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Hematology/Oncology Resident Rotation Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Hematology/Oncology Resident Rotation Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hematology/Oncology Resident Rotation Orientation

2 Roadmap Goals of the rotation Your role/expectations
Roles of the rest of the team How to present a patient

3 Goals of the rotation Demonstrate knowledge of the initial diagnostic workup for common malignancies Demonstrate knowledge of the initial diagnostic workup benign hematological conditions Understand the range of morbidity associated with cancer Learn basic principles of cancer treatment When it’s appropriate to treat, when it’s not appropriate to treat Practice family discussions Become comfortable caring for oncology patients as a hospitalist

4 Your Role Your patients are YOUR patients
Pre round on your patients every morning Check with fellow/PA to ensure all patients are covered Attend rounds Ask fellow re: where/when to meet Be present for family meeting for patients you are following Ensure orders are placed/consults called/discharges completed Arrange follow up

5 Your Role Continued Assist with new admits Assist with consults
Give sign out to OCD unless otherwise specified Receive sign out from OCD and disseminate to team

6 What you are expected to know
The SOAP Basics of your patients’ diagnosis (i.e. when diagnosed, prior treatments, relevant mutations) What chemo drugs your patients are receiving Anticipated side effects of that chemo Goal of treatments

7 What you are not expected to know
Details of the chemotherapy regimen (i.e. dosages, times, planned treatments) until/if we tell you There will be many nursing/patient questions you cannot answer DO NOT JUST MAKE IT UP It’s ok to punt to the team Always better to call with questions than to never ask

8 Your role in learning You are expected to have read about the diagnosis of each of your patients Responsible for one minute presentation during the month Takes place during fellows’ didactic sessions If time/workload allows, attend fellow didactics on Tuesdays Attend Thursday school every week Attend your clinic once a week

9 Duty Hours Same as other rotations
2 weekends off during the rotation, work the other 2 On heme, you’ll be with an off service fellow On onc, sometimes will be just you and the oncology attending

10 What the fellows are doing
Following ALL the patients Following/seeing the consults Helping arrange follow up Ensuring chemotherapy given appropriately 24/7 call Required sessions for fellows: Hematology tumor board Tuesday 7:30-8:30 (for heme fellow) NCCN Guidelines Tuesday 2-4PM General tumor board Tuesday 4-5PM Didactics/journal club Wednesday 7-8:30 Clinic Wednesday 1-5PM

11 What the NP is doing One NP on heme only for the time being
Follows maximum of 6 patients Very helpful in logistical questions Can assist with tucking in direct admits Leave at 5PM

12 Admissions and Consults
We take admissions until 5PM on weekdays, 12PM on weekends Hematology admits/consults on leukemias, lymphomas, and myelomas Oncology admits/consults on everything else (solid tumors) If you question whether or not an admit is appropriate, discuss with fellow If you are called with a consult, discuss with fellow. Anticipate all consults called during the day are seen that day unless told otherwise. If you see a consult, it is expected that you will call the primary team with recs that day

13 What to do with direct admits from Cancer Center
See the patient, assess for needs, physical exam H&P is completed by Cancer Center doc (will be under Cancer Center notes) You need to complete “H&P update” note Under the old-style of placing notes Code status note Med rec Cache

14 Arranging follow up If anticipated discharge over weekend, be sure to arrange on Friday or sooner If no availabilities when patient must be seen, discuss with fellow New patients: Established patients: New patient Established CC fellow/attending on all s

15 How to present a patient
This is a __ year old female with a diagnosis of ____ with the mutations of ____ diagnosed in ____ (year) previously treated with ______(surgery/radiation/chemo) admitted for ______. This is day __ of cycle ___ of chemotherapy with _______.

16 Excellent resources – it’s free! Uptodate The pharmacist
The nurses Your team

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