011/12 to 80% in 2015/16 % of officials charged with fraud, corruption and serious maladministration : Move from 84% conviction rate in 2011/12 to 92% in 2015/16 % of finalised litigation cases successfully defended by DCS : Move from 72% success rate in 2011/12 to 80% in 2015/16
Integrate ICT systems through a phased implementation of the CJS Business information system as approved by Cabinet : 2011/12 determine baseline. 2012/13 move from 50% integration of person management system to 100% in 2015/16 Manage perceptions of crime among the population : 2011/12 establish baseline. From 2012/13 improve level of trust and confidence from 3% to 5% and maintain level of 5% Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 3 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “Corrections is a Societal Responsibility” Chapter 8 “An Ideal Correctional Official within an Appropriate Organizational Culture” as well as with Chapter 13 “External Partnerships”
Sub-programme: Operations & Management Support Measurable objective: To ensure effective planning, resourcing, delivery, project management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting for improved service delivery Performance Indicator: % of compliance in Compliance Improvement Plan inspection : Move from 92% compliance in 2011/12 to 98% in 2015/16 Performance indicator and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 10 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “Safety, Security and Order as part of Rehabilitation”
PROGRAMME: SECURITY Measurable objective: Produce safe and secure conditions for all persons incarcerated, consistent with human dignity, in support of security personnel and the public Performance Indicators & Targets % of inmates assaulted in correctional and remand detention facilities per year : Move from 2.48% (4162/167816) in 2011/12 to 1.7% (3112/178149) in 2015/16 % of inmates who escape from correctional and remand detention facilities per year : Move from 0.036% (60/167816) in 2011/12 to 0.027% (48/178149) in 2015/16 % of centres with access control security turnstiles : Move from 32% (78/241) in 2011/12 to 38% (91/241) in 2015/16
PROGRAMME: SECURITY % of vetted personnel : Move from 7% (2841/40286) in 2011/12 to 14% (5484/40286) in 2015/16 Number of unnatural deaths in correctional and remand detention facilities per year : Move from 0.03% (50) in 2011/12 to 0.024% (42) in 2015/16 Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 10 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “Safety, Security and Order as Part of Rehabilitation”
Measurable objective: To address the specific rehabilitation needs of persons who have been sentenced to correctional supervision or sentenced to incarceration in a correctional centre or paroled, through regular assessment and providing needs-based correctional programmes to address all the elements associated with offending behaviour Performance Indicators: Offenders involved in Rehabilitation: Correctional Programmes : Move from 53% (48929) in 2011/12 to 93% (71634) in 2015/16 % of overcrowding in correctional and remand detention facilities per year : Move from 36% (42539/118165) in 2011/12 to 28% (33686/120307) in 2015/16 % of offenders serving sentences longer than 24 months who have sentence plans - cumulative : Move from 70% (71601/102288) in 2011/12 to 100% (109179/109179) in 2015/16
% of offenders whose profiles were compiled within 21 days : Maintain 100% from 2011/12 financial years % of corrections programmes that are provided by external service providers : Move from 73% (19/26) in 2011/12 to 50% (19/38) in 2015/16 % of eligible offenders with work opportunities : Move from 41% (37379/91487) in 2011/12 to 50% (45431/91487) in 2015/16 % of offenders with approved parole dates who completed pre-release programmes : Move from 60% (14356/23921) in 2011/12 to 65% (15548/23921) in 2015/16 Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 10 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “Safety, Security and Order as Part of Rehabilitation”
PROGRAMME: CARE Measurable objective: To ensure the personal well-being of incarcerated persons by providing various needs based Services Performance Indicators & Targets % of inmates tested for HIV : Move from 23% (38598/167816) in 2011/12 to 32% (57008/178149) in 2015/16 % of HIV positive offenders placed on antiretroviral treatment : Move from 49% (18913/38598) in 2011/12 to 56% (31924/57608) in 2015/16 % of inmates with CD4 count below 350, who are on ARV treatment – cumulative : Move from 92% (12186/15316) in 2011/12 to 96% (21615/22454) in 2015/16 % of inmates diagnosed with mental illness and placed under treatment : Move from 70% (1190/1760) in 2011/12 to 90% (2240/2489) in 2015/16
PROGRAMME: CARE ..…. % of care programmes provided by external service providers : Move from 63% (45/72) in 2011/12 to 70% (51/72) in 2015/16 Percentage of eligible offenders who participate in care programmes : Move from 45% (75517/167816) in 2011/12 to 50% (89075/178149) in 2015/16 % of offenders on medical treatment for communicable diseases, hypertension and diabetes : Move from 8% (13425/167816) in 2011/12 to 12% (21378/178149) in 2015/16 Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 10.5 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “The Safety and Health of Inmates” and Chapter 11 “Special Categories of Offenders”
Measurable objective: To provide needs-based educational, skills and other development-related programmes, to facilitate the reintegration of offenders into communities Performance Indicators & Targets % of eligible offenders who participate in literacy training as stipulated in their sentence plans : Maintain participation at 64.7% i.e. 4404/6811 in 2011/12 to 5152/7967 in 2015/16 % of eligible offenders who participate in ABET programmes as stipulated in their sentence plans : Maintain participation at 60.9% i.e /17273 in 2011/12 to 12300/20207 in 2015/16
% of eligible offenders who participate in FET mainstream education programmes : Up to June 2011 target to reach is 10.9% (4415/40370) within old curriculum. New curriculum commence June 2011 and requires centres to adhere to registration norms. Up to 2008 DCS only had 1 registered centre and from beginning of 2011 succeeded in registering 6 more centres, hence the decline in target to maintaining participation at 1.3% from 2012/13 % of offenders involved in sports, recreation, arts and culture : In 2011/12, increase participation by 4% against the 2010/11 baseline, then increase by 2% against previous year’s baseline
% of eligible offenders who participate in FET College programmes : Move from 13.1% (2817/21427) in 2011/12 to 14.4% (3099/21427) in 2015/16 % of eligible offenders who participate in skills development programmes per year : Move from 18.92% (7058/37303) in 2011/12 to 20% (8081/40377) in 2015/16 % of eligible offenders who participate in production workshop and agriculture programmes : Production Workshops - 5% (1890) improvement against 2008/09 baseline. Agriculture – 2% (3138) improved participation. It is envisaged that participation will move to 3385 offenders in the 2015/16 financial year Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 9 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “The Needs-Based Intervention Plan”
Measurable objective: To provide needs-based programmes and services to offenders to facilitate their social acceptance and effective reintegration of offenders into their communities Performance Indicators & Targets % of parolees without violations per year : Move from 76.2% (31237/40993) in 2011/12 to 81.99% (47447/57863) in 2015/16 % of parole cases in which victims of crime make representations : Move from 2.22% (530/23921) in 2011/12 to 5.32% (1272/23921) in 2015/16 % of eligible cases considered by Parole Board : Move from 90% (41873/46526) in 2011/12 to 94% (43734/46526) in 2015/16
% of cases considered by the Parole Board and referred to Parole Review Board : Move from 0.08% (34/41873) in 2011/12) to 0.11% (48/43734) in 2015/16 % of remand population granted bail and placed under community supervision : Move from 22.4% (2387/10658) in 2011/12 to 32.7% (9829/3214) in 2015/16 Ratio of incarcerated offenders with sentences of 24 months and less to probationers : Move from 1:1.6 in 2011/12 to 1:1.8 in 2015/16 Performance indicators and targets aligned to realization of Chapter 9 of White Paper on Corrections in South Africa (2005) “The Needs-Based Intervention Plan”
Measurable objective: Prevent persons incarcerated from participating in criminal activities and escaping, by providing an environment that ensures the safety of all persons entrusted to the department’s care as well as the safety of the public Performance Indicator & Targets Number of new beds created : From 2011/12 to 2015/16 financial years it is planned to have additional bed spaces of which will come via PPP initiatives 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 21.2% (956/4511) 38.5% Cumulative of years 1-2 (779/4511) 52.5% Cumulative of years 1-3 (634/4511) 83.2% Cumulative of years 1-4 (1382/4511) 100% Cumulative of years 1-5 (760/4511) 0/12000 (Build new facilities through PPP 0/12000 50% 6000/12000 Completed
Strategic plan is linked to the following plans:
LINK TO OTHER PLANS Strategic plan is linked to the following plans: Master Information Systems Plan Spending Plan HR Strategic Plan Procurement Plan Work Place Skills Plan Service Delivery Improvement Plan Project Portfolio Management Plan Strategic Risk Register Link: <
Strategic Plan implemented via Annual Performance Plan (APP) APP sets out what Department intends doing in upcoming financial year and during MTEF APP provides quarterly breakdown of performance targets for upcoming financial year and yearly targets for 2012/13 & 2013/14 as prescribed by Treasury Monitoring of APP will be conducted through quarterly performance reports and quarterly performance meetings with Budget Programme Managers Quarterly reports submitted to Executive Authority, The Presidency, National Treasury and Portfolio Committee Branches will develop Operational Plans to operationalise APP Operational Plans deal with ongoing day to day responsibilities as well as the outputs and activities to deliver on APP and SP
Both APP and Operational Plans to be completed 31 March 2011 DCS APP to be tabled in National Assembly on 9 May 2011
CONTENTS Summary of Allocation Letter for ENE 2011 ENE 2011 Allocation Per Programme ENE 2011 Allocation per Economic Classification Comments on 2011 ENE Per Programme Comments on 2011 ENE Per Economic Classification ENE 2011 Allocations per Region per Programme and per Economic Classification
Summary of the Allocation Letter for ENE 2011
2011/12 R’000 2012/13 2013/14 Departmental Baseline R16,027,423 R18,277,192 R 19,282,438 Additional funds allocated to baseline 579,855 1,046,703 1,147,790 Improved condition of services 371,700 382,100 395,500 Municipal Services 148,155 199,603 242,290 Upgrade of information technology infrastructure 60,000 190,000 210,000 Generators and cleaning materials 120,000 130,000 Operational costs for 3 correctional facilities being upgraded 115,000 128,000 Anti-retroviral treatment for inmates 40,000 42,000 Adjustment to the baseline (48,082) (1,518,932) (1,602,472) Rescheduling of Prison PPPs (1,464,100) (1,544,625) Savings effected by Cabinet (54,832) (57,847) Total 16,559,196 17,804,963 18,827,756
Summary of the Allocation Letter for ENE 2011 cont
2011/12 R’000 2012/13 2013/14 Earmarked amounts Devolution of funds from Public Works 1,417,607 1,604,578 1,724,539 Specifically and exclusively appropriated: Repairs and maintenance of correctional and other facilities 62,000 143,000 199,000 Specifically and exclusively appropriated: Upgrading , rehabilitation and refurbishment of correctional and other facilities 906,341 873,758 873,680
ENE 2011 Allocation Per Programmme
ENE 2011 Allocation Per Economic Classification
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Administration Spending focus on upgrading ICT infrastructure and payments for municipal charges Over medium term, expenditure is projected to increase from R4.1 billion in 2010/11 to R5.1 billion in 2013/14 Additional funding to upgrade IT infrastructure was provided (R60 million in 2011/12, R190 million in 2012/13 and R210 million in 2013/14) Allocations of R148.2 million in 2011/12, R199.6 million in 2012/13 and R242.3 million have also been provided for municipal charges
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Security Spending focus over MTEF on developing an integrated security technology framework to integrate and upgrade current security technology systems in department Over medium term, expenditure projected to increase from R5.2 billion in 2010/11 to R6.4 billion in 2013/14 For improving security in correctional centres additional funds allocation was provided for three correctional centres that are being upgraded R115 million in 2012/13 and R128 million in 2013/14 for Brandvlei, Van Rhynsdorp and Warmbokkeveld correctional centres
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Corrections Spending focus over MTEF on improving services at correctional centre level, including rehabilitating offenders in line with 2005 White Paper on Corrections in South Africa Over medium term, expenditure projected to increase from R1.5 billion in 2010/11 to R1.7 billion in 2013/14 Key elements of improving rehabilitation of offenders: Implementation of new correctional sentence plans, work of case management committees and parole processes, and refinement of job descriptions of correctional officials that have been part of occupation specific dispensation process
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Care Spending focus on provision of antiretroviral treatment for inmates, health care services and treatment of inmates with mental illnesses Over medium term, expenditure projected to increase from R1.8 billion in 2010/11 to R2.1 billion in 2013/14 Additional funding of R40 million in 2012/13 and R42 million in 2013/14 was made available for anti-retroviral treatment for inmates
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Development Spending focus on increasing inmate participation in agriculture based programmes and production workshops, literacy programmes, adult basic education and training, and further education and training, with a view to improve the employability of inmates upon release Over medium term, expenditure projected to increase from R559 million in 2010/11 to R617 million in 2013/14
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Social Reintegration Spending focus on reducing parole violations, improving capacity of community corrections and increasing number of victims participating in parole hearings Over medium term, expenditure projected to increase from R542 million in 2010/11 to R636 million in 2013/14
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per programme
Programme: Facilities Spending focus on: Making 3 upgraded correctional facilities operational: Brandvlei, Van Rhynsdorp and Warmbokkeveld, Upgrading and refurbishing other correctional facilities Procurement of four planned public private partnership correctional facilities once the contract has been signed Spending expected to increase further over medium term from R1.8 billion in 2010/11 to R2.3 billion in 2013/14. Increase due to upgrading of correctional facilities at Burgersdorp, Estcourt, Tzaneen, Zeerust, Nongoma and Makhado
Comments on the 2011 Estimates of National Expenditure per Economic Classification
Spending on Compensation of Employees expected to increase from R10.2 billion in 2010/11 to R12.1 billion in 2013/14,due to salary increases and payment of pay progression of correctional officials and other OSDs Spending on Goods and Services primarily on State Information Technology Agency, Upgrading of infrastructure technology, Payment of leases and Property payments. Expenditure expected to increase from R4.1 billion in 2010/11 to R5.3 billion in 2013/14 Payment for Capital Assets mainly on Building and Fix structures for upgrading and rehabilitation of correctional and other facilities and Upgrading of information technology. Capital budget is R906 million in 2011/12, R874 million in 2012/13 and R873 million in 2013/14
ENE 2011 Allocation per Region and per Programme
ENE 2011 Allocation per Region and per Economic Classification
ENE 2011 Allocation Per Sub-programmmes under programme 1 Administration
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