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Ruth McCullagh Physiotherapy, UCC

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1 Ruth McCullagh Physiotherapy, UCC
An Augmented Prescribed Exercise Programme (APEP) for frail older medical patients in the acute setting Ruth McCullagh Physiotherapy, UCC

2 Older medical inpatients are inactive
Median 7 days Median 600 steps

3 Walking is associated with a shorter length of stay
6% shorter LOS 50% more walking

4 1 day shorter length of stay
Median 7 days 1 day shorter LOS Median 600 steps 300 to 900 steps

5 Background No effect on LOS
Patient Nurse Geriatrician Physio and OT Social worker No effect on LOS Small effects on physical and functional performance Shorten LOS Improved physical and functional performance

6 TUG – 27% unable to score at baseline
Background Independent mobility Patient Nurse Geriatrician Physio and OT Social worker No effect on LOS Small effects on physical and functional performance TUG – 27% unable to score at baseline LOS too short Shorten LOS Improved physical and functional performance

7 Aims and Objectives To determine the effects of an Augmented Prescribed Exercise Programme (APEP) on length of stay, physical performance, quality of life and readmission rates for 3 months following discharge in frail older medical inpatients Completed at the Mercy University Hospital, March 2015 – January 2017

8 Inclusion Criteria and Allocation Method
220 medical patients, aged ≥65 years (Mercy University Hospital, Cork) Anticipated LOS ≥ 3 days Premorbidly mobile Requires assistance or walking aid (max 1 person’s aid) or recent fall No CI to exercise No critical care, end of life care, acute psychiatric care Concealed allocation, randomly assigned after written consent and baseline assessment

9 Measurements Descriptors Outcome Measures Falls history and Efficacy
Hospital Utilisation Length of stay Readmission rates – 3 months Physical Performance & Function Short Physical Performance Battery Nottingham Extended Activities of Living Scale Quality of Life EQ-5D-5L Negative Outcomes Falls Deaths Prolonged hospitalisation Long-term care Falls history and Efficacy Falls Efficacy Scale – International Cognition 6-Item Cognitive Impairment Test Frailty SHARE F-I

10 Intervention Control (sham) Intervention (apep)
Assisted twice daily (Mon – Fri) by qualified physiotherapist until discharge Stretches and relaxation Bed / chair based Assisted twice daily (Mon – Fri) by qualified physiotherapist until discharge Strength, balance, gait, transfers

11 Statistical Analysis Time to event: Length of Stay
Linear regression: Physical Performance and Quality of Life Post hoc logistic regression: Pooled negative events falls, prolonged hospital stay, LTC admission, death Adjusted for age, gender, fear of falling, physical performance

12 Results Power calculations – 220
Recruited 190 (11% of screened patients) Independently mobile (n=513) Medically too unwell (n=163) Chair / bedbound (n=146) Expected hospital stay (n=137) DC destination home unlikely (n=125) Other (n= 538) Declined to participate (n=17) 66 patients transferred to subacute care (33 vs 33) Compliance 1 dropout (control group) 79 (83%) completed most APEP sessions 75 (79%) completed most sham sessions At Discharge (control vs APEP) 6 falls (3 vs 3) 6 deaths (3 vs 3) At Follow-up (control vs APEP) 6 remained in hospital (5 vs 1) 3 admitted to LTC (all control) 30 falls occurred (18 vs 12) 17 deaths occurred (12 vs 5)

13 Baseline Descriptors Variable Control group APEP group
Mean (±SD) or Median [IQR] Frail / Pre-frail 74 (77%) / 18 (20%) 74 (78%) / 14 (15%) Falls in the last 6 months 45 (46%) 46 (49%) Aid/Assistance to walk 84 (89%) 81 (85%) Age 81.7 (±7.3) 79.7 (±7.5) Co-morbidity score 10 (±3.9) 10.3 (±4) Physical Performance 3 [2 - 4] 3 [2 - 5] Falls Self- Efficacy 3.7 [2.8 – 4.6] 3.8 [2.7 – 4.6]

14 Length of Stay Control Group APEP Group HR (time to discharge)
Total nights (n=190) 970 880 Median [IQR] (n=190) 8 [6-13] 8 [5-11] 1.11 (CI ) p=0.5 Median [IQR] (n=128) (D/C directly home) 8 [6-11] 7 [5-10] 1.30 (CI ) p=0.1

15 Physical Performance, QoL, Negative Events
Variable Co-ef Unadjusted p Adjusted Physical Performance DC β 0.88 ( ) 0.01 0.78 ( ) 0.003 Physical Performance FU 0.45 ( ) 0.3 0.67 ( ) 0.87 QoL DC 3.96 ( ) 0.1 5.10 ( ) 0.9 QoL FU 0.28 ( ) 0.004 0.26 ( ) 0.008 Readmissions 3 months OR 1.95 ( ) 0.06 2.25 (1.09 – 4.66) 0.03 Falls FU 0.60 ( ) 0.2 0.57 ( ) Deaths FU 0.42 ( ) 0.12 0.38 ( ) 0.13 Independent mobility FU 3.64 ( ) 2.47 ( ) Total negative events FU 0.50 (0.26 – 1.00) 0.05 0.47 (0.21 – 1.00)

16 Conclusion LOS remains inconclusive - 35% transferred to sub-acute care Median LOS = 8 days - can this be shortened any more? Improved Physical performance, QoL and independent mobility Reduced Negative Events (falls, deaths, LTC admissions) Qualitative feedback Economic Evaluation Sub acute care

17 Acknowledgements Funding Supervisors & Mentor
Health Research Board, Ireland Supervisors & Mentor Dr Suzanne Timmons, Centre for Gerontology & Rehabilitation, UCC Prof Frances Horgan, School of Physiotherapy, RCSI Dr Rose Galvin, School of Clinical Therapies, UL Clinical Research Facility, Cork Mercy University Hospital, Cork

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