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GF2 ChocoBreak Game November 5, 2015.

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1 GF2 ChocoBreak Game November 5, 2015

2 Day 3 For Today: Objective: How?
Students will learn how to use the GameFactory2 engine to create their 1st video game. Students will place objects and create programming to construct the basic functions of a video game. How? We will create a video game and learn the basic skills need to get started by developing the Tutorial Game called ChocoBreak.

3 A little review: The GF2 Screen
Menu Bar Menu Bar Standard toolbar Editor toolbar Workspace Window Editor Window Library Toolbar Properties Window Standard Toolbar Editor Window Editor Toolbar Workspace Window Library Window Properties Window

4 Review Questions: Which toolbar in the GameFactory2 holds the buttons to switch between the frame editor and the event editor? Navigate toolbar Which toolbar or window in the GameFactory2 allows the programmer to select objects for the program? Library Window List three properties that can be changed in the Properties window in the GameFactory2. Color, Movement, Size In the GameFactory2, what is the library? Objects preloaded into TGF2 are stored in the library. It allows you to quickly drag-and-drop objects from the library into the editor window. List the steps to place an object (character) into your editor. Open the library, choose your object, click on your object and drag it onto your editor widow.

5 What is the Tutorial Choco Game about?
It is a breakout-style game. You typically have a ball, a bat, and some bricks. But our game will be a super breakout game, with impressive graphics, made in 3D. A little history! Breakout Games The original Breakout game came out all the way back in It instantly became a success for Atari who developed it. The goal of the game is simple, you have to destroy the layers of bricks with a bouncing ball. You bounce your ball off the paddle you control. The goal might be simple, these games sure aren't!

6 So far, what have we done:
We have place objects from the Library into our games. We programmed/We had to teach our ball to bounce. Set the boundaries for the ball to bounce. We placed our avatar(player) in the game which will be controlled by the mouse. We created a path for our avatar to move in. We created an “Escape” key for the player to exit our game at any time. Added bricks to our game to represent milk chocolate candy. We programmed the bricks to be destroyed and given a score of 100 pts. We added a sky backdrop to our game frame. We add lives to our game.

7 What do we need to do? We need to teach our ball to come back when it leaves the play area. We need to add some finishing touches to detect when the number of lives equals zero and when it is the end of the game. We need to set up a high score table. You are going to create your Title Page! What is a title page? A title page is an introduction to your game! It tells the player: Who created this game. How to play the game –gives instructions Shows how the characters look like and their function. Tomorrow, you will be making a second level of your own!

8 Let’s get started! Open GF2. Open your game!

9 What’s due today: Your level one game frame. (That’s the frame we have been working on!) Your Title page! Call me when you are finished and I will grade your work. Exit ticket! Make sure you turn your exit ticket in before you leave.

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