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Maximizing iDistribution

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1 Maximizing iDistribution

2 iServices Distribution | Route Walk Sequence
Carrier Route Walk Sequencing Manage route delivery sequences through the iServices Distribution Web Portal. ON DEMAND: Change order a route is delivered Add or Modify walk sequences Print Route Walk Sequence Report Most delivery carriers are independent contractors, distributors or work for a distributor so they are unable to access the internal route walk sequence tools, as these delivery carrier's are not considered employees.  The newspaper doesn't own/manage or determine how the carrier will walk his/her route so they are unable to use the internal tools to update the carrier's desired walk sequence.  To solve this problem, the route walk sequence tool is now available within iServices Distribution, as this is the web-based self service portal for delivery carriers regardless of their employee status.

3 iServices Distribution | Route Walk Sequence
Carrier Route Walk Sequencing Pre Only available within the core application in Route Services

4 iServices Distribution | Route Walk Sequence
Route Walk Sequences

5 iServices Distribution | Route Walk Sequence
Delivery Segments * Address segments display when route walk sequences are already defined

6 iServices Distribution | Route Walk Sequence
You can: Change the side (odd, even or both) and the delivery order Change the house number range for the delivery segment Any house numbers not currently contained in a delivery segment will display under the street in the Streets area. If all of a street’s addresses have a sequence (i.e. are in the Delivery Segments area), it will no longer be listed in the Streets side, unless the View All checkbox is checked.

7 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Manage Draw Reallocate Published Draw This is the new iServices draw adjustment option, which adjusts draws between routes for a published date. Future Draw Changes This is the Draw Changes option that allows draws to be changed for future dates, which was previously available in iServices Distribution. New If the account can only enter draw adjustments (and not draw changes), the tab will be named Draw Reallocation, and the Draw Reallocation screen will display directly. If the account can only enter draw changes, the tab will be named Draw Changes and the Draw Changes screen will display directly

8 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Reallocate Published Draw Published draw can now be adjusted between single copy routes managed by the same account. Example: Agent original bulk supply 1,000 papers (end publishing run) Allocate 250 to route C1005 Allocate 300 to route C2009 Allocate 100 to route C1010 Allocate 350 to route C1015 The net adjustment for all the account’s routes must be zero. © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

9 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
iServices Draw Adjustments New Manage Draw Tab Reallocation Future Draws Click the Reallocate Published Draw link from the Managed Draw tab. Recent draw adjustment batches entered for the account display on the Draw Reallocation screen (the Business Rules define how for many days an entered draw adjustment batch displays here). If no recent batches exist for the account, this step is skipped and instead the batch fields will display directly. If the account can only enter draw adjustments (and not draw changes), the tab will be named Draw Reallocation, and the Draw Reallocation screen will display directly. If the account can only enter draw changes, the tab will be named Draw Changes and the Draw Changes screen will display directly © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

10 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
iServices Draw Adjustments Create Draw Allocation * Allocation must be done by Edition © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

11 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
(the Net Qty field in header is 0, and a green and white checkmark displays to the right of the field) © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

12 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Confirmation Screen * The batch is now ready to be accepted in Circulation

13 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Reallocate Published Draw Displays recent draw adjustment batches If no recent batches exist, this step is skipped Reallocate Published Draw Recent draw adjustment batches entered for the account display on the Draw Reallocation screen If no recent batches exist for the account, this step is skipped and instead the batch fields will display directly

14 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
iServices Draw Adjustments - Other Net adjustment must equal Zero Can’t move supply across Editions Batch will be suspended for review by internal staff Batch naming convention i[yymmdd][9999] © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

15 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Draw Adjustment Business Rules • Are draw adjustments allowed to be entered for products and routes that allow draw adjustments? • When entering a draw adjustment transaction, what is the draw adjust code? • How many days will you allow a draw adjustment to be backdated? • Is the delivery account for a single copy location allowed to enter its own draw adjustments? • Are the non-delivery accounts for a single copy location allowed to enter their own draw adjustments? • Is a bill-to only account for a single copy location allowed to enter their own draw adjustments? • Are district managers allowed to enter their carriers' draw adjustments? • For how many days should a draw adjustment batch display in the draw adjustment page? • Which default truck departure order should be used for displaying draw adjustment transactions? • Which default truck sequence should be used © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

16 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
What else controls this feature? Publication | Must allow draw adjustments Account Type | Must allow draw adjustments Single Copy Route | Must allow draw adjustments Single Copy Draw | One route must have draw © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

17 iServices Distribution | Draw Management
Other Changes Blurbs Instruction Blurb Reallocation Web Page Reallocation Entry Web Page Draw Adjustment List Page Route Setup Utility Allow Draw Adjustments © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

18 iServices Distribution | Auto Save
Web Session Time Warning The parameters can be set independently of one another (i.e. a warning but no autosave, autosave but no warning). The default for the warning parameter is 300 seconds. The default for the autosave parameter is also 300 seconds in the Cloud (30 seconds for on-premises sites). Set either parameter to zero to disable it. The warning will be “Session will end and changes will be automatically saved in <mm:ss>” if autosave is enabled (nonzero) and '”Session will end and changes will be lost in <mm:ss>” if autosave is disabled. Note that the autosave seconds should be less than or equal to the warning seconds, or the warning will not display.

19 iServices Distribution | Auto Save
iServices Distribution – Auto Saving New Business Rules: Distribution - Web | Draw section How many seconds before session timeout should a warning appear during data entry? How many seconds before session timeout should data autosave? Enabled | “Session will end and changes will be automatically saved in <mm:ss>” Disabled | ”Session will end and changes will be lost in <mm:ss>” The parameters can be set independently of one another (i.e. a warning but no autosave, autosave but no warning). The default for the warning parameter is 300 seconds. The default for the autosave parameter is also 300 seconds in the Cloud (30 seconds for on-premises sites). Set either parameter to zero to disable it. The warning will be “Session will end and changes will be automatically saved in <mm:ss>” if autosave is enabled (nonzero) and '”Session will end and changes will be lost in <mm:ss>” if autosave is disabled. Note that the autosave seconds should be less than or equal to the warning seconds, or the warning will not display. © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

20 iServices Distribution | HTML e-mails
The following are now shared between iServices Subscriber and Distribution: TemplatePath Protocol Type New Parameters BCC Address BCC List Change Account Info . Forgot Password . Registration The TemplatePath, Protocol and Type settings in the Admin module are now used for both iServices Subscriber and Distribution (Module is “All”). BCC Address and BCC List parameters have also been added for iServices Distribution. The HTML templates will be used for iServices Distribution s if Type is set to “HTML”. In addition, a JavaScript “dynwinsize” error that displayed for pages opening in popup windows has been corrected. © 2015 Newscycle Solutions

21 iServices Distribution | Draw Filters
iServices Distribution – Usability Filters Draw Filters Delivery Schedule Gross Net Draw Adjustments Returns The Draw tab in iServices Distribution can now roll up draws at the product level, rather than showing separate draws by delivery schedule (as in previous versions). Gross draw, net draw, adjustments and returns can also be displayed or suppressed. These filter options have been added to the Draw tab and default based on new Business Rules

22 iServices Distribution | Draw Filters
iServices Distribution – Filter Business Rules New Business Rules: Distribution - Web | Draw section • Show draw by delivery schedule when initially displaying draw? • Show gross draw when initially displaying draw? • Show net draw when initially displaying draw? • Show adjustments when initially displaying draw? • Show returns when initially displaying draw?

23 Questions Questions? Maximizing iDistribution

24 Thank You!

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