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Econ Unit 2 Review.

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1 Econ Unit 2 Review

2 What economic indicator measures the value of a nation’s currency?
1. What economic indicator measures the value of a nation’s currency?

3 2. What does GDP measure?

4 3. Why are high foreclosure rates considered an indicator of economic contraction?

5 4. Which of the following does the Federal Reserve have the most direct control over? Employment Taxation Money Supply Stock Value

6 Name one way to minimize the risk involved with investing in stocks.
5. Name one way to minimize the risk involved with investing in stocks.

7 6. What is the DOW Jones?

8 Describe the overall trend in GDP over time.
7. Describe the overall trend in GDP over time.

9 Name and describe the 4 stages of the business cycle.
8. Name and describe the 4 stages of the business cycle.

10 9. Explain one use of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for an average American.

11 A friend argues that the American economy is struggling.
10. A friend argues that the American economy is struggling. Use information about economic indicators that would refute this claim.

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