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Chapter Twenty-Three Fragments.

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1 Chapter Twenty-Three Fragments

2 Sentence Fragments Dependent-word -ing and –to Added-detail
A sentence fragment is a group of words that lacks a subject or a verb and does not express a complete thought. The most common types of fragments are: Dependent-word -ing and –to Added-detail Missing-subject

3 Dependent-Word Fragments
A clause that begins with a subordinator (or dependent word) is a dependent clause. These examples are not independent clauses. If a tornado sweeps across the plains. Because snow is beautiful in the moonlight.

4 Correcting Dependent Clause Fragments
Dependent clause fragments begin with a subordinating conjunction (because, since, before). Although air traffic controllers regulate flight patterns. Corrected: Although air traffic controllers regulate traffic patterns, they cannot control the weather.

5 -ing and -to Fragments -ing Fragment: -to Fragment:
Jogging in the park on a beautiful day. -to Fragment: To take advantage of sunlight in photography.

6 Lack a subject and a verb
Added-Detail Fragments Lack a subject and a verb While we sat there waiting. For example, how he ate his food.

7 Missing-Subject Fragments
The subject in one sentence cannot apply to the next sentence. A subject and a verb must be present in each sentence. But then changed his mind and walked anyway. Revised: Bob didn’t want to walk all the way to town, but then changed his mind and walked anyway.

8 Checking for Sentence Fragments
Read your paper aloud from the last sentence to the first. Locate a subject, verb, and complete thought. Be on the lookout for the four most common fragments: Dependent-word -ing and –to Added-detail Missing-subject

9 Checking for Sentence Fragments
Locate the subject. Locate the verb. Inspires many poets and song writers. (This lacks a subject.) The pleasant weather of May. (This lacks a verb.)

10 Correcting Sentence Fragments
Combine the fragment with the sentence that precedes it or with the sentence that follows it. Dramatic weather conditions do not always cause disasters. But at times create beautiful situations as well. Correction: Dramatic weather conditions do not always cause disasters but at times create beautiful situations.

11 Be aware of situations that can lead to sentence fragments.
Examine a sentence that begins with a subordinating word. Because hail fell on the peach blossoms. Carefully select transitional words or phrases which introduce examples or a list. For example, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

12 Sentence Fragments Fragment
Decide whether each sentence group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. (Click to see the answer.) Fragment My Aunt Marie being a good cook.

13 Sentence Fragments Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. Correct She can spend hours reading a cook book.

14 Sentence Fragments Fragment Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. Although she says that she doesn’t like to read. Fragment

15 Sentence Fragments Fragment Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. Special desserts such as pecan pies, chocolate cheese-cakes, and pumpkin cake roll. Fragment

16 Sentence Fragments Correct Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. Aunt Marie’s desserts are not for those who are watching their diet. Correct

17 Sentence Fragments Correct Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. Filled with cream and sugar, these delicacies contain hundreds of calories. Correct

18 Sentence Fragments Correct Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. It often seems that any food item that tastes good is fattening. Correct

19 Sentence Fragments Fragment Decide whether each sentence
group is a correct sentence or if it is a sentence fragment. For example, ice cream and chocolate cake. Fragment

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