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Unit 1 Lesson 2: Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates

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1 Unit 1 Lesson 2: Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates
Page 37

2 The subject of a sentence
The subject tells whom or what the sentence is about. You can find the subject of the sentence if you can find the verb. Let’s practice finding subjects and verbs:

3 Identify the subject and verb
1. The tall woman stepped gingerly across the table. 2. The dentist sat next to the patient. He said she looked like she had been up all night. Puppies will chew anything: old shoes, dirty socks, glossy magazines. The doctor was wearing sneakers and pale green surgical scrubs. We all sat outside in the miserable heat.

4 Good, now that we know a subject is who or what the sentence is about…
A complete subject is ALL of the words that make up a subject. For example: SIMPLE SUBJECT The study of small insects is a hobby of mine. COMPLETE SUBJECT The study of small insects is a hobby of mine.

5 The predicate The predicate tells what the subject is, has, does, or feels. Example: Ralph (subject) jumped (predicate). He (subject) plays well (predicate) That tall girl (subject) is the team captain (predicate) Some of the students from my homeroom (subject) are sitting in the last two rows of bleachers (predicate)

6 “Try it out” Please do numbers 1-8 in your notes on page 37.
Then we will discuss the answers.

7 Fantastic Now do numbers 9-21 in your notes.
If you are unable to complete them right now, they are due before our next Grammar period. You are responsible for completing them before then.

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