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New Unit! Weather Variables

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1 New Unit! Weather Variables
Question of the Day What’s the structure of the atmosphere? New Unit! Weather Variables Can you name Earth’s 3 spheres, in order from highest to lowest? Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere 100

2 1. Atmosphere 2. Hydrosphere 3. Lithosphere A. Water B. Gas C. Rock
Match up the Spheres of the Earth 1. Atmosphere 2. Hydrosphere 3. Lithosphere A. Water B. Gas C. Rock

3 Atmosphere Gas Hydrosphere Water Lithosphere Rock
Are these spheres in order of increasing or decreasing density? Atmosphere Gas Hydrosphere Water Lithosphere Rock

4 Lowest to highest density

5 Layers of Atmosphere Based on temperature differences

6 4 Layers of Atmosphere

7 Interfaces Between Layers
Pauses (Stops) - Interfaces Between Layers Named after layer below EX. Tropopause Top of Troposphere

8 1. Troposphere Lowest layer Weather Decreasing temp. with altitude

9 2. Stratosphere - Earth’s Sunscreen
Ozone Layer O3 absorbs UV Increasing temp. with altitude Airplanes fly here

10 3. Mesosphere Very little ozone Decreasing temp. with altitude
Coldest layer Meteors burn up

11 4. Thermosphere “Thermo” = heat
Dramatically increasing temp. with altitude HOT!!! >1000º C Intense insolation

12 Does Air Have Mass? Does Air Have Volume?

13 Mass Volume Density = Amount of matter in an object
Amount of space an object occupies Mass Volume Density =

14 Which layer has the greatest density
Which layer has the greatest density? (Hint: think about the order of layers) Thermosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere

15 1. As altitude increases in the stratosphere, air temp. _________
2. Ozone is concentrated at altitudes km. Which layer has the greatest concentration of ozone? 3. What do tropopause, stratopause and mesopause all have in common? 4. What’s the altitude of mesopause? 5. Earth’s atmosphere is divided into 4 layers based on ____________ ?


17 Layers of Atmosphere - Answers
1. Temperature increases 2. Stratosphere 3. Each is an interface between two layers of the atmosphere 4. 80 km. (or 50 mi.) 5. Earth’s atmosphere is divided into 4 layers based on temperature


19 Question of the Day What is the composition of the atmosphere?
1) Please take out ESRT 2) Draw this graph in notebook 3) Fill in graph for the Troposphere Altitude Temperature 101

20 Alt. Temp.

21 Atmospheric Pressure Also called Barometric Pressure or Air Pressure Due to weight of overlying atmosphere pushing down

22 Which layer has the most air pressure?

23 Water Vapor Mostly in Troposphere Decreases with altitude


25 Composition of Troposphere? 78% N, 21% O, 1% Other (gases and dust)

26 Elements and compounds constantly moving between spheres - recycling
Atmospheric Balance Elements and compounds constantly moving between spheres - recycling H2O O2 CO2






32 Question of the Day How is the atmosphere heated?
Please take out Composition worksheet and ESRT In which layer of the atmosphere does most weather occur? 1) Tropopause ) Stratopause 3) Troposphere ) Stratosphere 102

33 Question of the Day How is the atmosphere heated?
In which layer of the atmosphere does most weather occur? 1) Tropopause 2) Stratopause 3) Troposphere 4) Stratosphere 102


35 Weather Weather Variables
Condition of the variables of the atmosphere Weather Variables Temperature, air pressure, wind, moisture, cloud cover, precipitation, storms

36 Heating of Atmosphere Direct absorption of insolation
Conduction - air touches Earth Absorption of infrared radiation from Earth by Greenhouse Gases

37 Condensation (water vapor → liquid)
Sublimation (water vapor → ice) Ex.: clouds, fog, dew, frost

38 Coriolis Effect - friction at interface of atmosphere & Earth

39 Expansion and Compression of Air
Gas expands, temperature ↓ Gas is compressed (contracted), temperature ↑

40 Transfer of Heat Energy
Convection Currents Differences in air density → differences in air pressure Winds are the part of convection currents parallel to Earth

41 Regents Question The transfer of heat energy within the troposphere occurs primarily by: 1) insolation 2) conduction 3) radiation 4) convection

42 Regents Question As a mass of air rises in the troposphere, its temperature will: 1) decrease due to expansion 2) decrease due to compression 3) increase due to expansion 4) increase due to compression


44 Activity What would you experience if you could ride an open elevator through the atmos phere? Write a travelers’ guide to an elevator ride to a point 150 km above Earth Describe changes in 1) temperature, 2) air pressure, 3) water vapor. Also, describe protective equipment you’d need to survive the trip. Bon voyage!


46 Question of the Day What factors affect air pressure?
When gas expands, temperature ____ HINT: When gas is compressed, temperature _____. HINT: 103

47 Atmospheric Pressure = Barometric Pressure = Air Pressure
Pressure due to weight of overlying atmosphere pushing down

48 Barometer Measures air pressure in millibars (mb) or inches
1. Mercury Barometer Air pushes down on mercury Mercury rises in closed tube

49 2. Aneroid Barometer Metal can that’s a partial vacuum expands & contracts with changes in air pressure


51 Pressure Chart What’s the interval? mb scale ____ in. scale ____
Standard air pressure (1 atmosphere or atm.) at sea level is mb = in. of Hg What’s the interval? mb scale ____ in. scale ____

52 Convert these readings:
mb = 30.20 in. 30.53 in. = mb 29.81 in. = mb

53 Isobar Isoline connecting points of equal barometric pressure

54 Temperature vs. Air Pressure
Temperature increases ↑ Air expands Density & pressure decrease ↓

55 Water Vapor vs. Air Pressure
Greater amount of H20 (humidity) ↑ Lower the density and pressure ↓ H20 weighs less than < N2 or 02

56 Altitude vs. Air Pressure
High altitude Low density ↓ Low pressure ↓ Low altitude High density ↑ High pressure ↑


58 Summary Temperature ↑ Water Vapor ↑ Altitude ↑ Decreases Decreases
Density Pressure Temperature ↑ Water Vapor ↑ Altitude ↑ Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases Decreases


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