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Presentation on theme: "S.P.Q.R. CONTRIBUTIONS OF ROME.."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 2 Using a complete sentence for each, identify what these structures might have been used for, and what purpose they served in Roman society. 3 Preview

3 The Achievements of Rome
Many Roman achievements in areas such as art, architecture, law, literature, engineering, and entertainment can still be seen in our society today. Essential Question: What Roman achievements made it the cornerstone in what we would later call “western civilization?”

4 At its height, the Roman empire contained portions of three continents (Africa, Europe, and Asia).
Keep in mind this area of influence as we look at examples of Roman achievements.

5 Greco-Roman Civilization
Romans adapted Greek culture to reflect their own values, beliefs, and traditions. (Ex…give deities Latin names)

6 Roman Art Reasons Statuary “warts and all” (realistic) Coins
political purposes commemorate events Statuary “warts and all” (realistic) Coins portraits revealed character Events Mythology

7 Elagabalus & Grandmother Hades stealing Persephone
Roman Coinage Elagabalus & Grandmother Hades stealing Persephone

8 Roman Architecture Columns (3 Greek orders)
Doric Ionic Corinthian Arch gave greater support which allowed larger buildings Dome almost figured it out but couldn’t close it fully


10 weight

11 The floor was made from stone from the four corners of the empire.
Pantheon The floor was made from stone from the four corners of the empire.

12 Engineering Roads aided the army remained long after the fall of Rome Aqueducts brought fresh water to cities (some still in use across Europe)


14 Science Galen medical encyclopedia (based on dogs and monkeys)
Ptolemy developed theory that Earth was the center of the universe (geo-centric theory) FYI - Both were widely considered correct until the Sci. Rev. in the mid 16th century.

15 Entertainment & Social Life
Circus Maximus chariot racing capacity = 250,000 Public Baths hot pools, warm pools, cold pools Colosseum gladiators, navy battles, and animal fights

16 Latin Official language of the western half of the empire
Official language of the Catholic church until the 20th century Many of the languages from western Europe derive from Latin – called Romance languages (essentially these are a mixture of Latin and the language of the tribe that conquered that area. (Franks in Gaul / end up with French)

17 Literature Poetry helped link the Roman world to the Greek
Virgil – wrote the Aeneid, about the Trojan warrior Aeneas

18 History Studied the rise and fall of Rome
Livy – wrote a history of Rome from its origins to 9 BC (more of a national myth than realistic history) Tacitus – accurate historian concerned about Roman morality

19 Philosophy Stoicism prioritizes duty and accepting one’s fate adopted from the teachings of the Greek philosopher Zeno Marcus Aurelius was the most noted stoic This emperor even wrote of book of philosophy called Meditations

20 Law, Government, & the Army
Empire the legions stretched Rome’s area of influence Roman Law 1. “innocent until proven guilty” 2. guilt must be “clearer than daylight” 3. Actions, not thoughts, were punishable Law, Government, & the Army

21 PROCESSING: Scavenger Hunt. You are to look around community to find examples of the three Greek orders of columns that the Romans incorporated in their architecture. Take pictures of each of these styles and tell where you found it. Also, find an arch used in architecture somewhere and take a picture of it as well.


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