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The Metric System: Measuring Length

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1 The Metric System: Measuring Length

2 Introduction to the Metric System
The metric system first came about in the 1790’s when the French Academy of Science was asked to construct a new system of units for use throughout the world. The metric system evolved over the years and in the 1960’s was named the International System of Measurement (SI for short). To get the meter, they divided a line from the north pole to the equator into 10 million parts!

3 Advantages of Metric System
No numbers to memorize Only 30 individual units Easy to say and write No fractions only decimals World standard Converts easily by multiples of 10.

4 Units of Measurement Examples: Kilometer Hectometer Decameter Meter
Prefixes and Multiplier: Kilo = 1000 Hecto = 100 Deca = 10 Meter = 1 Deci = .1 Centi = .01 Milli = .001 Examples: Kilometer Hectometer Decameter Meter Decimeter Centimeter Millimeter

5 Length: The standard unit of length in the metric system is the meter. Other units of length and their equivalents in meters are as follows: 1 millimeter = meter 1 centimeter = 0.01 meter 1 decimeter = 0.1 meter 1 decameter = 10 meters 1 hectometer = 100 meters 1 kilometer = 1000 meters

6 Abbreviations: We abbreviate these lengths as follows: 1 millimeter = 1 mm 1 centimeter = 1 cm 1 meter = 1 m 1 decimeter = 1 dm 1 kilometer = 1 km

7 Examples: For reference, 1 meter is a little longer than 1 yard or 3 feet. It is about half the height of a very tall adult. A centimeter is nearly the diameter of a dime, a little less than half an inch. A millimeter is about the thickness of a dime.

8 Metric Conversion Steps
For more on conversions visit:All you will need to know about metric.

9 English to Metric Conversions
39,370 inches = 1 kilometer feet = 1 kilometer .62 miles = 1 kilometer 39 inches = 1 meter 3.28 feet = 1 meter 1 inch = 254 mm 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 foot = cm 1 yard = cm 1 yard = .914 m 1 mile = m 1 mile = km You do not need to know these. They are just for you to get an idea of how these systems compare.

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