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2nd Steering Committee Meeting Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism Alicia Fajardo, Andalucia.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Steering Committee Meeting Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism Alicia Fajardo, Andalucia."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Steering Committee Meeting Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism Alicia Fajardo, Andalucia Spain, lead region Eija Raasakka, Lapland Finland, lead region Bostjan Brumen, Slovenia Slovenia, co-lead region 8th November 2017, Valencia

2 Vision and mission of the partnership
Vision and mission of the partnership why we've set up the partnership? - Vision: Tourism is the leading innovative industry in EU​ To increase the investments in the area of tourism industry through interregional and cross-sectoral collaboration ​ Digitalisation and safety - global megatrends​ boost innovations, productivity and increase product quality​ n

3 Basis of the investment thesis
Basis of the investment thesis background / basis of the partnership - All regions are strong in tourism; tourism is one of the main industries and it shows steady growth All regions have tourism, digitalisation and/or safety and security included in their S3 strategies All regions have regional tourism ecosystems with advanced knowledge base and long-term collaboration between tourism companies, regional authorities and academia Previous, mainly bilateral, cooperation between the regions, academia and other stakeholders Regions and academia had cooperated for years in NECSTouR network, the Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism Recognized similar challenges, similar possibilities

4 Status and next steps - advancement and planning -
Six project areas defined​ Access to data, open data​ Risk/crisis management of companies and stakeholders​ Accessibility in urban/rural/mountain/costal areas (safe and flexible journey)​ Green mobility & connectivity in urban/rural/mountain/costal areas​ Business safety when facing new phenomena​ Investing in climate change mitigation​

5 Status and next steps - advancement and planning -
Official launching: 27th September​ Kick-off meeting: 28th September​ Mapping phase by the end of 2017​, supported by ReConfirm Collaborative lab 29th November​ Submitted in mid-December ​ Expression of Interest for Thematic Partnerships to Pilot Interregional Innovation Partnerships: submitted 31st October, Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism – Risk Management Focus on two themes in early 2018​, supported by ReConfirm

6 Support and funding needed - advancement and planning -
Support needed:​ Examples from other thematic areas​ More networking between the thematic areas and knowledge exchange ​ To see other "working projects"​ Funding for:​ Administrative work & support organisations like NECSTouR​ Partners​

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