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Bremen town Musicians Fairy Tale… Listen to this story and use it to review and discuss author’s purpose– easy as P.I.E… (persuade, inform, or entertain).

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Presentation on theme: "Bremen town Musicians Fairy Tale… Listen to this story and use it to review and discuss author’s purpose– easy as P.I.E… (persuade, inform, or entertain)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bremen town Musicians Fairy Tale… Listen to this story and use it to review and discuss author’s purpose– easy as P.I.E… (persuade, inform, or entertain). Review character, setting, plot (problem-solution). Talk about realism versus fantasy. What makes this story fantasy?

2 Phonics Pattern of the week: Plurals…
Just Add “S” to most words to make them plural. ADD “ES” to words that end in sh, ch, tch, s, ss, or x. Change the y to i and add es in y-ending words. note + s = notes lunch + es = lunches story stories egg + s = eggs fox + es = foxes baby babies dish +es = dishes try tries

3 High Frequency words of the week Practice reading these words and understanding their meaning.
bought probably people scared pleasant shall sign

4 This week, we will begin comparing different versions of the same story. We will read the play version of Brementown Musicians after reading the narrative version of the story so see how they are similar and different. Having conversations about the similarities and differences between stories is a great way to support this skill. The spelling test on plurals will be on Friday, November 17.

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