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Wireless hand game controller

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless hand game controller"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless hand game controller
Tasneem Bsharat & Jenan Staiti

2 Future Work Problems How ? Why ? What ? Outline…. Components

3 What is wireless hand? What ?
Firstly we programmed java game to control it only then we hope to control most of computer games The user can control the movement hand to move a programmed game via Bluetooth using accelerometer . The main aim of this project is Arduino-based Handheld Bluetooth Game Controller.

4 Why wireless hand? Why ? Bluetooth Easy to use. limited budget
No need for large space Fun

5 Components Components …

6 Components Arduino uno

7 Components 3-axis accelerometer

8 Components HC-05 Bluetooth

9 Components Push-buttons And led’s

10 Components

11 Connect the game with arduino via processing program
How ? How wireless hand works ? Move the glove Determine the location of the glove Send byte according to the location Connect the game with arduino via processing program Apply the movement

12 How wireless hand works ?
The main thing in our project is the accelerometer by it we control the direction of the glove that by x , y and z axis

13 How wireless hand works ?
Put the accelerometer in the right direction to get the correct value for x ,y and z

14 How wireless hand works ?
Take the x ,y and z value make some calculation to determine the direction forward , backward ,left and right we talk the value of accelerometer the convert it to angle

15 How wireless hand works ?
Connect the java program with arduino via processing Software then Appling the movement

16 How ?

17 Snake Game

18 Problems Time wasted waiting Components Connecting with Bluetooth
Connecting the java game with arduino Time wasted to program arduino as HID to control all game

19 Future Work We hope to control all game on computer since our code is ready for this We want to control another thing in computer not games only

20 Future Work We want to control the game of smart phone
Increase the accuracy in determining the movement



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