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Drilling Rig Accessoires and Tools

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1 Drilling Rig Accessoires and Tools
Getech Design Department Welcomes You All KT Session On Drilling Rig Accessoires and Tools 26/2/2016

2 Drilling Rig Accessories
Drill Rods Hammers Bits Adaptors Conversion Subs

3 Female adaptor Drill Rod Drill Pipe is hollow, thin-walled, steel piping that is used on drilling rigs to facilitate the drilling of a bore well Drill Rods are connected with male and female adaptor. Drill Pipe Material is JSL-15 Adaptor material are EN-19 Drill rods are Friction welded and induction hardened Drill Rod Sizes 2” , 2 ½”, 3” , 3 ½“ , 4 ½ “ & 5” Drill pipe Friction Weld Male adaptor

4 Drill Rod Sizes Drill Rod Sizes Available Sizes 5 feet 10 feet 15 Feet
2 " YES - 2 1/2" 3 " 3 1/2" 4 1/2" 5"

5 DTH Hammer DTH  means Down-The-Hole Drill is called in most drilling terms. The DTH hammer is one of the fastest ways to drill in hard rock. Types of Hammers: Valve Less Hammers : High Pressures Hammers Valve Hammers : Low Pressure Hammers DTH hammers are used in bench drilling, underground production drilling, exploration and foundation drilling. Available sizes are Dia 2 1/2“ , 3” , 3 ½ “ , 4” ,4 ¾ “ , 6 “ , 8 “ , 10” and 12”

6 Sizes : 16” to 48” or as per customer requirement
Cluster Hammer Sizes : 16” to 48” or as per customer requirement

7 Cluster Hammer

8 Rivers circulation bits
Drill Bit Types Drilling Bits DTH Bits Rotary Bits Core Drilling Bits Auger Drilling bits Rivers circulation bits

9 DTH Drill Bits DTH Bits are used with Down-the-hole hammers for drilling holes through a wide range of rock types. In conjunction with DTH hammers, drill hammer bits are designed with a splined drive for rotating the bit in the ground. Drill bits are available in different sizes ,so they can drill a wide range of hole sizes. DTH Drill Bit Sizes Dia ½ “ , 3” , 3 ½ “ ,4 ½” , 6 ½” , 8 ½” ,10 5/8”, 12”, 15”, 18” & 20” Material is EN-36

10 Hammer Size and Suitable Drill Bits Required Air Pressure in PSI
Suiatable Bits Required Air Pressure in PSI 2 1/2" 3 " 3" 3 1/2" & 4" 3 1/2" 4 “ & 4 1/2" 4 " 4 1/2", 4 3/4" & 6 1/2" 4 3/4" 4 3/4“ , 5“ & 6 1/2 6" 6 1/2" & 8 " 6 1/2" 6 1/2" , 8 " & 10" 8" 10" & 12" 10" 12" , 14 & 16 12" 14”, 16”, 18” & 20” Note: 1 Bar = 14.5 PSI (Pound-force per Sq .Inch)

11 Rotary Bits There are basically three types of Rotary Bits Drag Bits
Rock Roller Bits Diamond Bits

12 Drag Bit A drag bit is a drill bit usually designed for use in soft formations such as sand, clay, or some soft rock. Drag Bits manufactured as one solid piece of alloy steel offer greater durability and reliability.  However, they will not work well on hard rock formations. Uses include drilling water wells, geothermal, environmental and exploration drilling. DRAG BIT SIZES - 3 7/8" to 26"

13 Rock Roller (Tricone) Bits
Rock Roller bits have conical cutters or cones with steel teeth or tungsten carbide buttons around them. As the drill string is rotated, the bit cones roll along the bottom of the borehole in a circular motion. As they roll, new teeth come in contact with the bottom of the hole, chipping the formation below and around the bit tooth. Air or drilling fluid to lift the crushed rock chips from the bottom of the hole. Rock Roller bit sizes from 2 1/2" to 24“. Tungsten Carbide Bit Milled Teeth Bit

14 Diamond Bits  The term "diamond bit" normally refers to bits incorporating surface-set natural diamonds as cutters. Diamond bits are used in abrasive formations. They drill by a high-speed plowing action that breaks the cementation between rock grains. Fine cuttings are developed in low volumes per rotation. Sizes are 3 ½ to 8 ½

15 Drilling Layout This Picture explains you clearly how to connect from RHGB to the drilling hammer through various components. This in turn Has Various adaptor, conversion sub fixed to the various parts of the drill layout

16 Core Drill Bits Core Bit Size Core Dia (mm) Hole Dia (mm) AQ 27 48 BQ
A core drill is a drill specifically designed to remove a cylinder of material, much like a hole saw. The material left inside the drill bit is referred to as the core.  Core drills used in metal are called annular cutters. Core drills used for concrete are generally called Diamond Core Drills and are water cooled. Core Bit Size Core Dia (mm) Hole Dia (mm) AQ 27 48 BQ 36.6 60 NQ 47.6 75.7 HQ 63.5 96 PQ 84 122.6

17 Odex Button Bits The word Odex is a short for overburden drilling excentrlc. This drilling is using casing to line the hole when passing through the soil overburden before entering the sound rock. Suitable for sedimentary and hard rock, these are vastly consistent and durable. Odex Drill Rod Sizes Drilling Size Reaming Dia 3 1/2" 5 4 1/2 " 6 1/2" 5 1/2" 7 1/2" 8 1/2" 7" 9 1/2" 12" 11" 14 1/2" Reaming Dia Drill Size

18 Auger Drilling Bits Key to the process of auger drilling is the shape of the drill bit. Shaped like a helical screw and driven rotationally into the ground, the auger drill produces a borehole quickly and efficiently, depending on the type of the soil formation. Adaptor Cutter Head (Bullets) Pilot Bit Auger Plats Sizes are from 3 “ to 24”

19 Reverse circulation Bits
Reverse Circulation drilling is a fast and cost efficient method of retrieving high quality samples from exploration and mine drilling. Sizes are Drill Rod size is 3.5 “ , 4.5 “ & 5.5 Hammer is 4” & 5” Drill Bit size is 5 ¼ “ , 5 ½ “ & 5 ¾ “

20 Conversion Sub Conversion Subs are used as intermediate to connect one size to another size.

21 Thank you for Observation and Interest
Thank you for Observation and Interest. Regards Design Department Getech Equipments International Pvt Ltd Hyderabad.

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