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IENE 2014 Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure.

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1 IENE 2014 Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19, Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Dpto. Biología Animal, Parasitología, Ecología, Edafología y Química Agrícola Universidad de Salamanca “Wherever a man puts his foot, always steps on one hundred paths” Ortega y Gasset (Spanish philosopher) Víctor Javier Colino Rabanal Facultad de Farmacia. Campus Miguel de Unamuno. C.P: Salamanca. España. Tfno: Fax:

2 Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Soundscape ecology is the study of sound within a landscape and its effect on organisms. Sounds may be generated by: Organisms (biophony) Physical environ. (geophony) Humans (anthrophony)

3 Reijnen y Foppen An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Reijnen y Foppen

4 365 m 365 m 200 m 305 m 305 m < 10000 vehicles/day
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes 365 m 365 m 200 m 305 m 305 m < vehicles/day > vehicles/day

Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes AREA 94, 223 Km2 INHABITANTS 2,510,890 DENSITY OF POPULATION 2.65 Inhabitants/Km 2 Area of study

6 Road soundscapes // road effect zone
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Road soundscapes // road effect zone CYPRUS 9,252 Km2 8,029 Km2 THE NETHERLANDS (1986)  25-30% UNITED STATES (2000)  18% ( 22% without Alaska) CASTILE AND LEON  8.5%

7 Landscape associations within the area of study
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Landscape associations within the area of study ≈ 35% area ≈ 65% area 5 landscape associations 8 landscape associations

8 40 Km/100Km 2 28 Km/100Km 2 Road density in the central plateau
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Northern mountains Iberian interior mountains Atlantic and sub-Atlantic mountains Mediterranean and continental mountains Basins and depressions Peneplain and foothills Countryside Meadows and banks Interior plains Valleys Moors and small plateaus Iberian moorlands Canyons and gorges Road density in each landscape association 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Road density in the central plateau (Countryside, Meadows and banks, Interior plains, Moors and small plateau, Iberian moorlands) 40 Km/100Km 2 Road density in the montainous peryphery (Mountains, basin and depresions, foothills, valleys, canyons and gorges) 28 Km/100Km 2

9 Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Main roads Relation between main roads and landscape associations (% Main roads in that landscape association relation to the total/% area of that landscape in relation to the total Northern mountain Interior plains Iberian interior mountain Meadows and banks Atlantic and sub-Atlantic mountains Valleys Mediterranean and continental mountains Moors and small plateaus Basins and depressions Iberian moorlands Peneplain and foothills Canyons and gorges Countryside

10 Percentage of road soundscapes within each landscape association
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Percentage of road soundscapes within each landscape association < 5% 5% - 7.5% 7.5 – 10% 10 – 12.5% > 12.5%

11 Christaller’s Central Place Theory
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Christaller’s Central Place Theory The geographer Christaller created the central place theory (CPT) in 1933. This theory attempts to explain the urban network organization, distribution and hierarchy in an unbounded isotropic and homogeneous surface. Each human settlement acts as a central place which provides services in the area under its influence. The model proposes a hierarchical arrangement of settlements conceptualized with hexagons. The result is a kind of fractal structure where the largest hexagons, which correspond with the most important cities, contain other hexagons of smaller sizes representing the influence areas of less relevant settlements.

12 Roads Cities An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes In this fractal structure, the “regional metropolis” is communicated with the secondary cities by highways and national roads. Secondary cities with villages by local roads. The areas of influence, with different radius in relation to the importance of the city, superimpose. It is possible to identify those zones with less anthropogenic influence, those with low road density areas. Following the geometrical design, these roadless areas also have fractal structure, with the biggest roadless areas going across the border of the regional metropolis area of influence (small anthropogenic presence), medium size roadless areas go across the border of the area of influence of the smaller cities. At smaller scale, roadless areas at local space. Roads Cities

13 Roads Cities An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes In this fractal structure, the “regional metropolis” is communicated with the secondary cities by highways and national roads. Secondary cities with villages by local roads. The areas of influence, with different radius in relation to the importance of the city, superimpose. It is possible to identify those zones with less anthropogenic influence, those with low road density areas. Following the geometrical design, these roadless areas also have fractal structure, with the biggest roadless areas going across the border of the regional metropolis area of influence (small anthropogenic presence), medium size roadless areas go across the border of the area of influence of the smaller cities. At smaller scale, roadless areas at local space. Roads Cities

14 An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes

15 National capital An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes National capital

16 National capital An approach to road networks and soundscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes National capital

17 Conclusions Road soundscapes and their distribution within landscapes
Universidad DE SALAMANCA IENE Life for a Greener Transport Infrastructure. September 16 – 19. Malmö, Sweden An approach to road networks and soundscapes Conclusions Road soundscapes and their distribution within landscapes Road are not distributed at random but follows certain spatial patterns. They tend to concentrate, mainly the main roads, in landcapes where road construction is cheaper because of structural reason (riverbank and meadows, lowlands, etc). Those areas are also essential for wildlife connectivity and they are impacted by road disturbance and noise. Christaller’s Central Places Theory We are aware of Christaller´s model cannot be found in the real world because of its initial assumptions. Obviously, the environment is not isotropic and homogeneous, at least at large scale. More, it is more applicable to road networks with radial patterns. Nevertheless, CPT can be a good approach to understand the spatial relationship between anthropogenic pressures, roadless areas at different scales, and biodiversity. It is always possible to find hierarchical dependences and radial pattern at certain spatial scale.

18 Tack !

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