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Clinical Reader in Clinical Pharmacology

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1 Conducting clinical trials - new evidence to improve patient care Dr Isla Mackenzie
Clinical Reader in Clinical Pharmacology Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO) University of Dundee

2 Clinical pharmacologists lead clinical trials that change practice
We are at the interface between patient care and clinical research Training in clinical trial design and conduct Clinical experience Ability to answer important research questions through clinical research Collaborations with other clinicians, academics and industry There are many recent and ongoing examples of clinical trials led by clinical pharmacologists

3 ALL-HEART study – Dr Isla Mackenzie (Clinical Pharmacologist, University of Dundee)
Does allopurinol improve cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ischaemic heart disease? 5,215 patients with IHD in >400 GP practices in Scotland and England Randomised to allopurinol added to usual care vs usual care Followed up for average of 4 years Results expected 2019 Study funded by NIHR HTA

4 (Clinical Pharmacologist, University of Dundee)
Standard care versus Celecoxib Outcome Trial (SCOT) – Prof Tom MacDonald (Clinical Pharmacologist, University of Dundee) Multicentre streamlined trial of cardiovascular safety of celecoxib vs traditional NSAIDs in patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis UK, Denmark and Netherlands 7301 patients randomised Record-linkage for study outcomes CV events were infrequent and similar on celecoxib and traditional NSAIDs Published: European Heart Journal 2017; 38(23): Study funded by Pfizer 459 primary care sites >3,800 patients randomised 25 research nurses, 8 study doctors, IT/admin staff, etc

5 PATHWAY-2 study – Prof Morris Brown (Clinical Pharmacologist, UCL)
What is the best drug for patients with resistant hypertension? Compared placebo, bisoprolol, spironolactone and doxazosin added to current treatment. Spironolactone was the most effective add-on drug for the treatment of resistant hypertension. Published: Lancet 2015; 386: 2059–68 Study funded by British Heart Foundation

6 TIME study – Prof Tom MacDonald
(Clinical Pharmacologist, University of Dundee) Treatment in Morning versus Evening – is morning or evening dosing of antihypertensive medications better? >21,000 randomised patients Online methodology Results expected 2019 Study funded by British Heart Foundation

7 These are just a few examples of important clinical studies led by Clinical Pharmacologists
Clinical pharmacology gives individuals the breadth of training and knowledge required to use their research expertise and clinical skills to lead and deliver important clinical research studies that change clinical practice.

8 I am a clinical pharmacologist
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) is one of 30 physician specialties in the medical career pathway. Consultants trained in this specialty lead on all aspects of medicines management. It is the only medical specialty in the NHS focusing on the safe, effective, and cost- effective use of medicines. Clinical pharmacologists play a crucial role in refining the use of currently available medicines, and in developing the pioneering medicines of tomorrow. Clinical pharmacologists have diverse career paths working, for example, in the NHS, regulatory bodies, clinical trials units, universities or the pharmaceutical industry.

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