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Topic C – Effects of Ageing

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1 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
C1: The physical changes of ageing C2: The psychological changes of ageing C3: The societal effects of an ageing population

2 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Ageing with the soap stars! Mind-map all of the health issues (PIES) both Dot and Sylvie have and could possible face; due to age and current health issues. Memory loss High risk of accidents Awareness of safety Lack of independence Difficulties communicating Poor immune system Reduced stamina Loss of bladder control Disturbed sleeping pattern Cataracts Impaired vision Loss of mobility Memory loss Hearing loss Social exclusion High risk of accidents Brittle bones stress Dot Branning Sylvie Carter

3 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes of ageing - Cardiovascular As we age our risk of cardiovascular disease also increases Cardiovascular disease – disease of the heart and blood vessels The main function of the heart Is to pump blood around the body Many older people develop narrowed arteries and blood vessels due to fats lining the walls of the blood vessels This ‘clogging up’ is called atherosclerosis; which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The blocked vessels have to work harder which sometimes causes breathlessness and chest pains What risk factors are associated with cardiovascular disease? Family history of heart disease Ethnic background Poorly controlled diabetes Rise in blood pressure Being overweight/obese Smoking Lack of exercise Patrick may be at risk of cardiovascular disease which caused him to suffer from a stroke

4 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Degeneration of nervous tissue An individual’s senses depend on the nervous system (nerves, the spinal cord and the brain) which is composed of nervous tissue. As we age the brain function declines as does the nervous system Decline in brain function affects short term memory and the ability to learn new things Our reaction rimes are slower meaning it takes longer to complete tasks The risks of accidents are also higher as sensation and reflexes are slower Independent task: Make a note of the physical changes linked to each of the sense due to ageing Skin becomes thinner and our sensitivity reduces to pain, temperature and vibration High-frequency sounds such as female or children's voices become harder to hear. Background noise takes over speech. Smell declines which can reduce sense of taste also. It becomes harder to smell mild scents Eyes become more sensitive to light vision can become blurry and eyes dry. Taste buds decrease as you age

5 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, a result of wear and tear of the joints and the ageing process. Osteoarthritis causes the joints to become painful and stiff, especially the hips, knee, neck, lower back, hands or feet. This makes completing every day tasks difficult to carry out Family history and obesity increase chances of developing osteoarthritis Physical symptoms include: Thinning and roughening of the joint cartilage Pain and swelling in joints Bony outgrowths and spurs on the end of bones Difficulty in moving, walking, lifting heavy objects

6 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Reduced absorption of nutrients Energy requirements may change in older age particularly if physical activity is restricted or reduced. Older people may need more protein-rich foods in their diet; such as eggs, pulses, dairy foods and lean meat. Vitamin D is important for good health and for absorbing calcium from food and preventing osteoarthritis Vitamin C is essential for several body functions, including wound healing, forming and maintaining healthy tissues. What issues may the elderly have with maintaining a nutritional diet? buying fresh fruit and vegetables difficult or expensive difficulty in preparing and eating them

7 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Dementia Vs Alzheimer's A person with dementia is likely to experience problems with understanding what is happening around them, communicating, reasoning, finding their way and remembering recent events.

8 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Dementia Vs Alzheimer's Alzheimer’s disease is the commonest form of dementia. The onset of Alzheimer’s disease is usually slow, initially involving parts of the brain controlling thought, memory and language. Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease have trouble with: Short-term memory and recalling the names of people they know May not recognise family members Begin to lose the ability to carry out particular tasks, like speaking, reading or writing Ability to carry out simple everyday tasks, like brushing teeth or combing hair may be forgotten. Alzheimer’s disease usually begins after the age of 60 and the risk of developing it rises as a person gets older. Risks of Alzheimer’s: If a family member has had the condition Treatment: At present, there is no treatment to cure or prevent the disease, but some medications may delay its progress for a limited time.

9 Topic C – Effects of Ageing
Physical changes – Depression Having a chronic condition in addition to the usual physical and psychological changes during the ageing process can worsen stress or depression for many older people. Create a two column diagram and consider the impacts of depression on physical and psychological health Physical impacts Psychological impacts Difficulty falling or staying asleep, oversleeping, or daytime sleepiness Fixation on death, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts Increased use of alcohol or other drugs Loss of self-worth, worries about being a burden, feeling of being worthless, self-loathing Weight loss or loss of appetite Social withdrawal and isolation, not wanting to be with friends, leave the house or take part in activities Fatigue Sadness Giving up or losing interest in hobbies and other pastimes

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